December 2, 2009 Page A8 p I I I I I I Subscribe! 503-288-°033 Attn: Subscriptions, Fill Out & Send To: po Box 3137, *** f l o r t l a n b b»erurr ENTERTAINMENT Portland O R 97208 \s u b s c r ip tio n s are j u s t $60 p e r y e a r I (please include check with this subscription form) ! N am e : _____________________________ Commercializing Christmas I T elephone :________________________ Film series J A ddress :__________________________ presents ‘What I ------------------------------------------------------ I or email would Jesus Buy’ Jefferso n H igh S c h o o l’s 9th A n ­ nual M ulticultural F ilm F estival w ill p resen t “ W hat w o u ld Jesu s B uy,” a serio u s d o cu m en tary -co m ed y on the com m ercialization o f C hristm as. T he co m m u n ity is in v ited to the free screen in g o f the film , Tuesday, D ec. 8 at 5 p.m . in th e seco n d floor co n feren ce room o f the N orth P o rt­ land Library, 512 N. K illingsw orth St. W hat w o u ld Jesu s B u y ? fo llo w s Rev. B illy and the C h u rch o f Stop Holiday Bazaar Saturday, December 5, 2009 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. OAME Center 4134 N. Vancouver Avenue Portland,Or. 97217 Help support our local minority entrepre­ neurs by doing your holiday shopping at the OAME Center. Just to name a few, vendors will be displaying a wide selection o f merchandise fo r gift-giving including clothing, jewelry, purses, art work,scarves, cosmetics, nutritional products, home- cooked goods, videos/DVDs and home decorations. And, after all that shopping, take time to relax and unwind with an on- site spa and massage. For vendor information, contact Yollanda-Nins Johnson @ 503-680-3314, email: or Gwen Johnson@ 360-576-7028, email: S hopping G ospel C hoir on a m ission to save A m erica's C h ristm as from the S hop o caly p se: the end o f m an ­ k in d from co n su m erism , o v er-co n ­ su m p tio n an d th e fire s o f etern al debt. T hrough retail in terv en tio n s, c o r­ p o rate ex o rc ism s, and som e good o ld -fa sh io n e d p reach in g , R everend B illy rem inds us that w e have lost th e tru e m ean in g o f C h ristm as. W hat W ould Jesus Buy? is a jo u r­ ney into the heart o f A m erica - from ex o rcisin g the d em ons at the Wal- M art headquarters to taking o ver the ce n te r stage at the M all o f A m erica and then u ltim ately h ead in g to the P ro m ised L a n d ... D isneyland. Center Presents ‘Japanese C urrents’ such as Cannes and Sundance, m aking their Portland debuts. Japanese C urrents kicks o ff the films will be screened Friday, Dec. 4 through Monday, Dec. 7 at W hitsell A uditorium at the P o rtlan d A rt M useum , 1219 S.W. Park Ave. Tickets are $8 for general admission and $7 for students and seniors. The N orthw est Film Center celebrates the vibrancy o f Japa­ nese culture and cin em a this w eekend, bringing together the m ost internationally acclaim ed Japanese films o f the past two years. Japanese C urrents is a film series that spans diverse genres from science fiction and fantasy to historical dram a and anime. The featured film m akers them ­ selves range from em erging new talents to established masters. Several o f the film s included are critical darlings from presti­ g io u s in te rn a tio n a l fe stiv a ls The Northwest Film Center presents the latest and best o f contemporary Japanese cinema this weekend at the Portland Art Museum. Face Your Fears in Scream! A re you brave enough to put your head in the guillotine, pet a tarantula, or take a free fall? Visitors to the O regon M u­ seum o f Science and Industry (O M S1) w ill g et th e ir h eart p u m p in g an d th e ir p a lm s Visitors to OMSI face their fears in Scream! an exhibit that tests the physiological, neurobiological and sociological aspects o f fear, now showing through Jan. 3 sw eaty at Scream ! F eaturing G oose Bumps! The Science o f Fear. N ow show ing through Jan. 3, Scream! exam ines the physi­ ological, neurobiological, and sociological aspects o f fear. P articipants can experience fear in a safe and enjoyable en­ vironment, rate their responses, understand the science behind the em otion, and team how the brain and body work together to respond to danger. OM SI is located at 1945 S.E. W ater Ave. M useum adm ission is $ 11 for adults and $9 for youth ages 3-13. “The N ew Twelve 22” (formerly LVs Sport Bar and Grill) W W W .O R E G O N Z O O .O R G New Hours: Monday-Thursday 12pm - 1pm Take MAX to the ioo T « I© M E T Friday to Saturday 9am - 2am Sunday' 9am - 1 pm Ride MAX and M ve $1 50 on zoo a d n rw o n By car. Five minutes from downtown Portland oft Hwy 26 Wost Z(X) Happy Hour Monday - Friday 4pm - 7pm Weekend Breakfast Friday - Saturday - Sunday 9am-2pm New Menu -- Daily Lunch Specials: Catfish • Shrimp • Tilapia • Oysters • Chicken Wing Baskets Friday & Saturday S u n d a y 's O pen M ic Jam S essio n s $3.00 cover charge - Free before 9pm ★ Pass the Mic Night* DJ Larry Bell: Old School, R&B Welcome all Musicians, Singers, Comedians, Poets 8:00 pm — Hosted by Sam Dress Code Enforced: No baseball caps and/or plain tee-shirts of any color r iZ 1 o IÛ - Twelve 22 $2.00 o f f any lunch basket 12pm - 3pm 1 1 k—> O nly With This C oupon I O Expires 11 /30/09 Limited 1 per coupon 1 Q ¡ iZ Twelve 22 10 r - i ICU $2.00 o f f any lunch basket 12pm - 3pm i 11 i O n ly With This C oupon O 1 1 ¡ P Expires 11/30/09 Limited 1 per coupon Z 1 pi 0 1 1 “0 1 Oi Z 1 T n r t Daily