December 2. 2009 Page A4 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver. com. Job Losses Pose Danger for Obama Wave of discontent sweeps nation by R on D aniels There is a rebel­ lion against Wash­ in g to n b rew in g across the land, and th a t's bad new s for P re si­ dent Obama and the Democrats. Unemployment is 10.2% and climbing. According to a recent poll, some 30 percent o f Ameri­ can families are feeling the pain o f the dramatic downturn in the economy, which has produced the highest level o f joblessness in decades. Never mind that the devastating economic collapse was in h erited by P resident Obama; what people care about is whether they see the govern­ ment addressing th eir pain, whether any visible actions are being taken that give them hope that their job opportunities will improve in the near future. While growing joblessness is the issue u pperm ost in the minds of millions o f Americans, what they are w itnessing in Washington is a protracted and divisive struggle over health care reform. And, on Wall Street, people are flabbergasted to see the stock market rising, bank and investment company prof­ its soaring and monstrous bo­ nuses for employees o f the very companies whose reckless be­ havior precipitated the eco­ nomic crisis. Meanwhile, hun­ dreds o f thousands o f people continue to lose their homes as the depression in the mortgage industry continues. It is not that health care re­ form is irrelevant. In a nation where nearly 50 million people do not have health care and the prices o f premiums continue to skyrocket, health care reform unquestionably must be a ma­ jor national priority. Indeed, President Obama is correct to argue that the long term well being o f the econom y d e­ pends on bending the cost curve for health care dow n­ w ard. The p ro blem is that people are less concerned about health care reform when their families and communities are being ravaged by joblessness. In this regard, there appears to be a dangerous disconnect be­ tween the Obama administra­ tion and Main Street. Unfortunately, the brewing rebellion is yet another conse­ quence o f the timidity o f Presi­ dent Obama in dealing with the huge crisis he inherited from the Bush-Cheney administration. Some argue that he has his pri­ orities backward because the economy does not appear to be at the top o f the agenda. For those who hold that view, it may be useful to rem em ber that health care reform was not the first issue President Obama tar­ geted for action/resolution; it was the economy. The first months o f his administration were devoted to rolling out a new economic stimulus pack­ age and bail out packages de­ signed to rescue the ailing fi­ nancial, auto and mortgage sec­ tors of the economy. But as Paul K rugm an has re p e a te d ly pointed out, President Obama's stimulus package was too small to achieve the kind o f job gen­ eration required to ameliorate the pain around the country. Now President Obama is in a terrible bind. An inadequate stimulus package is "stimulat­ failure to produce something, no matter how modest, would be disastrous. The R epubli­ cans, who are determined to see him fail, are getting traction by howling about the lack o f re­ Never mind that the devastating economic collapse was inherited by President Obama. ing" far too slowly to reverse the tide o f joblessness spread­ ing across the country at a time when he is compelled to push through some form o f health care reform legislation. After months o f investing major po­ litical capital in this effort, the sults o f the stimulus package, the growing deficit and expan­ sion o f government. Sensing a political opening with the 2010 mid-term elections approach­ ing, they are opportunistically tapping into and fueling the rage boiling across the country M arian W rig ht E delman I'm deeply disturbed that after a decade o f de­ cline, the number o f fire­ arm deaths among chil­ dren and youths has in­ creased for the second year in a row. A recent report reveals that almost nine children and teens die from gunfire ev­ ery day-one child death every two hours and 45 minutes. When people from other in­ dustrialized dem ocra­ cies learn o f America's c h ild g u n sh o t death rates, they're equally troubled. Based on the most re­ cent data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the report states that 3,184 children and teens died from gunfire in 2006, a six per- NfcMEF wNP« BOSS,. DivwlUM of KETCHUP \N i TH CORPORAT AMERICA SICK LEAVE fCR WORKERS cent increase over 2005. A n­ other 17,451 were victims o f non-fatal firearms injuries, a seven percent increase from the previous year. A m ajor reason for these tragic young deaths is the pro­ liferation o f guns. Americans own more than 270 million pri­ vate firearms-the equivalent o f nine guns for every 10 men, w om en and c h ild re n . The C o w iit z B a m Looking to purchase or refinance a home? If so. it's time to call Don Adams at Bay Mortgage Wc are a Division of Cowlitz Bank which has served the Northwest since 1978. We offer several loan programs and will put together the perfect loan for you. A few o f our loan programs are: • No Down Payment and l ow Down Payment Programs • FHA, VA, USDA and Conventional Home Loans • 12 Day Start to Finish on FHA Home Loans For the best local rates and best local service, call today. (360) 992-6230 donadamsttt Don Adams 20 Years Lending Experience Dr. Ron Daniels is president o f the Institute o f the Black World 21st Century and Dis­ tinguished Lecturer at York College City University o f New York. THAT? B ay M ortgage a ishing victory in the 2010 elec­ tions. A party whose philoso­ phy and policies provoked the greatest economic catastrophe since the Great Depression and was repudiated by the voters in 2008 will likely regain control o f the House and Senate, ren­ dering the duration o f Presi­ dent O bam a's tenure m iser­ able. It is an ironic circum ­ stance which can and must be prevented with bold leader­ ship by President Obama and the Democrats. FLU^f, Loose Gun Laws Kill More Kids by over the issue o f jobs. The question is how will P re sid e n t O bam a and the Democrats respond. Rather than cow er and be timid. President Obama and the D em ocrats should seize the moment to deliver a desperately needed jobs initiative and edu­ cate the American public on the importance o f government as an employer o f last resort in times o f crisis. President Obama now faces a critical moment o f truth in his young presidency. With a re­ b ellio n b rew ing a cro ss the country because o f m assive joblessness, he must act boldly or the Republicans will ride the wave o f discontent to an aston­ All loans are subject to credit approval. Certain fees and restrictions may apply. United States is one o f the few industrialized countries without common sense controls on gun sales. We regulate toy guns, but not the real ones that snuff out tens o f thousands o f hu­ man lives every year. A m ong the young people killed by firearms, 2,225 were homicide victims, 763 commit­ ted suicide and 196 c . . J in ac­ cidental or undetermined cir­ cumstances. The overwhelming m ajority, nearly 90 percent, were boys. More preschoolers- 63-were killed by firearms than law enforcement officers killed in the line o f duty-48. The death toll among black children is growing at an alarming rate. Black males between the ages o f 15 and 19 are almost five times as likely as their white peers and more than twice as likely as their Latino peers to be killed by a firearm. The destructive im pact o f firearms affects all o f us by in­ creasing health care costs, over­ ____________ THE____________ SPINACOLUMN Destructive impacts affect all of us $ taxing social services and de­ creasing national productivity. Gun violence is so pervasive in some black communities that it co n stitutes a serious health risk. It's come to the point where many o f the cases o f post-trau­ matic stress disorder in black neighborhoods are not only o f veterans returning from war zones, but o f children walking up to the corner store. Too many o f them speak o f the fu­ ture in terms o f "If I grow up” instead o f "When I grow up." Regrettably, in many o f the states and at the national level it's an uphill fight to control fire­ arm trafficking. T hirty-tw o states have no laws requiring firearms sellers at gun shows to first conduct background checks on all buyers. This gun- show loophole has been used to evade laws designed to make it harder for guns to get into the hands o f children, criminals, and the mentally unbalanced. 1LUS« An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 13. Shoulder Pain: Why many people cannot, and should not, take it lying down. : My shoulders hurt so to doctor seeking relief, being caused the injury. You see, bad at times. I can hardly told they have bursitis at one the cause was there long be­ sleep. What can Chiropractic office, tenosynovitis at another fore the pain itself. By treat­ do for me that no one else has and so on until they return home ing the cause, we not only confused, frustrated and still in relieve the pain, d o n ’t suffer been able to? : Shoulder pain ism with agony. As Chiropractors, we through an o th er sleepless out question, one o f the are concerned about nerve night. Call for an appointment flow to the various parts o f the to find out how Chiropractic most debilitating types o f pain we encounter. Because the body. O f course, we look to can elim inate the cause o f the shoulder is so intricately re­ see if a bursal sac has been problem once and for all. Or lated to the spine, v irtually any traum atized or if a tendon has feel free to call us if you have movement can be excruciat­ been injured. But more impor­ any questions w hatsoever ing. It is not at all uncommon to tantly, we look to see what about your health. see cases like yours where pa­ tients' hurt so bad, they can­ 2124N.E. Hancock Street, Portland Oregon 97212 not even get a decent night’s sleep. To Complicate matters, Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 7 -5 5 0 4 many patients go from doctor Q Beaverton Toyota • Russ Auto Finance NORTHWEST Connection A Flowers' Chiropractic Office Looking for a Car, N ew or Used? Contact Tim Wilson at 503-550-3841 Gun shows are a huge mar­ ket for vendors with or without federal firearms licenses. Ten years ago, the two teen­ aged shooters who killed 12 fel­ low students and a teacher at Columbine High School near Littleton, Colorado got part of their arsenal illegally through a gun show. Congress must pass legisla­ tion to close the gun show loop­ hole and strengthen provisions o f the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act requiring a na­ tional instant crim inal back­ ground check system. There's strong evidence that background checks can be ef­ fective. Between 1994 and 2007, background checks performed by federal firearms licensees resulted in more than 1.6 mil­ lion illegal buyers being denied guns. It is also imperative that the federal assault w eapons ban be reinstituted. According to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, the ban reduced the use o f assault weapons in crimes by 66 percent between 1995 and 2001. But the responsibility to keep our children safe cannot rest solely with our political leaders. There are things individuals and families can do: remove guns from hom es, m obilize community support to protect children from gun violence, stress nonviolent values and conflict resolution, refuse to buy or use products for chil­ dren and teens that glamorize violence, and provide children and teens positive alternatives to the streets. We must hold our legislators accountable to implement these c o m m o n -sen se gun safety m easures. The safety o f our children and communities is at stake. Marian Wright Edelman is president o f the Children's De­ fense Fund and a working com­ mittee member o f the Black Community Crusade fo r Chil­ dren.