Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 06, 2010, Page 6, Image 6

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Turning a New Leaf on Health
Excuse 3: I’m stressed but I
don’t have a lot o f time to unwind
or meditate.
the gym.
W h en ev er y o u ’re fee lin g
Thirty minutes o f exercise three
times a week is a great way to get on high-strung at work, give your­
the fast track to fitness. Try break­ self a minute to take a few deep
ing that 30 minutes into brisk 10 breaths. And try to work in time
to relax after work with family or
minute walks.
E xcuse 4: I ’m
smoking light ciga­
rettes and will gradu­
ally cut back to none
at all.
Smoking will kill
you. It is the most
preventable cause o f
death in the U.S. But
quitting can be a
challenge. Find a
support group, or try
using p atch es or
Excuse 5 :1 do fine
on five hours o f
Experts say you
need seven. A lack
o f sleep can contrib­
ute to diabetes, obe­
sity, even depres­
Tips to make your resolutions stick
You hear them every year.
People make New Year’s reso­
lutions to help turn a new leaf on
better health.
But often times these robustly-
stated prom ises are steadily
eclipsed by the same old
habits that prompted the
resolution in the first
M ultnom ah County
has some tips on how to
lay low common excuses
separating you from your
Excuse 1: Eating the
recommended five serv­
ings or fruit or vegetables
is too much food.
It’s not that much. If
you can work in a half
cup o f coo k ed v e g ­
etables, a half cup o f raw
leafy vegetables, and a
small piece of fruit, you ’re
more than halfway there.
Bring a bag o f carrots to
munch on at work.
Excuse 2: I can’t find
time to exercise or go to
H1N1 Shots
for the j \ f e w
offer best
Oregon Public Health officials
are hoping that 2010 will be the year
that widespread vaccinations stop
the pandemic H 1N 1 flu from spread­
"The very best protection against
a repeat o f the 2009 pandemic is
vaccination," says Dr. Richard
Leman, Oregon Public Health epi­
Leman points out that pandemic
H1N1 hit Oregon earlier than the
normal flu season, causing hospi­
talizations and death for high-risk
Over the past few weeks, new
cases have declined but H1N1 is
still circulating in the state at the
same time that the regular flu season
may be just around the comer.
B edtime S tories
w it h m o t h e r
G oose !
M o t h e r G oose
a c t iv it ie s
"We may see another wave o f
pandemic H 1N 1 along with seasonal
flu," says Leman. "The best way to
keep yourself and others healthy in
the New Year is to get vaccinated
Supplies o f H1N1 vaccine are
good and are keeping up with de­
mand. By the end o f2009, more than
1.2 million doses o f H 1N 1 will have
arrived throughout the state. Many
pharmacies in supermarkets and
chain stores now have both H1N1
and seasonal vaccines; pharmacists
can immunize anyone age 15 and
older. Health care providers and
public clinics also have vaccine.
People at high risk for complica­
tions from the flu include pregnant
women, young children and people
with underlying health conditions
such as asthma and diabetes.
For m ore inform ation, visit
flu.oregon.gov or call the Oregon
Public Health Flu Hotline at 1 -800-
e a l t h
C holesterol Profiles -- Calls helps you keep an eye on your cholesterol
and other indicators o f heart health; educational material provided. For
more information, call 503-261 -6611.
M ind B ody H ealth C lass -- Learn and practice techniques to help you
W H EN : M O N D A Y , JA N U A R Y 2 5, 2 0 1 0 , 7PM-8PM
5 5 2 0 NE KlLLIN C S W O R TH ST.
5 0 3 -2 8 8 -6 4 0 3
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
An ongoing series of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Part 18. Chiropractic And Prevention:
Life doesn't have to be a series o f emergencies anymore
improve your mood, health and wellbeing, including effective ways to
manage difficult emotions and chronic stress or illness. Registration is $70
for Kaiser Permanente members and $95 for nonmembers. Call 503-286-
Fam ilies with M ental Illness — A free, 12-week course for people whose
family members live with mental illness is offered at Emanuel Hospital, Mt.
Hood Medical Center and Providence Medical Center. The course has
been described as “life-changing” by former participants. Registration is
required by calling 503-203-3326.
Pow erful T ools For C aregivers --6-week educational series designed to
help family caregivers take care o f themselves while caring for relatives or
friends with chronic illness. Class size is limited, and registration is
required. Call 503-413-8018.
Leg A lert S c r ee n in g — Check for peripheral arterial disease with this safe,
simple screening using ankle and arm blood pressure. The fee is $40. To
schedule an appointment, call 503-251 -6137.
S m oke-F ree Su pport G roup - Meets Mondays, 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. For
: It seems that I am always
sick. I do what my doctor
says but if anything my colds and
flu attacks are getting worse. What
do you think?
: Constant colds and influ­
enza indicate that the immune
system (and the body in general)
is highly stressed. Did you know
that recently leading scientists
have discovered that the entire
immune system is an out-growth
o f the nervous system? If you
nervous system is stressed and
irritated, the immune system can-
not work properly either. People ter. And you’d be amazed at the
who have regular C hiropractic energy you have with preventive
checkups report that they get fewer Chiropractic checkups. If y o u ’d
colds and influenza. They keep the like to trade in your colds for a
stress off their nervous systems. bounce in your step, call us for
Keeping irritation off the nervous an appointm ent today. It could
system also helps you avoid morn­ be the healthiest call you have
ing backache and head-aches and ever made. Isn’t time you stepped
allows you to cope with stress bet- up to Chiropractic?
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212
Phone: ( 5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 *5 5 0 4
information, call 503-256-4000.
M anaging C hronic H epatitis C — Third Wednesday o f each month at 5
p.m. The informative session is led by a registered nurse to help you
manage side effects o f medications and dosage preparations and admin­
istration; doctor referral required. To register, call 503-251-6313. •
B etter B reathers — An asthma educational support group meets on the
1 st Tuesday o f the month from 1:15 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. at Adventist Medical
Center. For information, call 503-251 -6830.
Em pow erm ent through Relaxation — Free informal meditation classes that
address breathing techniques, some gentle ancient African yoga poses
and mental balancing techniques— People have left these classes joyful
and with a peaceful view o f their lives. We have these sessions bi­
monthly— Call Dr. Marceline Fai 1 la at 503-228-6140.