December 2, 2009 Page A9 ^Jortlanò (rthseruer y lrts V IM II1 lUSUtM Dixion ’s Rib Pit between 19th & 20th on Alberta Street S 7* 503-753-0868 H o u rs 11:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Tueday thru Saturday Sunday after 3:00 p.m. Disney s Newest Princess D in n e r s $ 9 .5 0 S a n d w ic h e s $ 8 .5 0 Gumbo of adventure set in New Orleans A joy o u s gum bo o f adven­ turous storytelling, captivating characters, offbeat com edy and m em orable m usic s featured in the all-new “The Princess and the Frog,” an anim ated com edy set in the great city o f N ew O r­ leans. From the Walt D isney cre­ ators o f “The Little M erm aid” and “A laddin” com es this m od­ em tw ist on a classic tale, fea­ turing a beautiful girl nam ed Tiana (Anika Noni Rose), a frog prince w ho desperately w ants to be hum an again, and a fate­ ful kiss that leads them both on a hilarious adventure through the m ystical bayous o f Louisi­ ana. Everyone know s the story in w hich a princess finds true love And Soul Food Try «.v once y o u ’l l com e back a g a in Your Care Our First Priority A »JF The Princess and the Frog opens in theaters nationwide Friday, Dec. 11. by kissing a frog that m agically turns into her handsom e prince. In this telling o f the story, the girl still kisses a frog, but the result is quite different; it’s only one o f dozens o f surprises in this mix o f wacky humor, thrills, m elody and em otion. The voice cast for “The Prin­ cess and the Frog” features a varied and renow ned troupe o f actors, including Tony Award \ H H oliday A le Festival — P io n e e r C o u r t­ house Square, dow n­ town, hosts the H oli­ d a y A le F e s tiv a l, W ednesday, Dec. 2 th ro u g h S unday, Dec. 6. Event orga­ nizers say the craft ales o f choice are designed to fend o ff the cold chill o f a long w inter night. I \ I Ruin to R edem ption - The Inter­ state Firehouse Cultural Center, 5340 N. Interstate Ave., has ex­ tended “Ruin to R edem ption,” through Dec. 19. The interactive exhibit chronic les the harrowing experiences and triumphant tum - aro u n d s o f ex -c o n v ic ts and form er gang m em bers who be- H oliday Soul - Jim m y M aks presents Holiday Soul with Patrick Lamb, featur­ ing special g u ests Ian Jam e and Liv W arfield, Friday, Dec. 18, w ith two shows at 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tickets are $ 15 and can be p u rch a sed by v is itin g orjim m ym . N o rm a n S y lv e s te r B a n d -- L ocal ja z z g r e a t N o rm a n S y lv e s t e r p e r f o r m s W ed n esd ay , D ec. 2, F rid ay , D ec. 11 and S a tu r d a y , D e c . 12 a t T illic u m in B eaverto n ; T h u rsd ay , D ec. 3 at the 720 N ig h tc lu b on H aw th o rn e; and Friday, D ec. 4 an d T h u rsd ay , D ec. 17 at the C an d le lig h t. F o r a co m p lete sc h ed ­ ule, v isit n o rm a n sy lv e ste r.c o m . Live Jazz— Every F riday and Saturday from 8 p.m . to 11 p.m ., the T hird D e­ grees Lounge at the River Place Hotel, 1510 S.W. H arbor Way. No cover or m inim um purchase. For more inform a­ tion, visit . (D bsm ier Established 1970 U SPS 9 5 9 - 6 8 0 ----------------------------------------------------- 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 Charles H. Washington E ditor : M ic h a e l L e ig h to n D istribution M anager : M a rk W ashington C reative D irector : P a u l N e u fe ld t E ditor - in -C hief , P ublisher . P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, the roar as the O regon Z oo show s o ff its new est and m ost am bi­ tious exhibit w ith th re e A frican li­ ons and other anim als that are hom e to the Serengeti. T o tally G o sp el 11 — Peninsula Open Bible Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles o f gospel, country, an d contem porary music w ith host Riny H orst on Friday, Dec. 4 and every other m onth on the first Friday night from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For m ore information, call 503-335-3132. F ro m F a rm to C u p —The W orld Forestry C enter at W ash­ ington Park takes