Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, December 02, 2009, Page 6, Image 6

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    December 2, 2009
Page A6
S ports
Demos in Civil War has Rose Bowl on Line
O regon hosts historic m atchup
Jefferson High School has advanced to the
sem ifinals o f the O regon 5 A football cham pi­
onship series for the second year in a row.
The D em ocrats face Sherw ood on Satur­
day, Dec. 5 at 3 p.m at PGE Park.
Jefferson beat G lencoe, 41-21 last Satur­
day in H illsboro to set up the matchup.
T he 5A Portland Interscholastic League
cham pions w ere able to stop G lencoe from
scoring on a long opening drive and then
scored four tim es in a row. The Dem ocrats
won rave review s for their big offensive line,
defensive pursuit and speed to tum the gam e
into a physical mismatch.
The upcoming matchup with Sherwood will
be the second this y ear betw een th e tw o
teams. Sherwood beat Jefferson 40-7 on Sept.
If Jefferson should reach the final it w ould
be the first tim e since 1959 — an era that in­
cluded players such as Mel Renfro and Terry
C h u rc h o f G od in
C h ris t U nited
4800 NE 30th Ave.
Portland OR 97211
You are cordially invited
to worship with us in
these services:
S unday Service
Sunday School 10:00 A.M
Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M
(A P ) — It is b e in g
d u b b e d th e W ar o f th e
The 113th Civil War ri­
valry gam e between 10th-
ranked O regon and 16th-
ranked Oregon State this
T h u rsd ay night w ill d e­
cide the P ac-10's represen­
tative in the Rose Bowl.
A nd the state o f O regon
has never seen anything
quite like it.
Tickets for the game reached $500 apiece on Craigslist.org this week.
O ne pair, offered for $1,000, included an unpaid reservation for the
night at a nearby hotel, an additional $ 159 cost.
The frenzy over tickets prom pted O regon A ttorney G eneral John
K roger to issue a w arning over counterfeit tickets.
"Con artists and scam m ers routinely try to capitalize o ff o f highly antici­
pated events to pad their own
wallets," Kroger's office said in
an advisory that offered tips
for spotting scam s.
A utzen Stadium seats more
than 54,000. O regon officials
also sell som e 5,000 standing-
room only tickets. All were long
ago sold out.
Oregon (9-2,7-1) hasn't been
to the R ose B ow l sin ce the
1994 season, and O regon State
(8 -3 ,6 -2 ) hasn't been there since the 1964 season.
It is the first tim e in the history o f the rivalry gam e that both team s are
playing for a trip to Pasadena.
"This m ight be the craziest it has been all year. USC w as pretty crazy,"
O regon safety T.J. Ward said. "But there's nothing like the Civil War."
Obama’s Cheer for Oregon State
(AP) - Oregon State gave the first fan
something to cheer about.
Seth Tarver scored 18 points and the Bea­
vers beat George Washing­
ton 64-57 on Saturday, with
President Barack O bam a
and his family watching from
courtside in the half-full
Smith Center in Washington,
B ro th er-in -la w C raig
Robinson is the Oregon State
coach, and the president
b rought along first lady
Michelle Obama, daughters
M alia and S asha, and
Worship Service 12:00 Noon
m o th e r-in -la w
M arian
Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M.
The coach said he enjoyed
W eekday Service
Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:30 P.M.
Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M.
Prayer M eeting & Seminar: M onday - Friday 12:00
Northwest Voice for Christ Ministries
“A Community Church ”
Bishop H. L. H odge, PhD
Pastor/T eacher/R evivalist
“The V oice Speaks”
Join us each Sunday M orning at 8:00 A. M.
Bishop Hodge and Congregation invite you to join us in
giving praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We Reach, Teach, & Preach in Jesus’ name!!!
Location: 4800 NE 30th Ave., Portland, O regon
To inquire about our C hurch or M inistry call 503 863-6545
or visit our w ebsite at w w w .nw voiceforchrist.com
N W V C will be instituting "H ogge C om prehensive
Counseling Service" D ecem ber 1,2009.
