PageA5 December 2, 2009 el Adulation for Sotomayor (A P) — A pparently, no one told Sonia Sotom ayor that Su­ prem e C ourt justices are sup­ posed to be circumspect, em erg­ ing from their m arble palace m ainly to dispense legal w is­ dom to law sc h o o ls, ju d g e s' conferences and lawyers' m eet­ ings. Since becom ing the first H is­ panic ju stice , Sotom ayor has m am boed w ith m ovie stars, ex­ changed sm ooches w ith m usi­ cians at the W hite H ouse and throw n out the first pitch for her beloved N ew York Yankees. A fam ous ja z z c o m p o se r even w rote a song about her: "W ise Latina Woman." In short, Sotom ayor has be­ com e a celebrity — all w ithout having m ade a single m ajor de­ cision at the nation's highest court. A utograph seekers, picture takers and w ell-w ishers hound her w herever she goes, m onths after her confirm ation hearing. O bservador Celebrity grows for first Hispanic justice Eva L ongoria Parker. H olly­ w ood and the world o f music are also paying attention to her. O n e o f th e m o st p o p u la r YouTube clips o f Sotom ayor is her confidently mamboing — in heels! — w ith "La Bamba" ac- New Prices Effective May 1,2007 Martin Cleaning Service Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Residential & Commercial Services Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor, a lifelong Yankees fan, shakes hands with Yankees' catcher Jose Molina (left)and Jorge Posada (right) after throwing out the ceremonial first pitch during a Sept.26 playoff game. Latina magazine shows Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor on the cover o f its December- January double issue. sw earing-in and first appear­ part until the hundreds o f con­ ce rt g u ests w ere u sh ered to ance in the courtroom . Recently, the new justice was their seats in a giant tent on the sw arm ed by people with cam ­ South Lawn, and it quickly re­ eras the m inute she appeared g ro u p e d o n c e th e c o n c e rt in the Grand Foyer o f the White ended. S om e o f those lucky H ouse during a celebration o f enough to get photos with the ju stic e squealed and proudly Latino music. The throng around her didn't d isp lay e d th e ir h ap p y -sn ap s for others in the crowd. At th a t e v e n t, o n ly Sotom ayor got a standing ova­ tion w hen P resid en t B arack Obama read a list o f famous His­ panics from government, music and acting who were present, including George Lopez, Jimmy Smits, Los Lobos, Sheila E. and Minimum Service CHG Roof fix coming thanks to PDC The Miracle Theatre Group has won a $3 0 ,0 0 0 grant from the Portland Development Commission to repair the roof o f its performing arts center and offices in southeast Portland. U rban Renewal Area. T he govern m en tal support com plem ents significant recent improvements made by Miracle, w h ic h w e re s u p p o r te d by $56,000 in grants, donations and Front being a system conversation," explained Smith. F o r in sta n c e , G ra n t H igh School, as one o f the most popu­ lated schools, w ould have to shed some o f its students after the redesign, as well as the fund­ ing attached to them. Sm ith stressed that she has heard from people who value not o n ly ro b u s t n e ig h b o rh o o d schools, but also som e degree o f choice, which is why three to am enities and accessibility en­ h ancem ents, w hile the b ase­ ment studio w as transform ed with new flooring, paint, light­ ing and soundproofing in or­ der to expand its use for both theatre rehearsals and com m u­ nity events. “Even more than the ability to address o u r concerns for the safety and comfort o f our artists and patrons, the PDC grant rein­ forces our belief in the power o f community and recognizes that what we are creating here at El Centro M ilagro is a cultural in­ stitution that is integral to the vitality o f our neighborhood and the region,” says Miracle The­ atre G roup’s Executive Director José E. Gonzalez. Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: 1 small Hallway) 1 Cleaning Area (only) $40.00 (Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra) Stairs (12-16 Stairs) $25.00 (With Other Services) Heavily Soiled Area: Additional $10.00 ADDITIONAL SERVICES • • • • • Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment Spot & Stain Removal Service Scotchguard Protection UPHOLSTERY CLEANING $79.00 Sofa $59.00 Loveseat $109 - $139 Sectional Chair or Recliner $35 - $49 Throw Pillows $5.00 (With Other Services) f M iracle T heatre G roup in­ vites the public to its holiday o p e n h o u se an d fu n d ra ise r from 2-4 p.m., Saturday, Dec. 5 at 525 S.E. Stark St. T he event w ill feature the talents o f som e o f M