a look at the pow ­ erful influence o f coffee on environ­ ments, hum an cul­ tures and econo­ m ies w orldw ide in a special traveling ex­ hibit “Coffee: The W orld in Your Cup, running now through Jan. 10. I ¡ C h iro p ra c tic P h ysicia n L We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 (Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries Predators o f the Serengeti — Com e hear cam e successful artists in Hollywood. C o lo re d P en cils N ig h t -- K now n as Portland’s m ulticultural living room , C ol­ ored Pencils is m oving to City Hall for D ecem ber’s First Thursday. The Dec. 3 event from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. will mark the one year anniversary for the organization and will feature arts, crafts, and Thai cuisine. winner Anika Noni Rose, Bruno C a m p o s, K e ith D a v id , Jim C u m m in g s , J e n if e r L e w is, M ic h ae l-L e o n W ooley, John Goodman, Terrence Howard and O prah Winfrey. Dr. M arcelitte Failla C a ll fo r an appo intm en t! Platinum F ade S A L O N We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and will be returned if accompanied by a self addressed envelope All created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other publi­ cations or personal usage without the written consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad O 2008 THE PORTLAND OBSERVER ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART WITHOUT PERMISSION IS PRO­ HIBITED The Portland Observer-Oregon s Oldest Multicultural Publication-is a member of the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 1885, and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc. New York, NY. and The West Coast Black Publishers Association 5010 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 H o u rs o f o p e ra tio n : M -F CALL 503-288-0033 F A X 503-288-0015 news(aj>ortlandobserver. com adsübportlandobserver. com subscription& Sat Sun 9 am - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 1 1 am - 6 pm f o r a d p la c e m e n t co n ta ct B U S IN E S S 9WV graphics P a ul A . N e u fe ld t State Farm ’ Pwirtnig Insular i C and fiftani jliv u e - . 503-875-1695 Home Office, Bloomirqion Illinois 61 1 10 Ajfordable Design and Business Support Graphic Design • Company Identity • Web Design Logos • Signage • Ad Design • Outdoor Events (503)228-6140 Mark W ashington 503-288-0033 I nterstate D ental C linic A 5835 N Interstate Ave, P o rtlan d , OR 97217 watch video at | info-2668891/lnterstate-Dental-Cllnlc Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agent 4946 N Vancouver Avenue Port and, OR 9Z?1 1 503 286 1103 Fa» 503 2861146 emie hill tihmttfijtaietamj com 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service*1*’ > -s 4. «ab» (503)946-6273 ed w arward2@ aol. com X i l website: w w w .cosm eticdentalportland.eom /D efault.htm H orace S. S impson Gerald M. Chase Attorney at Law Chase & Weil, LLP 621 S.W. A lder St., Suite 600 Portland, Oregon 97205-3621 Tel: (503)294-1414 Fax:(503)294-1455 J boyds For, an appointment, call: (503) 734-5312 Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape 222 N. Killingswortli Ave. Portland, Or 9 7 2 11 PH (503) 970-5743 Licensed and Bonded LCB 6165 Overstock & Used Tires -v- »•». — _ M stock on hand 30 years in business 2 locations to Serve You 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437 4510 SE52"d& Holgate 503-771 1834 limited to Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 iaasweaM < « LLC M ic h a e l E Harper $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire 3535 N Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97218 State Farm® Double J Tires New & U sed Tires JAMES BOYD Barber Sharon Maxwell-Hendricks Q a n e ra l M a n ag er Phone: 503-281 0224 Fax: 503-284-4419 WBE I ESB / MBE I DBE » 3145 • CCB4 1595«7 • WA LIC » BOANEO 9J4JT 4134 N. Vancouvar Ava, Surta 400C RO. So» 11115. Portland. OR 17211 We moved to our new location at: 9713 S.W. Capitol, Portland, O R 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 A gent