November 25, 2009 Page A 4 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@portlandobserver. com. Our Lost Jobs and Wealth th e m illio n s w ho lo st th e ir Staying homes. H om eow nership is the w ay to build personal marketable in quickest wealth. Now, with so many Af­ m ericans having fore­ the workplace rican-A closed on their hom es, the fi­ nancial health o f our J udge G reg M athis com m unity is in jeo p ­ The current recession ardy. has certain ly taken its We are being told toll on everyone. From the econom y is get­ la rg e c o rp o ra tio n s to ting better but that the sm all businesses to fami­ lies, m ost o f us can fairly say econom ic growth o f Am erica that, in som e way, we have suf­ will be irrevocably changed. fered a financial loss. But A fri­ Businesses will be m ore con­ can-A m ericans, more than any servative when expanding so other group, are disproportion­ th a t they d o n ’t o v e re x te n d ately affected by the econom ic them selves. N ew jo b s will be dow nturn. We are losing jobs created at slow er rates than in at faster rates and, as a result, recent years. K now ing this, it is imperative that the American our net w ealth is decreasing. A m id reports o f an im prov­ governm ent m akes a com m it­ ing econom y, m any are still m ent to re-train those w orkers w orried about their financial w hose industries have been futures. America m ust continue dram atically reduced. H igh-paying jobs in m anu­ to support its citizens so that they m ay withstand this dow n­ facturing are few and far be­ turn and not com e out worse tw een; this is the inform ation age and our citizens need to for the wear. The national unem ploym ent be ready to w ork in it. For our r a te is c u r r e n tly h o v e rin g econom y to stay vibrant, gov­ around 10 percent. For African- ern m en t sp o n so red train in g A m ericans, that num ber is ju st program s for dow nsized em ­ over 15 percent and, in some ployees m ust be implemented. A dditionally, w e m ust work states, Illinois for example, its over 18 percent. For black teens, to keep technology jo b s here the num ber is astronom ically in A m erica. Any com pany re­ ceiving governm en t support high: nearly 41 percent. To be fair, unem p lo y m en t or contracts m ust be required rates have alw ays been higher to hire A m erican workers. If in the A frican-A m erican com ­ there are not enough skilled munity than they are in the gen­ workers to fill the jobs, we must eral population. But the reces­ ensure that people are trained. sion has increased the unem ­ Lastly, special monitored home ploym ent - and w ealth - gap loan program s for individuals betw een blacks and non-blacks who foreclosed on their homes because key industries, such as during the recession should be autom otive and manufacturing, created. T aking these steps w ould have scaled back considerably. It used to be that a black worker ensure that all Am ericans are could secure a stable jo b in one able to transition into this new o f these blue-collar industries and different w orkforce and and w ork their w ay into the begin to rebuild their lives. As middle class. T hat day is long an ad d e d b e n e fit, A fric an - A m erican w orkers w ould be gone. To com pound matters, preda­ able to get the skills they need to ry le n d in g p r a c tic e s th a t to stay m arketable in the w ork­ locked m any hom eowners into place w hile being allow ed a high in terest rate loans w ith fresh start on the road to per­ b a llo o n in g p a y m e n ts w e re sonal w ealth. Greg Mathis is a retired prevalent in A frican-A m erican com m unities. W hen the hous­ M ichigan D istrict Court ing crisis reached its dram atic judge and syndicated televi­ peak, blacks stood out am ong sion show judge. by Television Ruins Kids by D onald K aul The war in Af­ g h a n ista n isn 't going w ell. The econom ic recov­ ery isn't produc­ in g m an y new jobs. The banks that pushed the nation to the brink o f a 1930s- style Depression with their reck­ less ways-having sucked up bil­ lions o f taxpayer dollars in res­ cue money-are resuming those re c k le ss w ay s. T h e re isn 't enough swine flu vaccine to go around. And now for some bad news: N ielsen, the com pany that clocks television viewing in this country, has found that children between the ages o f two and five are watching an average o f 25 hours o f television each week. That's three-and-a-half hours a day, Sundays included. If you don't find that disturb­ ing, please go back to your Twit­ tering Facebook or whatever it is that you use to keep track o f the latest Hollywood marital cri­ sis. Sorry to have bothered you. From its very inception-and I was there, so I know-television has been hailed as a great edu­ Looking to purchase or refinance a home? I f so, it's time to call l)on Adams at Bay Mortgage. We are a Division o f Cowlitz Bank which has served the Northwest since 1978. We offer several loan programs and w ill put together the perfect loan for you. A few o f our loan programs are: • No Down Payment and l ow Down Payment Programs EHA, V.A, I SDA and Conventional Home Loans • 12 Day Start to Einish on EHA Home Loans F or the best local rates an d best local service, call today. (360) 992-6230 donadam sfo b Don Adams 2ft Years Lending Experience to . their profession that borders on the heroic. B e c a u se th e T V -w atch in g doesn't