January 6, 2010 |JortIanb (Dhsrruvr Page 11 SAFEWAY O Ingredients for life.«, Cut Mango Photodisc, Inc. The delicious and ju icy m ango has long b e e n o n e o f th e w orld's m ost p o p u ­ lar fruits. The fruit's flavo r is often d e ­ scribed as an exotic mix o f pineapple and peach. M angoes are available from A pril to Septem ber, but June and July usually offer the best pick and prices. T hought to be native to India, m angoes have been cultivated tor m ore than 4,000 years. T he tree is related to the pistachio and cashew and grow s to an average o f 50 feet in height. Each tree produces about 100 m angoes. 4fy o u haven't tried a fresh m ango, you're in for a treat! W hen buying a m ango, m ake sure it has a tropical fruity arom a; unripe m angoes have no scent. A fresh m ango w ill give slightly to the touch, but stay aw ay from very soft or bruised fruit. Som e m angoes ripen to a com bination o f raspberry, orange and green shades, w hile other varieties are golden yellow or green w hen ripe. I f y o u r m a n g o e s a re n 't q u ite rip e , sto rin g th em in a p a p e r b ag fo r a few d ay s w ill h elp th e m a lo n g . T he size can vary, b u t la rg e r m a n g o es w ill h av e m o re fru it in re la tio n to the pit. & Mangos Shrimp and Mango Salad D iana R attray , A bout . com G uide Serve this grilled shrim p salad on a bed o f m ixed greens. Scroll dow n to see m ore shrim p recipes. by ‘ 19? Lucerne1” Milk COWL OB LESSER VALUE Yoplait Yogurt 4 to 6-oz. Selected varieties Club Price 50c ea SAVE up to 90C on 10 fO 9 to 16 2 oz. Selected varieties SAVE up to S3 99 on 2 Ingredients: • • • • • • • • • • Quaker Instant Oatmeal ¿ a - - - Gallon. Whole. 2%, 1%, Shim Supreme or rat Free At checkslaixJ. first item will scan at regular price, second item will reflect savngs M w i VfKI buy ? OrEaöfgfyr Satöa:2‘s$l Club Price: 50c ea SAVE up to $2.98 on 2 Tray Facte »talia - ¡253 2 large firm m angoes, peeled & shredded 3 tablespoons thinly sliced green onions 1/3 cup lim e ju ic e 2 tablespoons fish sauce, or use soy sauce if necessary 1 teaspoon sugar 1 sm all clove garlic, m inced 1 sm all hot chile, such as serrano, seeded, m inced 1 pound shrim p, (25 to 30 per pound) 2 cups greens lim e slices, for garnish Doritos Lean Cuisine or Eating Right™ Meals Slot?-« Seisrsd■ « !!« Segua f l e Pr» »299 na SAVE .« » SS Si) M ä J BUY 1er IFREE fOUAl OR lESSSR vaut BUY loo Campbell's Select Harvest Soup 18 6 to 18 8-ox Selected varieties SAVE up to S2 49 on 2 ■FREE c o w ORtfssFRvauif ■M M Doritos Tortilla Chips I1 5 to t4 5ez Selected varieties Preparation: 1. C om bine green onions, lim e ju ic e , fish sauce, sugar, garlic, and chile in a bowl. M ix in shredded m ango. Chill w hile preparing shrimp. 2. Shell and devein shrim p and rinse w ell; divide into 4 portions. T hread 1 portion onto a slender m etal skew er. Run a second skew er through shrim p 1/2 to 1 inch from the first skew er, to keep them flat. R epeat w ith rem aining shrim p. 3. Gril 1 shrim p on a m edium hot grill, covered, for about 3 m inutes on each side, or until opaque but still a bit m oist in the cen ter o f thickest parts. 4. Place greens on a platter; m ound m ango m ixture onto the greens using a slotted spoon. Place shrim p over the m ango salad and garnish w ith lime slices, if desired. utts shown may not be available WFVE GOT GREAT CLUB CARD PRICES AND nt ail stores. Ttuuisaiicfeof EVERYDAY LOW PRICES! H JA NUARY mo tmu » rm sat sun» mon Pixes in tt w ad good through January 12th A l l LIMITS ARf PO-OB PER HOUSEHOID, PCR DAY tui IfcMSMAt ft II BE AVALABLt IN ALL StOfitS Seme idverto'l ¿»res -.y, bees* ’'vre- m »ne Buy Ore Gel -ne Fiee i B O '- ,'t„ -, * * * ! U’ T ” - :ree 8060 '2 **» ‘ 4 «m purchased, ?c leeuiy yu W m . r«.tti>eis caicci 'v may be nsec on purchased tems ¡m», .3, |_.r< m C 5 pyfrhagçjj rc r Customer will resf«tstfc fur ox andoeoostte x r-,»fiiied by law 01 Ute pun based and free tons ‘a tow sales m excess cl 5? c a lm y to w toes '■» '-rah jquor vp-ti at licensed Safeway stores only £ 2010 Salewav inc Arailabt ty of items inly vary by sterc M F’ktted floto» N t. -7® ' a* Mrtif