iracle’s fa­ v orite L atino m usicians and dancers, sp irited beverages, eggnog, and the opportunity to receive som e lovely holiday six smaller schools with specific focuses will also be offered. “ I get that sm aller environ­ ments work for [some] kids,” said Smith, who has a background in alternative education. “They go ferret out w hat’s right for [them] and w h ere th e y ’re g o in g to thrive.” But despite the district’s am ­ bitions, it still faces other diffi­ culties. S tudents en terin g the high school system either come out o f a large K-8 school or a smaller gifts w hen guests make a tax- deductible donation to the non­ profit group. A n assortm ent o f gift certificates, FlexPasses and stocking stuffers will be avail­ able for purchase. Teatro M ilagro Artistic Direc­ tor Dafiel M alan will get the af­ te rn o o n s ta rte d w ith so m e C h ristm a s sta n d a rd s on her ukulele. She will be joined by (503) 281-3949 Boss Hogg Christmas Tree Lot Joaquin López, sharing some o f the songs he has com posed for the upcom ing w orld pre­ m iere o f A m eric an S ueño. C ag u am a, a local T ex-M ex band, will get things cooking along w ith salsa d an ce les­ sons by G abriela Portuguez. Even Santa will slip in at some point — guests should plan to bring their cameras! middle school. Because o f the last year, and is expected to take disparity in size, students have another $ 14 million hit in the next often had a very different experi­ biennium. W hen asked how PPS will ence before entering high school. Critics have complained this ar­ monitor equity after the imple­ rangement puts schools on un­ mentation o f the redesign. Smith pointed out that the district al­ equal footing. “You don’t get to look at part ready has a number o f m echa­ o f it and not all o f it,” said Smith. nism s in place to m onitor the However, she also added that progress o f students, which they there are still some benchmarks will continue using. But she noted that it will take all students entering high school some time for the redesign to fully have to meet. take hold. Smith also mentioned that PPS ’ “This kind o f change takes budget have been ravaged by years to build up a new school th e ec o n o m y . T he sc h o o l culture,” she said. district’s budget lost $30 million Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 X M A S TR EE S Any Doug Fir 5-7 ft. $20.00 Any Nobel Fir 5-7 ft. $30.00 Any G rand Fir 5-7 ft. $30.00 6500 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. On the comer of: MLK Jr. & Rosa Park Spiritual Psychic Reader & Advisor Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the corner o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Psychic, plam,tarot card and crystal Readings. Help to remove negative forces and reunite lovers forever. Will bring back and help in all family matters. Will help where others have failed. 5th Generation Psychic Healer 503-236-7600 Sister Cathy w * r- Pwkma Krea WNt Rumil »200 Kiisseli St S c. i See Flyers for Additional Prices Call For Appointment Latino Song and Dance Fundraiser High Schools Overhaul continued in-kind contributions. D uring that time, the façade was painted and crow ned w ith a custom - made, bilingual marquee. In the interior, the lobby and adjacent café areas rec eiv ed u p d ated $45.00 Carpet Cleaning 2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area Latino Theatre Earns Support M iracle T heatre G roup has been aw arded a $30,000 grant from the Portland Development C om m ission to fund m ajor re­ pairs to the ro o f o f its Latino arts and culture perform ance center in southeast Portland. “PDC has a strong com m it­ ment to neighborhood vitality an d local b u sin ess su c ce ss,” says Becki M arsh o f the Port­ land Development Commission. “We w elcom e the opportunity to w ork w ith com m unity assets like the M iracle T heatre.” El Centro M ilagro, a facility th a t e n c o m p a s s e s b o th th e nonprofit organization’s offices at 425 SE Sixth Ave. and its per­ form ing arts facility at 525 SE Stark St., has been the hom e o f the 25-year-old M iracle Theatre Group. The ro o f has leaked for m any years, and a reputable roofing contractor has recom ­ m ended a m ajor repair. The grant helps PDC achieve its goals o f contributing to a diverse, sustainable com munity w hile supporting several objec­ tives o f the C entral E astside tor Esai M orales at a National H ispanic F o u n d atio n for the A rts ju st w eeks after she was confirmed. T h e so n g S o to m a y o r an d Morales were dancing to'? Bobby Sanabria's "Sotomayor Mambo." Walk-ins welcome 3343 SE Hawthorne Blvd. @ the Comer o f 34th and Hawthorne