Page 3 December 30, 2009 IN S ID E Police Critic Runs for Council pages 3 and 5 L ocal N ews Mental health advocate on a crusade N ational N ews page 4 Year™ Re view Jason Renaud, the co-founder o f the Mental Health Association o f Portland, has been outspoken critic o f the city’s handling o f the 2006 death o f Jam es Chasse, a schizophrenic man who died after a confrontation with police. Renaud is now taking his crusade further by running for the City Coun­ cil against Police Commissioner Dan Jason Renaud Saltzman. He is trying to secure public financing before a Jan. 29 deadline. Renaud spoke to the Portland Observer. His remarks have been edited for brevity and clarity: Portland Observer: At what point did you say, 'I'm going to run for this office?' Jason Renaud: I was the co-founder o f the Mental Health Association, and we had been patiently waiting for the police to finish their internal investigation o f the Jam es Chase case, and three years had gone by. We went to City Hall and asked, ‘W here is the investigation?’ We got an immediate negative response from the police and from the police commissioner. PO: W hen you say you got a negative re­ sponse what do you mean? P.g«*-.2 1 JR: We called a press confer­ ence and said, ‘Listen we really n eed this in v estig atio n n o w .’ People may be in danger we don't know w hat the status o f these officers are. The public deserves a public answer and not some sort o f confidential m em o to the HR departm ent. Police C hief Rosie Sizer im mediately came out and said she would not release it. She had not finished the internal investigation. A week later when she finished the internal inves­ tigation she sent out a press release saying here it is. JR: There was no internal investigation at­ tached to the press release. We still don't know what happened in the internal investigation, other than they fact that they then had a fight about discipline for the token discipline for these two officers. A man lay dead on the street com er and they're arguing about whether the sergeant should have made a transport decision for a human being. It sort o f m issed the point. It missed the c o n tin u e d on p a g e 5 Free Rides on New Year’s Eve O pinion pages 14-15 All rides on T riM et’s MAX and buses will be free beginning at X p.m. on New Y ear’s Eve, Thursday, Dec. 31. TriMet will provide extra ser- For com plete TriM et sched­ vice on MAX Blue, Green and ules and trip planning, visit Yellow lines, which will run more often and later into the evening for trim or call 5O3-23X-RIDE late-night revelers. Buses will run (7433) weekdays between 7:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. on regular weekday schedules. Portland Observer’s New Look N i l IUSHIM Beatles Tribute Band page 16 Queen of Hip-Hop Soul T. Rex at OMSI page 17 We also expect the new look Editor’s Note: The Portland Observer enters the New Ycar to save money on printing and create less dem and on a vital with a new look. We have adopted a m aga­ natural resource. In addition, the zine-style format to keep the Portland Observer is now better Portland O bserver cutting- positioned for im proving our c o v e ra g e on edge and sophisticated in a In te rn e t changing world. G one are the P o r t l a n d O b s c r v e r . c o m . c u m b e r s o m e fo ld s a n d T w m /P D X O b s e r v e r , m ega-size broadsheet pages and the Portland O bserver on that can frustrate readers in Facebook. Please be assured that our sm aller q u arte rs, on m ass news coverage and award-win- tra n sit, and at the coffee ningjoum alism will not change. shop. ‘ri’c ^ J n r t la it h ( O h s i'rtn 'r Established 1970 USPS 959-680 ----------------------------------------------------------- 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Portland. OR 97211 E ditox - in -C hief . Pt mourn Charles H Washington M ichael Leighton D istkiivtion M anages : Mark W ashington C eeatof . D i k k t o k : Pau! N eufeldt E ditok page 19 A fter 40 years in business as O re g o n 's largest m inority- owned publication, we remain com m itted to diversity and being the best source o f news important to people o f color a n d all re s id e n ts in o u r multicultural communities. We want to hear what you th in k . E m ail us at news/u or write to the Portland O b­ server at PO Box 3137. Port­ land, OR 97208. 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