Page A9 November 25, 2009 Dixion’s Rib Pit 19th & 20th on Alberta Street 503-753-0868 H o u rs Jackson Glove Nets $350,000 Auction wildly exceeds estimates (A P ) — T h e s h im m e rin g , w hite glove M ichael Jackson w ore w hen he prem iered his tradem ark m oonw alk dance in 1983 w as a u c tio n e d o f f fo r $350,000 — plus tax — on Sat­ urday. Winning bidder Hoffrnan Ma o f Hong Kong will pay $420,000, including taxes and fees, for the rhinestone-studded, m odified g o lf glove Jackson w ore on his left hand for his m oonw alk on M otow n’s 25th anniversary TV special. The glove was the top item in a collection o f Jackson memo­ rabilia on the block at the Hard Rock Cafe in Tim es Square. Its p r e - a u c tio n e s tim a te w as $40,000 to $60,000. A s the p rice o f th e g lo v e s o a re d , fa n s ro a r e d an d squealed — echoing the kind o f frenzy that accom panied the late pop star w hen he toured the world. “T h a t’s w hat d eath b rin g s upon celebrity,” said Brendan D o y le , a c o lle g e s tu d e n t This glove worn by Michael Jackson for a 1983 perfor­ mance was auctioned Saturday for $350,000. munching chicken fingers from a plate in his lap. "Jackson's d eath w as such a trag ed y at such a young age that it pushed up prices.” The pop icon, who died June 25 at 50, had given the glove to Walter “C lyde” O range, o f the singing group the Commodores. A jacket that Jackson w ore on his 1989 "B ad” tour fetched $225,000 — 20 times its low es­ timate o f $8,000. The sale also included a fe­ d o ra Ja c k s o n w o re fo r th e moonwalk. It sold for $22,000, against a $2,000 high estimate. r 11:00 a.m . to 10:00 p.m . T u e d a y th ru S a tu rd a y S unday a fte r 3 :0 0 p .m . D in n e rs $ 9 .5 0 S a n d w ic h e s $ 8 .5 0 A n d S o u l F ood Try us once y o u 'll come hack ag ain Your Care Our First Priority Jacksons Reality Show Coming Jermaine Jackson cope with M ichael’s drug-induced death in June. There will be six episodes, the network said. “This deeply intimate portrait will provide viewers with a raw and honest look inside a musical d y n a s ty ,” sa id A & E an d B io C hannel vice presid en t R obert Sharenow. It rem ain ed unclear w hether (A P ) — A r e a lity sh o w miniseries about the Jackson fam­ ily will premiere Dec. 13onA & E , the network says. Back-to-back hour episodes will air that night at 9 p.m. EST. "The Jacksons: A Family Dy­ nasty” focuses on brothers Jackie, Jermaine, Tito and Marlon as they prepare to reunite for a concert tour. It also chronicles their lives as they M ichael Jackson or his children, Paris, Prince M ichael and Prince Michael II (known as Blanket), will be seen in the shows. The cable network had origi­ nally announced “The Jacksons” as a docum entary special in May, before the star’s death. In August, “ E ntertainm ent T onight” aired w hat A & E said was leaked foot­ age from the special. Dr. M arcelitte Failla C h iro p ra c tic P hysician We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, O R 97213 {Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • A u to m o b ile accident in ju rie s • C h ro n ic headache and jo in t pain • W o rke rs C o m p e n sa tio n in ju rie s and Friday, Dec. 4 and Thursday, Dec. 17 at the Candlelight. For a com plete sched­ ule, visit norm . H olid ay A le F estival — P io n e e r C o u r t­ house Square, dow n­ tow n, hosts the H oli­ d a y A le F e s tiv a l, W ednesday, Dec. 2 th r o u g h Sunday, Dec. 6. Event orga­ nizers say the craft ales o f choice are designed to fend o ff the cold chill o f a long w inter night. T h a n k sg iv in g at the Z o o — The Oregon Zoo wi 11 celebrate T h a n k s g iv in g , T h u rs d a y , Nov. 26 through Sunday, Nov. 29 w ith m any enrichm ent ac­ tivities for the anim als aimed at stim ulating their m inds and stom