U 2010 January 13. 2010 M artin L uth er K ing J r , Page 39 s p e c ia l ed itio n to Obama CHANGE I la s c o n ic to th e R eal Estate m ark et D o n ’t Panic.... ADJUST! Selliiig^B uying o r Investing, the tim e is NOW! FROM KING’S DREAM TO OBAMA’S PROMISE Real Estate Broker/ Sole Practitioner ft : 5622 NE 10th Ave Portland, OR 97211 f > «»*** cell 503.703.4462 -x* I fax 971.244.0204 www.chrisguinn.net 1 y \ C Y N T H IA G R IG G S F L E M IN G JUalxjrj i \ Il Q \ l i f s< M i « >* R t J f» M \ Foreword by t .S . CrmgrratwtMiuti Eleanor Hoboes Norton ‘T es We Did?" a book by University o f Kentucky histo­ rian Cynthia Griggs Fleming exam ines black leadership from King to Obama. complete. In discussing her methods in the introduction, Fleming points out that she relies heavily on interviews from prominent Af- rican Americans in politics, busi- ness, and media. Thus, the black leaders' voices are not circumscribed by the analysis; instead, their voices shape the analysis," she writes- Fair enough. But in doing so, the book ends up being limited to the analysis of prominent blacks, leaving the reader with a picture ofthe issue that seems incomplete, and is short on any concrete data to back up her claims, However, "Yes We Did?" does shed some light on a per- plexing topic that isn’t going away anytime soon. R«" — » 1 — — » — — — _ _______________ w t___ Q11 h c r r i k P f 503-288-0033 O U D S C r lD C ’ Fill Out & Send To: 1,11 |Iorttanh ©bseruer Attn: Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 ATENERGYTRUST.ORG M A K E A N EN ER G Y SAVIN G S C O N N ECTIO N Having trouble finding that perfect energy-saving solution; I he answer is Energy trust of Oregon's website, the place to go to find your energy saving soul mate Whether your perfect match is an energy improvement project for your home 01 the light contractor to help you with your energy upgrades, you can find it on our easy-to-navigate website Use our online energy calculator or Sign up for a Horne Energy Review to learn what energy upgrades i i I A t I EnergyTrust of Oregon