stop after the kids get to school. If anything it increases an d is a u g m e n te d b y v id e o gam es, com puters, m agic tele­ phones etc. It's not a flood o f distractions, it's a tsunami. I know w hat you're going to say: I've heard it before. I'm ex­ ? Television, after it gets kids hooked, teaches them that life is all about having things, buying things. % something. Mainly sold som e­ thing. I don't envy the task o f pri­ mary school teachers. By the time they get the kids in kindergar­ te n , th e little u rc h in s h av e watched alm ost 4,000 hours o f television. Into these dam aged brains the teachers are expected to implant a love o f reading, sci­ ence, and math. The fact that they succeed as often as they do is a testament to their skill and a com m itm ent aggerating the toxic nature o f tele­ vision. After all, much o f what those two-to-five-year-olds are w atching is "educational televi­ sion." It teaches kids the alpha­ bet and things like that. Right. I forgot about "educa­ tional television," the biggest oxym oron this side o f "military intelligence." It doesn't take 4,000 hours to teach kids the alphabet. W ere you p aying atten tio n w hen I told you that content is secondary? Attention span go­ Pray Out Loud B ay M ortgage • cational medium, an unparalleled teacher. And so it is. It teaches you to w atch televi­ sion. That's it, the whole thing. Con­ tent is secondary. It turns viewers, and particu­ larly young viewers, into bovine creatures w ho sit slack-jaw ed before a TV set, waiting to be e n te rta in e d , am u sed o r so ld Content is secondary All loans arc subject to credit approval. Certain fees and restrictions may apply. M . L inda J aram illo Praying out loud w as not w hat we did as fam ­ ily. We prayed quietly, assured that G od w ould h ea r us b ec au se our noise w as not needed to acti­ vate G o d ’s listening. However, as tim e h a s g o n e o n , I ’v e learned that prayer is not just for G o d ’s hearing; it is for our ears as well. S o I w rite to a p p e a l fo r p ray e rs— p ray ers in w h atev er w ay y o u do th at. We m u st by p ray from th e Q u ran , the Torah, the B ible, or use o u r o w n sp iritu al p ra c tic e th a t in clu d es n o n e o f th ese, b u t w e m ust p ray o u t loud so o th e rs can hear. We p ra y fo r o u r b ro th e rs a n d s i s t e r s in F o r t H o o d , Texas. We p ray for th o se w ho lo st th eir liv es and th e ir loved o n e s an d th o se w h o are r e ­ co v erin g from injuries. In ad ­ d itio n , I ask fo r p ray e rs for M u slim b ro th e rs an d sisters Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Beaverton Toyota • Russ Auto Finance NOKI MWE.ST We are located on the corner o f MtLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. Connection IX W Piwknia Aiea 335 NE ta m il *200 Russell St s Cu Looking for a Car, New or Used? Contact Tim Wilson at 5 0 3 -5 5 0 -3 8 4 1 Donald Kaul writes fo r Min­ uteman Media, a liberal advo­ cacy group. S* Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 ing the way o f your short-term memory, is it? Content, with one exception, is virtually irrelevant to television's im pact-and that exception is advertising. Televi­ sion, after it gets kids hooked, teaches them that life is all about having things, buying things. It trains children to be consumers and a good jo b it does. Thus we live in a society where the needs o f workers always take second place to the desires o f consum ers, w hich is the w ay corporate America likes it. We buy, therefore w e are. So ingrained is this attitude in our society that com m ercials, once thought to be an irritating necessity w e put up with to get "free" content, have achieved parity with programming in our viewing habits. The New York Times asked a senior executive at a media-buy­ ing firm in N ew York w hy this was the case. He expressed no surprise. "Television has always been like that," he said. "It's still a passive activity." So is death. a c ro ss th e co u n try , b ec au se th eir w orld w as tu rn ed upside do w n as w ell. M ajor Nidal M alik Hasan is a military psychiatrist accused o f killing 13 people and wounding 42 others; it is a tragedy beyond imagination. We do not know w hat was going on in his mind — w hat kind o f traum a lingers deep in his own psyche. Since 2 0 0 1, Hasan had been telling his family that he wanted to get out o f the military because he could not bear to fight and kill others o f his faith, but he was unsuc­ cessful in achieving that goal. We do know that his family had been taunted and harassed after the terrorist attacks o f Septem ­ ber 11, simply because o f their Muslim faith. We do know that Fort H ood is the largest military deploym ent center for personnel heading into war zones. We do know that they are highly trained in the use o f weapons to engage in warfare. We do know that a person must de-humanize the “enem y” is in order to carry out the task. We do teach our military personnel to kill people. Then we wonder why we are seeing the enormous impact on their emotional health. We m ust p ray o u t loud to dem and that our m ilitary sys­ tems provide em otional support for those returning; our nation should provide em otional sup­ port at the sam e level that we provide training for w arfare. M. Linda Jaramillo Is execu­ tive minister o f Justice Minis­ tries fo r the United Church o f Christ i