M Page 36 a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r . January 13. 2010 2010 s p e c ia l ed itio n In the Footsteps o f Martin Luther King Jr. continued from page 28 Since then, the clinic has steadily grown, and offers even more services to those that need it the most at a new location. Martin Luther King Jr. be­ lieved that a society should be judged by the condition of its le a s t-w e ll-o ff m em b ers. Ginsberg explained that theclinic applies the same principle to community health. “The community is only as healthy as those who have the least," she said. Smith said that she routinely encountered people, including the Katrina evacuees, who had ail­ ments that went untreated be­ cause they couldn't afford a doctor. She knew diabetics who went with out insulin, and others who hadn't seen a physician in over five years. “ I thought, if we had a free clinic this w ouldn't be a prob­ lem,” she said. After Smith floated her pro­ posal, Ginsberg asked her em ­ ployer, Kaiser Permanente, if n continued on page 41 . photo by M ark W ashington /T he P ortland O bserver Pastor Mary Overstreet Smith (right), the co-founder of the North by Northeast Community Health Center, chats with Suzy Jeffreys, the clinic manager. B Civil Rights Era Leaders: » , Iw continued from page 32 Lola Hendricks (1932-): activist, local leader in Birmingham Campaign Iw Z'i i f f Julius Wilson Hobson (1919-1977): organizer, agitator, re­ searcher, plaintiff IBEW 48 UNION E L E C T R I C A L W OR K £ R S STRONG AND PROUD Myles Horton (1905-1990): teacher of nonviolence, pioneer activist F 1/ !>S Jesse Jackson (1941-): clergyman, activist, politician June Jordan (1936-2002): writer, poet, civil rights activist, feminist Proud Host of the Coretta Scott King (1927-2006): Martin Luther King’s wife and fellow civil rights activist. Electrical Workers Minority Caucus Martin Luther King Jr. (1929-1968): clergyman, SCLC co­ founder and president, activist 20 th annual conference January 1 4 -1 7 , 2010 Portland, Oregon Leaders of Diversity in the Construction Industry James Lawson (1928-): teacher of nonviolence, activist Bernard Lafayette (1940-): SCLC and SNCC activist and organizer Joseph Lowery (1921-): SCLC leader, activist Clara Luper (1923-): Sit-in movement leader, activist Ihurgood Marshall (1908-1993): an eminent American jurist, best remembered tor his legal policies in the fields of criminal procedures and civil rights James Meredith (1933-): independent student leader and self­ starting activist continued V on page 45