Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 25, 2009, Page 2, Image 2

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    November 25. 2009
^ JJn rtk in ò (Observer
Page A2
Excessive Force Inquiry Ordered
Free Thanksgiving Day Dinner
Members o f Portland's police
union demonstrated Tuesday
and plan a vote o f no confi­
dence against Police Commis­
sioner Dan Saltzman and Chief
o f Police Rosie Sizer after an
officer was placed on adminis­
trative leave pending an inves­
tigation into the use o f force
against a 12-year-oldgirl.
On Nov. 14 at 10:47 p.m., po­
lice officer Chris Humphreys
shot the young female with a
beanbag shotgun. The girl had
T he la te st in c id e n t w as
been combative with officers at
a MAX station where police cau g h t on T riM et se c u rity
had been called to after reports video. The footage showed two
o f a disturbance involving a officers trying to subdue the
girl while Officer Humphreys
large number o f people.
Humphreys was also a key circles closely with a beanbag
figure in the actions surround­ gun.
After the video went public.
ing the death o f James Chasse,
a diagnosed schizophrenic who Chief Sizer said she found the
died in police custody after he incident on the video "disturb­
was tackled by officers who ing” and placed Humphreys on
said Chasse ran from them after leave, prompting an immediate
they tried to apprehend him for outcry from rank-and-file offic­
urinating in public in 2006.
MAX Operator Ignored Emergency
TriMet says it has placed a
MAX light-rail train operator
on paid leave after deciding his
actions contributed to a 3-year-
old boy being separated from
his father at a southeast Port­
land stop.
A disciplinary hearing for the
driver, who was not identified,
is set for Wednesday.
The agency said M onday
that a thorough in sp ectio n
found no problem s with the
Taking place at Moonstar Bar and Grill
7410 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, Portland
train's doors or emergency in­
tercom system. The boy was
stranded Nov. 16.
T riM et sp o kesm an Josh
Collins says little Aidan Bailey
likely engaged the disabled
ramp moments before the op­
erator pushed a "door close"
button in the train's cabin, over­
riding the door from reopening.
The boy's father, Aaron Bailey,
says he tried repeatedly to get
the operator's attention via the
train's emergency intercom. He
wound up riding to the next stop,
then doubling back to his son,
who was safe on the platform
with a woman who held the boy's
hand until his father returned.
A review o f the train's data­
base and intercom tests showed
that the intercom was function­
ing. T riM et sp o k esw o m an
Mary Fetsch says the agency
now believes the operator ig­
nored those cues.
12 pm til evening
Hosted By:
Rrnthpr \ S
Bar & Grill
Moonstar Bar & Grill Owner
Jack Chung invites the public
to a free Thanksgiving Day
Dinner on Thursday, Nov.
26, hosted by Moonstar and
My Brothers BBQ at his
restaurant at 7410 N.E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Two whole smoked pigs,
turkey, desert and all the
fixings will be served from
noon until gone.
Turkey, dessert & all the fixings,
including two whole smoked pigs
“We are about neighbors
help in g neighbors im prove
th e ir com m unity.”
M a ry H a rre ll
at Friends of Trees
501 • 282 - 8846
Controversial Bus Ads Allowed
Non-believers Are you £;oe^ withou
behind message
Ten TriM et buses are cur­
rently displaying a controver­
sial advertisement from non­
The Portland Coalition o f
Reason purchased the ads that
feature the words “Good with­
out God? Millions Are.”
Similar ads have been run in
14 other cities across the coun­
try as part o f a national cam­
paign to remind agnostics, athe­
ists, and humanists that there
F r ie n d s « / ’T re e s
Growing H ealthy CommunitifA
(NEW S E A S O N . S _J
Y o u r fa v o r ite n e ig h b o r h o o d g r o c e r y s to r e n o w d e liv e r s
g r o c e r ie s r ig h t to y o u r h o m e o r o ffic e .
C hicago
ons are. i|
. or
A controversial advertisement is allowed on TriMet buses.
are other like-minded individu­
als, according to a statement by
the organization.
“We want people to under­
stand that humanists, freethink­
ers, agnostics and atheists are
essentially like everyone else,”
said Sylvia Benner, spokesper­
son for the coalition. “We have
most o f the same values and
concerns. And people will find
us among their friends, neigh­
bors, cow orkers and fam ily
members. Now it’s time for us
to be ack n o w le d g e d and
granted our rightful place at the
According to the Pew Forum
on Religion & Public Life, nine
percent o f Oregonians do not
believe in god, up significantly
higher than the national num­
ber, which is at three percent.
TriM et Public Information
O fficer Bekki Witt said that
TriMet used to only accept ad­
vertising by organizations of­
fering goods and services, but
a court challenge to the rule
p ro m p ted the m a ss-tra n sit
agency to suspend the rule un­
til further notice.
“We pretty much get to ac­
cept anything now,” said Witt.
The hook reading and signing
aunt S ar ah ’ s R ecipes
for a L ong an d spirit - filled life
will be held
December 5,
2009 from 3
p.m. to 6 p.m.
at Talking Drum
Book Store
446 NE Killingsworth Street in Portland, Oregon
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