Queen Page 17 ^Jortlanù (F)h server December 30, 2009 oiHip-Hop Soul Mary J. Blige stays in tune with younger audiences (A P) - M ary J. Blige, the “queen o f hip- hop soul,” says sh e ’s kept her lofty title because she stays in tune w ith w hat younger audiences w ant to hear. “I alw ays get inspired back from the Rihannas and the B eyonces,” the 38-year- old says. “Y ou ju st have to be open enough to learn from another generation... T hat’s being a sm art person and th a t’s w hy I ’m able to be ju st right there not doing w hat they do, but w hat I do.” B lige’s latest C'D, “Stronger w ith Each T ear," has a fresh sound that m aintains her R& B groove. It is her ninth studio release. In recent interview , Blige - who has won nine Gram m y A w ards since her debut in 1992 - talked about R&B m usic, recording a jazz album and being a crybaby. The A ssociated Press: W ould you say that y o u ’re a sensitive person? Blige. I w ould say that I’m a very sensitive person. AP: A re you crying about the sam e things that you cried about earlier in your career? Blige: I think 1 cry about different things now. I cry because I w ant to be better than this. I w ant to continue to grow so, you know. I have to give m yself a break. I ’m my w orst critic. I’m the hardest person on me. T ve been like that forever, but I’ve learned to give m y self a break so even now w hen I s lip ... I d o n ’t w ant to hurt anyone. A nd I cry w hen I hurt people unintentionally. AP: How do you react w hen one o f your songs is played on the radio? B lige: If I hear one o f m y o id so n g s like “ N ot G o n ’ C ry o r “ M y L ife” - the “ My L ife” album ju s t alw ays m akes m e stop and ju s t cry, like baw l. So call m e a cry b ab y , w h atev er, I ’m a w om an, too, so so m etim es it’s ju s t that tim e. AP: Is it hard to perform those em otional songs w hen, at this point, y o u ’re in a differ­ ent place? Blige: For me perform ing “N ot G o n 'C ry ” and “ I’m G oin D ow n” and “ M y Life” — it’s 1 ike therapy again. 1 ju st love the way it makes m e feel at the m om ent and get it out o f my system , you know. T hose are hurtful places and som etim es you got to revisit for the sake o f other people. AP: H ow w ould you com pare today’s R&B music with the ‘90s m usic? Blige: Can I say ‘80s too? There is no com parison because the m usic in the ‘90s and the ‘80s was like, music. You had Jim m y Jam and Terry Lew is w ho were on the radio. M ichael Jackson and Q uincy Jones everyw here, all over the place. A nita Baker, ju st so m any am az­ ing p e o p le ... I’m not saying the music isn ’t beautiful now. It’s ju st such a ... it’s limited. AP: How do you think your fashion style has evolved? Blige: I m ean I’ve had som e disas­ ters, som e trials, som e errors, som e d i­ sastrous hair m om ents and clothing Mary J. Blige m om ents, but th at’s due to the insecurity in m e and not know ing w hat w orks for me and trying to do w hat w orks for everybody else. But once you fall into w hat w orks for you, w hich is w hat 1 did, you ca n ’t go wrong unless you ju st w ant to go wrong. AP: W hat advice do you have for insecure w om en who dress in a w ay they probably sho u ld n ’t dress? B lige: 1 g uess the insecure y o u n g er w om an, ju st do w hat w orks for you because everything doesn’t work for everyone. You know exactly w hat w orks for you. You can w ear som ething tight and y o u ’re to be bub­ bling all over the place. So I mean, use your com m on sense and be confident in that. A P" Y ou’ve collaborated with everyone from Sting to U2 to Aretha Franklin. Is there anyone else y o u ’d like to work with? Blige: I haven’t has a chance to collabo­ rate with A nita Baker yet. So when 1 do my jazz album , Anita, I’m com ing for you. AP: W hen are you planning to release the jazzC D ? Blige: I have no idea when I’m going to do the ja zz album , but it ca n ’t be long. It w o n ’t be long. Platinum Fade S A L O Ì Songwriter Performs Sundays Steve Ulrich, a songw riter o f in­ ternational reputation who now lives in northeast Portland, has inaugu­ rated a series o f Sunday Brunch p erfo rm an ces at D addy M o jo ’s Café. 1501 N.E. Frcem ontSt. From 10a.m. to I p .m .,each S u n ­ day, Ulrich, with friends, perform s a variety o f styles, including blues, country, rock-a-biIly, R&B. folk and gospel. U lrich is a singer with a great range and soulfulness accented by fine guitar and harm onica work. I le has four CD s out on the indepen­ dent label Subatom ic Particles for Peace. For m ore inform ation, visit stcveurlnch.com . Steve Ulrich performs Sundays, from 10 a.m. to lp .m ., at Daddy Mojo’s Café, 1501 N.E. Freemont St. We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - I month free 5010 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 Hours o f operation: M-E Sat Sun 9 am 6 pm 8 am 9 pm 11 am - 6 pm