Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 06, 2010, Page 2, Image 2

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Cell Phone Ban Begins
.Week ¡n
The Review
New Vancouver Mayor
Tim Leavitt w as sw orn in
a s th e n e w m a y o r o f
V ancouver M onday. T he
fo rm er city c o u n cilm an
w h o b e a t in c u m b e n t
Royce Pollard last N ovem ­
ber said he anticipates respectful,
candid and constructive discourse
in local governm ental affairs.
O regon State Police have begun
stopping m otorists for talking on
hand-held cell phones, but m ost
aren ’t being given traffic tick­
ets yet, an official said M on­
day. T he new law, w hich also
bans text m essaging w hile
driving, took effect on
N ew Y ear’s Day.
Bus Riders’ Hair Cut
A s o u th e a s t P o rtla n d
m an is accused o f sneakily snip­
ping a fellow p assen g er’s hair
as he sat behind her New. Y e ar’s
Eve. A prosecutor said Jared W eston
W alter, 22, is also a suspect in other
incidents in w hich w om en riders
have either had their hair cut or
glued on T riM et buses.
Dots Not Connected
P resident B arack O bam a asserted
on T uesday the g ov­
ernm ent had enough
inform ation to foil the
a tte m p te d b o m b in g
on a C hristm as D ay
airline flight but intel­
lig e n c e
a g e n c ie s
" fa ile d to c o n n e c t
January 6, 2010
those dots." O bam a called that u n ­
Creek Cusina Folds
T he G reek C uisiana, a w ell-know n
do w n to w n nig h tsp o t and restau ­
rant closed M onday. O w n er Ted
Papas blam ed C ity C o m m isio n er
Randy Leonard for targeting his busi­
ness. Leonard said the building w as
in dangerous condition.
Woman Charged in Stabbing
A southeast Portland w om an w as
charged M onday w ith trying to kill
her boyfriend's 3-year-old daughter
after a dom estic dispute. T he baby
girl w as critically stabbed but is
recovering from her-injuries.
Freeman Voice Replaces
Cronkite on Evening News
N early six m o n th s a fte r W alter
C ronkite’sd eath ,h is
voice is leaving the
E v e n in g
N e w s.” H is in tro ­
d u ctio n o f a n ch o r
K atie C o u ric w as
re p la c e d M o n d a y
by a v o iceover fea­
turing actor M organ Freem an.
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