la ttò (O bserver Page 14 O pinion D ecem ber 30, 2 0 0 9 Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver. com. (MKMMWMWIMRfinMIMMMi No Solidarity with Police Union Time to kick cops out of Labor Movement by K ristian W illiams On Nov. 24, more than six hun­ dred supporters o f the Portland Police Association gathered in de­ fense o f one embattled officer, Christopher Humphreys. H um phreys had been su s­ pended. with pay, pending inves­ tigation o f an incident in which he had fired a less- lethal shotgun at an unarmed 12-year-old girl. At the time o f the incident, he was already facing discipline for his role in the beating death of a mentally ill man named James Chasse. ¡ ï ’i ï h s c r i h e l 503-2880033 I Fill Out & Send To: ** Çorilanô (Dbserurr Attn. Subscriptions, PO Box 3137, Portland OR 97208 s u b s c r ip tio n s a re ju s t $ 6 0 p e r y e a r (please include check with this subscription form) N ame : ---------------------------------------------- T elephone : ________________________— A ddress : --------------------------------------— I or email v —— — — — — — — — —— The cops marched, not in uni­ form, but in t-shirts and carrying signs reading "I Am Chris Humphreys." Such a display should dis­ pel any illu sio n s about what the po­ lice want or what the one cop in the city uses force more often than Humphreys. Cops often complain that it is unfair to judge the entire Police Bureau by its most dysfunctional officers. But when push comes to shove, and shoving comes to beat­ ing, and beating comes to shoot­ ing -- the Police Association al­ ways lines up to defend the most The Police Association always lines up to defend the most brutal practices and the most bigoted cops. PPA stands for. Humphreys' notable career has been punctuated by continuous violence. In addition to these high- profile cases, in 2005 he struck an unresisting suspect more than 30 times; it turned out to be a case of mistaken identity. A year later, he was implicated in the beating o f a black college student (whom a jury later acquitted). Based on police records, it is estimated that only brutal practices and the most big­ oted cops. The last time the PPA mobi­ lized a rally in support o f sus­ pended officers it was because racist cops were harassing black business owners by repeatedly leaving dead possums on their doorsteps. The interests the Police Asso­ ciation defends are the interests the police defend. Cops are the hired guns of capitalism and the protectors o f white supremacy; they stand for a system of power that exploits workers, excludes the poor, and leaves people of color at the bottom o f the social pyra­ mid. Police "unions" do not, and cannot, represent the interests o f the working class, because police are not workers like other work­ ers. They are part of the apparatus by which worker organizing is suppressed. Here at the 10th anni­ versary of the World Trade Orga­ nization protests, we should also remember the long and inglorious history o f police attacks on the labor movement — red squad infil­ tration, raids on union halls, and assaults on picket lines. The labor movement owes the police nothing — not solidarity, not support, not our silence. The only thing workers owe cops is a good hard kick in the ass. Kristian Williams is a member o f the National Writers Union and Rose City Copwatch He is the author o f Our Enemies in Blue Police and Power in America, and American Methods: Torture and the Logic o f Domination.