Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 25, 2009, Page 10, Image 10

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    November 25. 2009
Page AIO
Boss Hogg
Christmas Tree Lot
Everything is Little
For the ninth year in a row,
the Guardino Gallery, 2939 N.E.
Alberta St., will present their
very popular Holiday Group
Show, a show where everything
is little.
A whim sical painting by
Tripper Dungan.
Any Doug Fir 5-7 ft. $20.00
Any Nobel Fir 5-7 ft. $30.00
Grand Fir 5-7 ft.$30.00
F o rty -tw o a r tis ts w e re
given the challenge to create
a rtw o rk th a t w o u ld be no
la r g e r th a n a se v e n in c h
square or cube. W hile most
o f the artists in the show are
accustom ed to w orking on a
fa r la r g e r s c a le , th e y r e ­
sponded w ith enthusiasm .
The artw ork is as varied as
the artists. A wide variety o f
m edium s will be represented:
paintings, clay, glass, resin,
encaustic, metal, wood, pho­
tography and mixed media.
An artists’ reception is sched­
uled for Friday, Nov. 27 from 6
p.m. to 9 p.m. The exhibit runs
through Dec. 27.
Chris H aberm an 's ‘H om e Su n Grown. '
Oprah Plans TV Show Exit
6500 NE MLK Jr. Blvd.
On the comer of: MLK Jr. & Rosa Park
(AP) — Holding back tears,
Oprah W infrey told her stu­
dio audience Friday that she
w ould end her show in 2011
after a quarter-century on the
air, saying prayer and careful
thought led her to her deci­
W infrey told the audience
th at she loved "The O prah
Winfrey Show," that it had been
her life and that she knew when
it was tim e to say goodbye.
"Twenty-five years feels right
in my bones and feels right in
my spirit," she said.
Winfrey, 55, is w idely ex­
pected to start up a new talk
show on OW N: The O prah
Winfrey Network, a m uch-de­
layed jo in t venture w ith D is­
covery C om m unications Inc.
R eleased by
S n ip e r’s Ex
Mildred Muhammad is not
scared silent any longer.
Her book titled ‘Scared Si­
le n t’ recounts her 12-year
marriage to convicted D.C.
sn ip e r
A llen
Muhammad. She maintains
her ex-husband’s plot to ran­
In this poignant memorial,
domly kill people in 2002 was
a smokescreen, and part o f she breaks her silence about
Muhammad’s plan to hunt her the domestic violence she suf­
down so her murder could be fered during their marriage and
the tragic events that occurred
blamed on the D.C. sniper.
The former wife said she after their divorce.
M ildred M uham m ad has
knew her husband had come
undone since his return from dedicated her book to her three
the G ulf Wars but no one ever children from her marriage to
took her seriously, even after John Muhammad and her dedi­
he took off with their three cation to dom estic violence
Saturday, December 5, 2009
9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.
OAME Center
4134 N. Vancouver Avenue
Portland,Or. 97217
Help support our local minority entrepre­
neurs by doing your holiday shopping at
the OAME Center. Just to name a few,
vendors will he displaying a wide selection
o f merchandise fo r gift-giving including
clothing, jewelry, purses, art work,scarves,
cosmetics, nutritional products, home-
cooked goods, videos/DVDs and home
decorations. And, after all that shopping,
take time to relax and unwind with an on­
site spa and massage.
For vendor information, contact Yollanda-Nins
Johnson @ 503-680-3314, email:
justaskyollanda@hotmail.com or Gwen Johnson@
360-576-7028, email: gwen7@comcast.net
T he In te rsta te F ireh o u se
Cultural Center, 5340 N. Inter­
state Ave., has extended Ruin
to Redem ption, an interactive
exhibit that takes audiences
on an unforgettable and very
personal journey from dark­
ness to light.
IFCC will reopen the exhibit
after Thanksgiving on Tues­
day, Dec. 1 with the show con­
tinuing until Dec. 19.
The exhibit contains striking
photographs and candid testi­
m onials o f ex -convicts and
former gang members, chroni­
cling their harrowing experi­
ences and trium phant tu rn ­
arounds to become successful
artists in Hollywood.
A gripping audio tour o f the
subject's dramatic, real life sto­
ries com plim ents the stark,
black-and-white photographs,
revealing messages o f perse-
Actor Danny Trejo from the
bo o k 'M u g sh o ts.'
verance, hope and redemption.
The exhibit is based on the 2008
aw ard
w in n in g
Mugshots: A Celebration of the
Journey from Ruin to Redemp­
Exibit of Coffee, from Farm to Cup
Every cup o f coffee we drink
connects us with a web o f hid­
den stories around the globe.
The W orld F orestry C enter
* New Year's t \ c
Oprah Winfrey
Ruin to Redemption
Tell-All Book
Holiday Bazaar
that is projected to debut in
2011. OW N is to replace the
D isc o v e ry H ealth C hannel
and will debut in some 74 mil­
lion homes.
W infrey offered no specif­
ics about her plans for the fu­
ture, except to say that she
intended to produce the best
p o ssib le show s d u rin g her
last 18 m onths on the air.
C offee b e a n s from the farm to the cup is part o f
a sp ecial exhibit a t the World Forestry Center.
takes a look at coffee from farm to cup in a
traveling exhibit that tells the hidden sto­
ries behind the world’s most popular drink.
The exhibit provides a broad overview
o f the powerful influence o f coffee on en­
vironments, human cultures and econo­
mies worldwide.
Highlights include color photographs
o f farms from South America to Africa to
the Pacific Islands. Coffee: The World in
Your Cup runs through Jan. 10.
The World Forestry Center is located in
Washington Park just off Highway 26 and
is also accessible by MAX light rail. Ad­
mission is $8 for adults, $7 for seniors and
$5 for children 3-18.
Reader & Advisor
I N C I .U P F 5 1 I '/ f / / U S K , F O O D , A M D M O H O S T FA F
Psychic, plam,tarot card and crystal Readings.
Help to remove negative forces and reunite lovers
forever. Will bring back and help in all family
matters. Will help where others have failed.
F m R ASSY S U IT fS - P O R T I A \ 'D A IR R Q f
5th Generation Psychic Healer
Sister Cathy
F . PO ^T ! A
Walk-ins welcome
3343 SE Hawthorne Blvd.
@ the Comer of 34th and Hawthorne
($10.00 Special)