Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 13, 2010, 2010 special edition, Page 18, Image 18

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    Page 18
% 2010
M artin L uther K ing J r .
January 13, 2010
sp e c ia l eelHion
Oh How Sweet the
A G ospel c h o ir that num bers
o ver 130 people strong w as o rg a ­
nized back in 2(M)6 when Raym ond
Burell 111 spurred a com prised
reunion g roup o f past and present
m em bers o f the V ancouver A v­
enue First B aptist C hurch.
T o d a y th is a c c la im e d e n ­
sem ble, representing several g e n ­
erations, unites on special o c ca ­
sions to create one d istinguished,
hom e-grow n gospel choir; O How
Sw eet the Sound.
T hroughout the evolution o f the
troupe, the c h o ir has grow n to
also include a host o f local and out
o f state guest singers associated
with oth er local churches. Since
the c h o ir's conception, this a w e ­
inspiring ch o ir continues to exalt
the nam e o f Jesus C hrist in an
explosive spirit! T hey are a truly
a treat to be seen, heard and
T he c h o ir's next ap pearance is
on Sunday, Jan. 17 during a 3
p.m. M artin L uther King D rum
M ajor service at the church, lo­
cated at 3138 N. V ancouver Ave. The Vancouver Avenue Renuion Gospel Choir performs Sunday during a Martin Luther King Drum Major
B y M ayst A n g e la u
A hater is someone who is jealous and envious and
spends all their time trying to m ake you look small so
they can look tall.
I hey are \ ery negative people to say the least. Nothing
is ever good enough!
When you make your mark, you will always attract
some haters...
I hat s why you have to be earelul with whom you
share your blessings and your dreams, because
some folk ean’t handle seeing you blessed...
It s dangerous to be like somebody else
IfG od wanted you to be like somebody
else, lie would have given you what lie
gave them! Right?
You never know what people have
gone through to get what they have...
The problem I have with haters is
that they sec my glory, but they don't
know my story...
II the grass looks greener on the other
side ol the fence, you can rest assured
that the water bill is higher there too!
W e’ve all got some haters am ong us!
Some people envy you because you can:
a) Have a relationship with God
b) Light up a room when you walk in
c) Start your own business
d) Tell a man/woman to hit the curb
(if he/she isn't about the right thing)
• e) you are a strong person and don't let people run
you over
I) you have a strong & loving marriage and they can’t
get in-between spouses to spoil it
H aters c a n 't stand to see you happy.
H aters will never w ant to see you succeed.
Most ot our haters are people who are supposed to
be on our side (like some family and friends).
How do you handle your undercover haters?
You can handle these haters by:
I. Knowing who you are & who your true friends
are *( V1 RY IMP( )RTANT!!)
2 . 1 laving a purpose to your life: Purpose does not mean
hav ing a job. You can have a job and still be unfulfilled.
A purpose is hav ing a clear sense o f what (iod has
called you to be.
Your purpose is not defined by what others
think about you.
3. By remembering that what you have
is by divine prerogative and not human
Fulfill your dreams! You only have
one life to live...when it’s your time to
leave this earth, you want to be able to
say, ‘I ’ve lived my life and fulfilled my
dreams. Now I’m ready to go HOME!
Drum Major
Service Sunday
Historic church
honors leaders
T he historic V an co u v er A v ­
enue First B aptist C hurch, 3138.
N. V ancouver A ve., invites the
co m m u n ity to attend the annual
D rum M ajor E cum enical S ch o l­
arship S ervice and A w ard C er­
em o n y on Sunday, Jan. 17 at 3
p.m .
T he p rogram honors the lives
and legacies o f the late Rev. Dr.
When God gives you favor, you can
tell your haters, ‘Don't look at me...
Look at who is in charge o f me....
Pass this to all o f your family & friends
who you know are not hating on you includ­
ing the person who sent it to you.
If you don t get it baek, maybe you called some­
body out! Don’t worry- about it, it’s not your problem, it's
theirs. Just pray for them, that their life can be as fulfilled
as yours!
Hatch out for Haters...BUT most o fu ll don't become
Rev. J.W. Matt Hennessee
M artin L u th er K ing Jr., M rs.
C o retta Scott K ing, M rs. R osa
Parks and M s. Y olanda K ing.
T he them e o f the ev en t is
titled L iving the D ream and it is
an inspiring kick o ff to P ortland’s
m any adm irable M L K tributes.
E ntering its fourth y ear o f im p le­
m entation, the p rogram c o n tin ­
ues to grow strong in p opularity,
uniting co m m u n ities o f all faiths
in the nam e o f peace and unity.
■join today www.AfhcanAmehcanChambeiOfCommerce.com
John Kroger
on page 26