Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 30, 2009, Page 4, Image 4

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    December 30, 2009
Privacy Fears Delayed Airport Scanners
Machines see through clothing
(AP) — High-tech security
scanners that might have pre­
vented the Christm as Day at­
tempt to blow up a jetliner have
been installed in only a small
number o f airports around the
world, in large part because o f
privacy concerns over the way
the m ac h in es see th ro u g h
U m ar
F arouk
Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian
accused o f trying to ignite ex­
plosives aboard a Northwest
Airlines jet as it was coming in
fora landing in Detroit, did not
go through such a scan in
Amsterdam where his flight
The full-body scanner "could
have been helpful in this case,
absolutely," said Evert van
Zwol, head o f the Dutch Pilots
B ut the te c h n o lo g y has
raised sig n ifican t concerns
among privacy watchdogs be­
cause it can show the body's
contours w ith em barrassing
c la rity . T h o se fea rs h av e
slowed the introduction o f the
Jay Stanley, public educa­
tion director for the American
AdM HM '
w ith
diversit\ in
O(BB t
Call S ^ ^ B 0 3 3
Real People, Real
/lw advice column known for
its fearless approach to reality
based subjects!
Civil Liberties Union's Tech­
nology and Liberty Program,
said the m achines essentially
perform "virtual strip searches
that see through your clothing
and reveal the size and shape
o f your body."
A b d u lm u ta lla b
p a sse d
through a ro u tin e secu rity
c h e c k at th e g a te in
Amsterdam before boarding,
officials said. He is believed to
have tucked into his trousers
or underw ear a small bag hold­
ing PETN explosive powder,
and possibly a liquid detonator.
Because such items won't
set off metal detectors, the U.S.
Transportation Security A d­
m inistration, part o f the De­
partm ent o f Homeland Secu­
rity, has begun installing two
types o f advanced scanning
machines that provide a more
detailed picture.
These m achines, which cost
six figures each, screen airline
passengers w ithout physical
contact. They can reveal plas­
tic or chemical explosives and
non-m etallic weapons.
Last June, because o f pri­
v acy c o n c e rn s, the H ouse
voted 310-118 to prohibit the
use o f whole-body imaging for
prim ary screening. The m ea­
sure, still pending in the Sen­
ate, would limit the use o f the
devices to secondary screen­
"As a society, we're going to
have to figure out the balance
between personal privacy and
the need to secure an aircraft,"
said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-
Utah, who sponsored the mea­
sure. "And there is no easy
Executives at the com pa­
nies that make the machines
insist there are ways to strike
that balance.
The technology has evolved
enough to produce body im ­
ages that look like chalk out­
lines. In addition, privacy fil­
ters can blur faces.
Dear Deanna!
Dear Tamara:
I ’m married but often go on
weekend trips with my friends.
My husband issued an ultim a­
tum to adjust my schedule but
I chose not to. He said he
would leave if I chose my
friends instead o f going with
him to his family reunion. I
went on my trip. When I re­
turned, he was gone, the house
was empty and utilities discon­
nected. He w on’t talk to me
and now wants a divorce and I
don’t know what to do? —
Tamara; Louisville, Ky.
It’s hard to imagine a girlie trip
that’s so good it would make
you forsake your m arriage,
unless you’re cheating. Per­
haps your friends can give you
a cozy couch to sleep on since
you put them before your hus­
band. Your decision was fool­
ish, immature and disrespect­
ful. Reach out to your husband
and invite him to a friendly
location for a huge apology, an
explanation and much needed
counseling to help with issues
you both obviously have.
y our re la tio n s h ip , becom e
friends and if she doesn’t re­
spond, then too bad and keep it
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Dear Deanna!
My father is causing a lot o f
pain in my family. I made the
decision to date and have in­
terracial children. He calls my
children horrible racial slurs
and makes jokes about them to
his friends. My family has now
split against me because I
choose not to go around my
father or participate in things if
he’s around. Is there a friendly
Dear Deanna!
way to resolve this issue with­
I’m an older woman dating a out causing more pain to my
younger man. O urrelationship children and fam ily? —Der­
is happy and healthy but his rick J.; New York, N Y
m other has an issue because
Dear Derrick:
she and I are the same age.
Your father is acting like a
Her son is very mature, we get
racist. He should realize that
along well and everything is
your children have his blood
balanced. W e’re starting to
and he should be ashamed of
have argum ents because his
himself. You’re doing the right
m other tries to interfere. We
thing because no one including
aren’t going to make it unless
your family has the right to
he stops listening to his mother
disrespect you or your chil­
so much. How do I handle
dren. To make a long story
this? —Rose Mary; Dallas,
short, your father needs a good
m an-to-m an visit from you.
Dear Rose Mary:
Firmly let him know you will
You handle it by not robbing not tolerate this behavior and if
the cradle and date men your he wants to see you or the
own age. This is still her baby children he needs to stop this
boy and she’s simply not w ill­ rudeness immediately.
ing to accept him being with
som eone her age. She may Ask D eanna is w ritten by
feel as if she’s being disre­ Deanna M. Write Ask Deanna!
em ail
spected, you’re taking advan­ at
tage o f her son and most im ­ askdeanna I @ yahoo. com or
portantly, she’s losing him. You 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite
1283 Beverly Hills, CA 90211.
and her son should work to­
Website; hww . askdeanna. com
gether and help her understand