M a r t in L u t h e r K in g J r Our next 50 years start with you and the Future of Urban Renewal (FOUR) initiative. This initiative includes the com­ munity in updating plans for our Urban Renewal Areas (URAs), and is your opportunity to join us for important public discussions about our collective future. Get Involved* There are meetings under way: The North/Northeast Economic Development Initiative, is j examining the Interstate Corridor and Oregon Con- w vention Center urban renewal areas; the Central City / Study is looking at the potential for a new urban renewal area in downtown Portland. Both studies include an analysis of past and future investments, possible boundary adjustments and identification of area priorities, pation can ensure the work we do enhances livability and e for citizens within urban renewal areas and the citv nt-lnrnc Rhythm Traders m oved to their n ew lo ca­ tion on NE MLK, Jr. Blvd. with the help of a PDC Storefront M atching G rant, a n d revital­ alendar ot events, and Q g a in a greater understanding Tax Increment Financing. ized a v a c a n t buillding in the O regon C onvention C en ter U rban R enew al A rea. Be­ low, the M ountain Shop also For additional information contact PDC's Public Participation Manager, Joleen Jensen-Classen at 503.823.3352, or Jensen-classenj@pdc.us. b en efited from a Storefront Im provem ent G rant. Twitter/pdxdevelopment • facebook.com/pdxdevelopment YouTube: [search] Portland Development Commission PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT C O M M ISSIO N P atto n P ark u p g ra d e s a n d p la y g ro u n d e q u ip m e n t w a s m a d e p o ssib le u sin g In terstate C o rrid o r U rb a n R en ew al A re a funds. WWW