ach. The annual Turkey T rot on Thanksgiving D ay is for people; a four-m ile run and walk that starts at 8 a.m. follow ed by a half-m ile “Tot T rot” for kids at 9:30 am. C o lo r e d P e n c ils N ig h t -- K now n as P ortland’s m ulticultural living room, Col- N o rm an Sylvester Band — Local jazz great N orm an Sylvester perform s W ednesday, Dec. 2, Friday, Dec. 11 and Saturday, Dec. 12 at Tillicum in Beaverton; Thursday, Dec. 3 at the 720 N ightclub on H awthorne; JJorttani» (Dbsrruer Established 1970 clearly labeled and w ill be returned i f accompanied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot be used in other p ub li­ cations or personal usage without the wntten consent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 2008 TH E P O R TLA N D OBSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN W H O LE OR IN PART W ITH O U T PERMISSION IS PRO­ Charles H Washington E ditor : M ic h a e l L e ig h to n D istribution M anager : M a rk W ashington C reative D irector : P au! 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M 3 7861103 Fa* M 3 ? 8 6 ,146 emie.hiil h5mt>' H r I Home Office, Bloomington. Illinois 61710 M ic h a e l E Harper Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape Sharon Maxwell-Hendricks Q .n e r a l M an ager JAMES BOYD 3535 N Vancouver Ave Portland, OR 97218 503-284-2989 __ Hom« Office, Bloomington. Illinois 6 ■ /10 I C h e r ry S p ro u t P ro du ce I T a k e 15% o K y o u r p u rch ase o f $ io o r m o re !* A Stal« Farm e-mail: classifieds@ ■ 72» N . Sum ner St. 1 (5 0 3 ) 445 4959 | Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-8 - Sun. 10-7 5010 NE 9th Unit A. Portland, O regon 97221 B U S I N E S S !) i r e c t o r y To Place Your Classified Advertisement PH (503) 970-5743 Licensed and Bonded LCB 6165 lie have the Best Barber & hair Sty list in Portland and H IB IT E D The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest M ulticultural P u b lica tio n -» a member o f the P ostmaster : Send address changes to Portland Observer, I Live J a zz— Every F nday and Saturday from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the Third Degrees Lounge at the River Place Hotel, 1510 S.W. Harbor Way. No cover or minimum purchase. For more information, Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.. Portland, OR 97211 I I S pinning Straw into G old — Tears o f Joy Theatre presents Rumpelstiltskin, a spar­ kling adaptation o f the class German tale by Brothers Grimm. The puppet production de­ lights and enthralls audiences o f all ages. Shows continue through Sunday, Nov. 29 at Winningstad Theatre, 1111 S.W. Broadway. The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions Manuscripts and photographs should be USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 -------------------------------------------------- I I I (503)228-6140 Platinum Fade ored Pencils is m oving to C ity Hall for D ecem ber’s First Thursday. The Dec. 3 event from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. will mark the one year anniversary for the organiza­ tion and will feature arts, crafts, and Thai cuisine. H oliday S o u l— Jimmy M aks presents Holi­ day Soul with Patrick Lamb, featuring special guests Ian Jam e and Liv W arfield, Fri­ day, Dec. 18, w ith tw o shows at 7:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. Tick­ ets are $15 and can be pur­ chased by v is itin g tic k e ts o re g o n .c o m or Call for an appointment ! Phon.: 503-281-0224 F ax: 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -4 4 1 9 •h a m a x h o n d fta c n in c .n a t WBE I ESB I MBE 10BE » 114« ■ CCB4 1SBSB7 • WA UC • BOANEG*S14JT 4134 N. Vancouver Av., Sull. 400C RO. Boi 1111S. Portland, OR »7111 We moved to our new loeation at: 9713 S .W . Capitol, Portland, O R 503-221-3050 Fax 503-227-8757 I Agent