Page 12 ‘ri’1 |Llnrtla»ö (Oheen,er Proud Son Jaheim Charles Washington, the proud son o f Omar and M akala W ashington, was bom Dee. 26 2009, in Sacra­ mento Cal if. Dear Deanna! My mother is being taken advan­ tage o f by her best friend. My mother is retired has plenty of money saved up and she’s enjoying the finer things in life. Her best friend is a moocher and makes my mom pay for everything. My mother is lonely and doesn’t have any friends so she thinks nothing o f it. This woman is going through her money left and right and 1 know she’s going to look up and one day be broke. How do 1 get through to her? -C oncerned Daughter; Oklahoma City, Okla. Dear Daughter: Your mother is enjoying life and her January 6. 2010 Ask Deanna\ chill and let you mom and her girl­ going to tear me apart. -Made a friend do their thing and feel secure Mistake; Atlanta, G a. Real People, knowing that if she needs you, she’ 11 Dear Mistake: Real Advice let you know. You obviously have trust issues if Dear Deanna! An advice you can’t feel secure with your mate column known 1 broke up with my boyfriend over or your friends. Your foolish tongue fo r reality something silly and now I regret my has caused you to lose your rela­ bused subjects! actions. I thought he was cheating tionship and your friend. The only on me with my best friend but they thing you can do is apologize to friend. Before you place judgment or get in the middle o f things ask were actually buying me a gift. I said both parties and ask your boyfriend some horrible things to both o f them for another chance. If he says no your mom if she’s preparing for a rainy day. If she is, you can rest and they’re not speaking to me. I and goes with your buddy, then assured that she knows what she’s want to get back with him but 1 think you learned a valuable lesson and if doing and is planning her finances he is looking at my friend because they’ll do this in your face, you she seems more mature than me. didn’t need them anyway. wisely. You’re on the outside look­ ing in and have no idea o f their What should 1 do if they start dat­ Dear Deanna! ing? 1 know it’s my fault but it’s friendship. You can calm down and I allowed m yself to get pregnant because my boyfriend convinced me that we would be together and we were going to get married. Now 1 am almost ready to deliver the baby and he has changed his mind. He moved out o f my house and now he’s not working and living with his mother. I am so upset and don’t know what to do. How do I handle this situation? -A nika; On-Line Reader Dear Anika: You lost your sense when you de­ cided to fall for the oldest trick in the book. T here is no way you should’ve become pregnant with­ out a husband and a plan. You’re getting ready to be stuck with a baby, a bill for 18 years and a stupid looking dead beat dad. You need to look at your resources, get your money and education together and grow up. When the baby is bom, have a DNA test, get your child support and be ready to raise your child and keep it moving. Ask Deanna is w ritten by Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna! at the email or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 1283 Beverly H ills, CA 90211. W ebsite: www. askdeanna. com Growing healthy families together. Connect with WIC. Investing in Oregon’s future with nutrition education and healthy foods. Learn more about how the Oregon WIC Program helps families: 1-800-SAFENET (1-800-723-3628) Oregon wic program WIC is an equal opportunity provider and employer. )’( dhs Oregon Department of Human Services Free Fix- It Fairs Two free Fix-It Fairs are sched­ uled in east Portland this month to help local residents save money, live healthier and connect to valu­ able resources. The exhibits provide free give­ aways, hourly classes, and infor­ mation on home repairs and per­ sonal health, food and nutrition, com m unity resources, recycling and yard care. Sponsors include the Energy Trust o f Oregon, Pa­ cific Power, and Portland General Electric. Free lunch and childcare are provided. The Fix-it-Fair dates are Satur­ day, Jan. 9 at David Douglas High School, 1001 S.E. 135th Ave., and Saturday, Jan. 30 at Parkrose High School, 12003 N.E. Shaver St. Hours are 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Lead blood testing will be offered at the Parkrose site only.