Office Location— 1001 SW 5th A venue, Portland, OR 97204
Telephone 503 220-1790
Please call fo r additional information
having his fam ily at the
“H e’s a huge basketball
fan,” Robinson said of the
president. “ He pays close
attention and h e ’s always
followed us.”
Oregon State (2-3) led 14-
0 before George Washington
re a liz e d the gam e had
started, but the Colonials (4-
1) managed to narrow the
deficit to 10 with a run late
in the first half.
The first Pac-10 team to
play in the Smith Center kept
President Barack Obama watches a college basketball
game Saturday between George Washington University and up its fast-paced offense,
Oregon State with his mother-in-law Marian Robinson, first though, and the Beavers held
lady Michelle Obama and daughter Sasha in Washington.
on in the second half.
T iger W oods C rash es C ar at H o m e
Media sensation
focuses on couple
(A P) -- Tiger Woods did not
appear to be driving under the
influence and show ed no signs
o f having been in a fight in the
m inutes after his car crash o ut­
side his m ansion, an attorney
for the neighbors w ho dialed
911 said Tuesday.
Woods' injuries w ere "con­
sistent with a car w reck and in­
consistent w ith him being beat
up," attorney Bill Sharpe said.
"The scratches on his face w ere
consistent w ith som eone w ho
m aybe was in a m inor car acci­
dent and hit his head on the
w in d sh ield .... N one o f his inju­
ries looked like he was beat up
Helping Families »TransfoHnlng Lives
P roject
Saturday, December 19 * 10pm - lpm
Tiger Woods and his wife Elin
October in San Francisco.
by his w ife."
The Florida Highway Patrol said
Tuesday that Woods would be
cited for earless driving, but will
not face criminal charges.
Sharpe said neighbor Linda
Adams and her two adult sons
went outside their home in the ex­
clu siv e g ated co m m u n ity o f
lsleworth after hearing the crash
and Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren,
asked them to call 911.
He said the neighbors found
N ordegren kneeling beside her
wife told W indermere police she
used a g o lf club to sm ash the
back w indow s to help him out.
Tabloid speculation has fo­
cused on w hether W oods and
his w ife w ere fighting before
the accident. T he crash cam e
tw o d ay s after T h e N ational
Enquirer published a story al­
leg in g th at W oods had been
seeing a N ew York nightclub
hostess, and that they recently
w ere to g eth er in M elbourne,
w here Woods com peted in the
A ustralian M asters.
The w om an, Rachel U chitel,
denied having an affair w ith
W oods when contacted by The
A ssociated Press.
Nordegren pictured in
Sharpe said the A dam s fam ­
ily did not see the crash and
husband, upset about his inju­ did not see Woods' w ife w ith a
ries. S h arp e said W oods a p ­ g o lf club.
"One thing w e w ant to m ake
p e a r e d w o o z y a n d h ad
scratches on his face and that clear is that Mrs. Woods' atti­
his w ife was trying to console tude w as co n sisten t w ith her
h im . T h e A d a m s w ra p p e d being concerned about her in­
Woods in a blanket and m ade ju re d h usband," S harpe said.
"Mrs. Woods w as trying to help
sure he didn't move.
Mrs. Woods w as w orried
A c c o rd in g to th e F lo rid a
her husb an d . She w as
Highway Patrol accident report,
Woods crashed his SUV into a
W oods w ith d re w M o n d ay
fire hydrant and a tree at 2:25
his ow n g o lf tournam ent,
a.m. Friday. The airbags did not
injuries from the crash.
deploy in the crash, and Woods'
T erry F amily
2337 N. Williams Ave
Portland, Or 97227
Wc make the service personal.
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o r d e r flo w e rs a n d le av e p e rs o n a l m e ssag e s o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , an y tim e .
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