January 13, 2010 U M artin L uther K ing J r . Page 17 2010 s p e c i a l e o l i io n College Students Honor King Inspired Nation, World Oregon Schools organize MLK service projects In 1968 Martin Luther King Jr. proclaimed, “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve.” On Monday, Jan. 18, 1,200 students from 11 Oregon colleges and universities will honor Dr. King through a united day of service. “The vision for the day is to join our institutions together to reflect on and learn about the life of King, as well as show the Portland metro area that college students really care about our co m m u n ity by se rv in g its people,” said Warner Pacific Col­ lege President Andrea Cook. Theday will begin with a rally hosted by Concordia University in northeast Portland. Students will hear from the local King continued from page 4 1963; and becam e not only the sym bolic leader o f A m eri­ can blacks but also a world figure. At the age of 35, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the young­ est man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When noti­ fied of his selection, he an­ nounced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement. On the evening of April 4,1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tenn., where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated. EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United 4800 NE 30th Ave. Port­ land OR 97211 503-335-8772 Eleven Oregon colleges offer community service during the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. Elementary School Choir, key- Im m ediately following the note speaker Pastor Mark Strong rally, students will board buses of the Life Change Christian and head out to over 15 project C enter, and Portland Pastor sites across Portland. A wide Emmett Wheatfall, who will re­ continued on page 34 cite the words of Dr. King. You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30P.M dfc > 4 Pastor & W ife- Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright Worship Service 12:00 Noon Evangelistic Service 7:(X) PM. Weekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:30 PM. Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 PM. Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00 Obama and King: Nobel Prize Winners detractors. After being awarded the prize several conservative ing that it was politically charged, Norwegian papers argued that and Obama had few concrete the committee was using the accomplishments. domestic problems of a single King, like Obama, lived in country “as the yard stick for the times that were perhaps equally award of the prize.” trying. Thirty five years ago, the Looking back at newspaper former police commissioner of headlines shortly before he was Birmingham, Ala., who had King awarded the prize in 1964, the •arrested the year before during country was undergoing dra­ a violent protest, said that the m atic transform ations. Civil committee was “scrapping the rights marches turned violent as bottom of the barrel” in award­ politicians waffled on support ing King the prize. for the cause, and calls for more Som e critics o f O b am a’s m ilitant approaches becam e award said that it was ironic steadily louder. that he was aw arded the prize But King stuck to the non­ for prom oting fraternity be­ violent approach he modeled tween nations and working to­ after Mahtma Ghandi who led ward the “abolition or reduc­ India to independence from Brit­ tion o f standing arm ies,” while ain in the 1940s. escalating the war in A fghani­ T he sam e y e a r he w as stan and taking few steps to awarded the prize, King told a confront the military-industrial reporter for the New York Ti mes com plex. . that the more militant approaches Obama has traveled exten­ to civil rights were “immoral and sively during his young presi­ ineffective.” dency working to reassure people “Violence might bring about across the world that America temporary victory, but it cannot can be a source of moral forti­ bring about permanent peace,” tude and, maybe, change. he later noted- words that Obama But just a year into his presi­ in v o k ed in his a c c e p ta n c e dency it still remains to be seen speech. if Obama will live up the expec­ King was also not without his tations of the Nobel committee. continued from page 11 WtfO Your iC Join us for an anointed Miracle Service! Come and receive your Miracle and your breakthrough! GOD WILL DO IT AGAIN IN 2010! Frid a y, Ja n u a ry 2 9 th a t 7p m New Song Community Center 2511 NE MLK Blvd. Corner of ne mik Blvd and Russell Street Infant and Toddler care will be provided. Doors open at 6pm for every service For directions or more information, call 503-488-548 or log on to w iM V tf.m fhm portland.com