ducation November II, 2009 Page A7 E D I T I O N ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ (Obituaries Celebration Service In Loving Memory Bobby Joe Washington Rose Lee Trice Bobby Joe W ash­ ington passed aw ay on Oct. 31,2009. He was born on M arch 12, 1935 in Texarkana, Ark., to C hester and Victoria Washington. He received his education from A rkansas State College in Pine Bluff. He served in the U S. A rm y and then m oved to Portland when he was 25 years old. He w orked for various m en’s clothing stores and eventually ow ned several different shops o f his own. He form erly worked at the Portland O bserver and Skanner new spapers, selling advertising. He was a re­ tired em ployee o f the Portland A irport where he w orked as a skycap. He was also a foster parent for the H eadstart program. He leaves to cherish his m em ories, his daughter, Kimberly Johnson and her husband, D onald; five grandchildren, Andre, D onald, Sean (currently serving in the A rm y), Jordan and Kiara; one great granddaughter, Siara; and a brother, Teddy W ashington o f Vancouver. A celebration service in his honor will be held Saturday, Nov. 14 at II a m . at Fellow ship M issionary Baptist C hurch, 4009 N. M issouri Ave. EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United Holiday Bazaar, Crafts Fair G race M em orial Episcopal Church, 1535N.E. 17th Ave., will hold its annual bazaar and crafts fair Saturday, Nov. 14 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. C e ra m ic s , s c u lp tu r e s , k n itw e a r, p re s e rv e s , b a k e d g o ods and other g reat crafts will be available. There will also be a gourm et lunch for $8, and bidding for five commemorative q u ilts c r e a te d by G r a c e ’s Church Women. The proceeds will help fund the group’s good w orks, including Friday com ­ m unity dinners and an em er­ gency food program . F or m ore inform ation, call 503-2874)418. 4 8 0 0 N E 30 th A ve. P o rtla n d O R 97211 503-335-8772 Advertise with diwf sity A d v ertise in You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: Pastor & Wife - Bishop & Mrs. A.L. Wright Sunday Service Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:3OP.M W orship Service 12:00 N oon Evangelistic Service 7:00 PM . Weekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:30 PM . Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 PM . Prayer M eeting & Seminar: M onday - Friday 12:00 r >, e P oi J H H m |W^5( )3-288-(X)33 (MUGI >\ I HEALTH&S( IENCI i \i\ i ksin You and your child are invited to participate in a study investigating the causes and assessment o f ADHD. PARENTS OF 7 & 8 YEAR OLDS! Child must he: • 7 or 8 years old • In good physical health • With or without ADHD. Northwest Voice for Christ Ministries Parent and child will attend: • A 2-hour screening visit • Possibly one annual visit for 3 years (503)418-5508 • ohsuA D H D @ ohsu.edu OHSU Psychiatry D epartm ent • Funded by NIH Presents a Shocking Revelation! SUB BIDS REQUESTED “Addiction in the Church” Oregon State Hospital - Salem Bid Package #9 “For that w hich I do 1 allow not" Rom ans 7:19-24 Presenter: Bishop H.L. Hodge, Ph.D. Pastor/Behavioral Health Scientist ABC Casework, Kirkbride Casework, CUP/Kitchen & PSR Pre-Bid Meeting: November 4 a t 10am Come and Learn about the hidden crisis o f many that sit in church pews each Sunday Hidden Topics • • • • • • Prescription Drug Abuse Alcohol Abuse Chemical Dependency P ow erlessness Unmanageability Co-dependency “G od grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change; the courage to change the things I can, and the w isdom to know the difference.” W hen: S atu rd ay, N o v em b er 7, 2009 W here: 4 8 0 0 N E 3 0th A venue T im e: 10:30 A .M . - 1:30 P.M . in " ^ P o n k in d O h s i Call 503-288-0033 C ost: $ 2 0 .0 0 Bids Due: November 19 at 2pm Bid Documents - Ford Graphics (503/227-3424) or www.fordgraphics.com/oregon - PlanWell - Public Planroom ■■■n Hoffman Construction Company of Oregon F Phone: (503) 221-8811 - Bid Fax: (503) 221-8888 1 8 0 5 SW Broadway, Suite 2100 - Portland. OR 9 7 205 - CCB LIC# 28417 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from all interested firms including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans and emerging small business enterprises Other Subcontracting Opportunities - Internet http://www.hofhnancorp.com Advcrtiscj^^H^Hsity Port land Oh»! Call 5 & M H O 3 3 Walker for Sale Best Offer (Fund Raiser) 2-Handed Break System, 4-W heeler In Excellent Condition. For More Info Call: 503-331-4845, or 971-506-6405 POLICE CRIME ANALYST The Portland Police Bureau seeks a person responsible for c o m p ilin g , m a in ta in in g , a n a ly z in g , tra c k in g and integrating crim e information. D uties and re sp o n s ib ilitie s include determ ining patterns and tre n d s. The a p p lica n t must be able to set up, conduct tra in in g s , and m a ke prese n ta tio n s to sm all and la rg e a u d ie n c e s . The s u c c e s sfu l a p p lic a n t m ust pass a b a c k g ro u n d in v e s tig a tio n . F u ll-tim e . Approxim ate m onthly salary $4,969-$6,626. Funded by a 3 -y e a r g ra n t. A p p ly a t: w w w .c i.p o rtla n d .o r.u s /io b s . Deadline is 4:30 pm, M on., November 30, 2009. Equal Opportunity Employer. Portland Development Commission Request for Qualifications (RFQ) # 09-18 Project Management Services Proposals due December 1,2009 by 2:00 pm (PT) Lunch will he available Telephone: 503 863-6545 .uls@portlaub s e k ci com B ay .M ortgage I (Miking to purchase or refinance a home? It so. it's time to call Don Adams at Bay Mongage Wc are a Division of Cowlitz Bank which has served the Northwest since 1978 We offer several loan programs and will pul together the perfect loan for you. A few of our loan programs are: Drivers: Regional Carrier Seeking CDKL-A Owner Operators. Passport for Canada Prefered! 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