Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 06, 2010, Page 4, Image 4

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11,1 ■fjnrtlanò (Dhseruer
January 6, 2010
N ational N ews
Competition for the iPhone
Google takes on Apple
(A P) — It's official: G oogle Inc.
w ill sell its ow n m obile phone in an
effort to protect its online ad v ertis­
ing em pire as people increasingly
s u rf the W eb on handsets instead
o f personal com puters.
The phone, announced T uesday,
had been w idely anticipated since
G oogle handed out the device, called
the N exus O ne, to its ow n em p lo y ­
ees three w eeks ago.
C onsum ers will be able to buy the
Nexus O ne for $ 179 if they com m it to
a tw o -y ear service contract w ith T-
M obile USA. G oogle will handleall
sales online and has no plans to let
consum ers check out the N exus O ne
in retail stores.
G iven the hype, the N exus O ne G o o g le 's n ew m o b ile p h o n e is
could be a bit o f a letdow n because p ro je c te d o n to a screen .
it only takes a few increm ental steps
beyond w hat's already possible on
handheld devices. A nd the N exus
O ne's standard sales price o f $529
m ay lessen its appeal in a still-
shaky econom y.
T h e N e x u s O n e e s c a la te s
Google's budding rivalry with former
Silicon Valley ally, Apple Inc., which
hassoldm orethan3()m illioniPhones
in the past 2 1 Z2 years.
"Keep Alive The Dream "
Tribute to: Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Highland C hristian Center
7 6 0 0 N .E . G lisan,
P ortland, O re g o n 9 7 213
Monday January 18, 2010
11:00 A.M .-6:30 P.M.
The entire program will be simulcast live on KBOO Radio
(90.7 World Wide Web), Broadcast/tape delayed on
Portland Community Media (Ch.l 1) from 1:00-8:00 pm,
and Portland Public Schools Television Services (Ch.28)
from 3:00-10:00 pm.
A Production of
World Arts Foundation, Inc.
A Non-Profit Organization
Portland Public Schools
Portland Association of Teachers
O regon Education Association
McDonald's of Oregon
& Southw est W ashington
City of Portland
Enterprise Rent-A-Car
Concordia University
Portland General Electric
African American C ham ber of Com m erce
Coast Industries
KBOO Radio (90.7 FM)
Portland Com m unity Media &
Television Services
Providence Health & Services
Named to
Top Posts
Obama eclipses
predecessors with
(A P) — President B arack O bam a
is on track to nam e m ore H ispanics
to top posts than any o f his p rede­
cessors, draw ing appointees from a
w ide range o f the nation's Latino
co m m unities, including M exicans,
Puerto R icans, D om inicans and C o­
lom bians.
That w on't n ecessarily give the
president a free pass on issues such
as im m igration, but it m ay ease H is­
p a n ic s ' w o rrie s a b o u t w h e th e r
O bam a w ill continue reaching out to
a group that w as key to his w inning
the W hite H ouse.
S u p rem e C o u rt Ju stice Sonia
Sotom ayor is by far O bam a's m ost
fam ous H ispanic appointee. In less
than a year in office, the president
has also tapped at least 48 other
H is p a n ic s to p o s itio n s s e n io r
enough to require Senate confirm a­
tion. So far, 35 have been approved.
T hat com pares w ith a total o f 30
approved under Bill C linton and 34
under G eorge W. B ush during their
first 20 m onths in office, according
to U.S. O ffice o f Personnel M anage­
m ent data.
The personnel office does not
track ap p o in tm en ts o f ju d g e s or
am bassadors. E arly indicators sug­
gest O bam a is nam ing m any H is­
panics to those positions as well,
though he has been slow to appoint
ju d g e s in general.
The m ost significant legacy o f
the O bam a appointm ents m ay be a
w ays off, Jones-C orrea said, noting
that m idlevel officials often go on to
w in m ajo r state and federal elec­
Area residents are invited to
A ugustana Lutheran Church,
2710 N.E. 14th Ave., for the 15th
annual Martin Lutheran King Jazz
and Gospel Celebration Service,
Sunday, Jan. 10 at 6 p.m.
The service features readings
from the great sermons o f Dr.
King and the music o f Marilyn
Keller, Ron Steen, Kevin Deitz,
George Mitchell, Dr. Robert Gashi
and other special guests.