Page A5 November II. 2009 Bicycle Commuting Grows at Cascade College responds to increased demand If you were at the Cascade Cam pus o f Portland C om m unity C ollege on the first day o f fall classes the sight was unavoidable - bike racks, jam packed with, well, bicycles. And the racks have been jam m ed every day since. K rystyna S olodenko is a student at the north Portland cam pus who rides to school and has been a par­ ticipant in these daily jam s. "It was terrible finding a spot," she said. "1 had to use a tree to lock my bike. 1 have never seen so many bikes on cam pus. It m ade me pretty happy at the same time. It was aw esom e." S olodenko, w ho recently im m i­ g rate d to the U n ite d S ta te s from Ukraine, just got her citizenship in the sum m er and is a student governm ent outreach coordinator. T he psychol­ ogy m ajor said that riding bikes is more normal back hom e in Ukraine than driving a car so it was second nature for her here to cycle to class. "And it's a lot faster than taking the bus," she said. Cascade is by far the most bike-ori­ ented cam pus because o f its inner city Ask Deannal Real People, Real Advice Dear Deanna! The last time I had a relationship was almost two years ago. 1 had a bad experience with a man that crushed my heart and I’ve had a hard tim e trusting again. I look at every guy as if th ey’ll do the same thing. I was lied to, cheated on, used and everything else in between. I have m yself together and I’m ready to get back into the dating scene but feel no man will w ant me. -P au lette; W in­ ston Salem, N.C. Dear Paulette; location and proximity to TriM et bus and Max line routes. According to a PCC parking and transportation sur­ vey, 10 percent o f students at the cam ­ pus bike to class and 7 percent o f staff and faculty bike. O verall, across the entire district, 3 percent o f students and staff bike to PCC locations. T he crush o f bikers has been so overw helm ing that the Cascade C am ­ pus installed a line o f new bike racks betw een Terrell Hall and the Student Services Building. The new rack has increased the bike-parking capacity by 4 0 b ic y cle s and alle v ia te s the shortage o f spaces. And if it isn't biking, it's the PCC Shuttle. A ccording to fall term, year- over-year num bers, shuttle ridership has grown by 21 percent. The Rock Creek Cam pus in northw est Portland has surged the most - 48 percent. At the S ylvania C am pus in so u th ­ w est P ortland, sta ff and facu lty e n ­ te r b ik in g c o m p e titio n s to b o n d , have som e fun and spread the w ord about com m u tin g on a bike. K irke Jo h n so n , a T ech n o lo g y S o lu tio n s S erv ices sp e cia list, is the ca p ta in Dear Deanna! W hen is it time to talk to a teen­ ager about sex? I have a teen son and I wan, to talk with him about the birds and bees before he learns the wrong way from his friends and in the street. I don' t know if 1 should try t o ,el 1 him a story, show him pictures or what. How can I do this without embarrassing him bu, make sure he gets the point ? -- Stephanie; Chicago Dear Stephanie: If you have cable or a radio in your house, you son knows more than you think. D on’t beat around the bush. Verbally break it down and let him know the function o f the genitalia, how it works and how to stay safe from diseases and unplanned preg­ nancy. Teach him that true love waits until marriage to avoid fornication and if he has to go there, have plenty o f condoms. So what if h e's embarrassed. It’s better to be embarrassed and educated than dum b with a bunch of babies or a sexually transmitted disease. Prepare yourself to be a wife look­ ing for a husband instead o f just another woman looking foradate. Elevate your morals, your faith and your confidence by looking in the mirror and seeing a woman that’s special and deserves the best in life. You need to be patient Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M and pray for what you want. You Write Ask Deanna! at the email d o n't have to settle for less and o r264 S. you can do bad by yourself. It’s LaCienegaBlvd. Suite 1283Beverly best to be alone and happy than H ills. CA 90211. W ebsite: involved and miserable. Bike racks are filled to capacity on the Cascade Campus of Portland Community College. The north Portland school has been installing more racks in recent days to meet a growing population of bicycle commuters. Managing Yo Money Preparing for your Estate M any o f us know than one of the truly great African American NFL quarterbacks; Steve McNair was shot and killed last summer in Nashville, Tenn. While this is a tragedy in its self, the tragedy behind the tragedy is that, ac­ cording to the information 1 have b ee n a b le to o b ta in , S tev e McNair died without having pre­ pared before time his estate. The estate tax in the United States is a tax imposed on the transfer o f the "taxable estate" o f a deceased person, whether such property is transferred via a will or according to the state laws o f intestacy. The estate tax is one part of the Unified Gift and Estate Tax system in the United States. The other part o f the sys­ tem, the gift tax, imposes a tax on transfers o f property during a person's life; the gift tax prevents a v o id a n c e o f th e e s ta te tax should a person w ant to give away his/her estate just before dying. In addition to the federal governm ent, many states also impose an estate tax, with the state version called either an es­ tate tax or an inheritance tax. According to the current Uni- o f the S y lv an ia C am p u s team that participated in the Bicycle C om m ute C h allen g e, a frien d ly co m p etitio n - w o rk p lace ag a in st w o rk p lace - o r­ g an ized by the B icy cle T ra n sp o rta ­ tion A lliance. Cascade C am pus C om m unity Re­ lations M anager Abe Proctor uses his bike and the shuttle for his transpor­ tation needs. "I get here pretty early on m ost days, so I can usually find a place to lock up my bike," said Proctor, who has been a regular bike com m uter for nearly three years. "But the spaces fill up really fast. It seem s like more and more people are biking to C as­ cade all the tim e, so the extra rack space is really helpful." P ro cto r said he appreciates bike com m uting for a num ber o f reasons, not the least o f w hich is the am ount o f money he saves. "W hen y o u b u rn z e ro g a so lin e d u rin g the w eek, it really ad d s up," he said. "If y o u 're d riv in g y o u r ca r less, y o u r m o n th ly in su ran c e bill d e c re a se s as w ell. A nd it's m uch ch e ap e r than a gym m em b ersh ip . 1 arriv e at cam p u s alert, fo cu sed and ready to w ork." fied Federal Estate and Gift Tax Rates that would mean that if Mr. M cN air's Estate were valued a, $1.5 million or more, then he would have to pay the highest federal estate tax rate o f 45 per­ cent, which would not include any possible state taxes. W h ile Mr. M cN air e s ta b ­ lished a foundation and gave generously to charities, he did n o , establish a vehicle/estate by which to eliminate or greatly reduce his estate tax liability. W hen it is our time to leave a legacy, we have assets we ge, to keep, or pass on to family m em bers or friends, but there are also assets that are going to th e U n ite d S ta te s G overnm ent's social programs. in R ick L. L ee i.e. M e d ic a re , Social Security, etc. However, with a little plan­ ning, ahead o f tim e you get to decide w hich social program s those assets you have to give away or be taxed are donated to, i.e. local church, boys and girls club, etc. In estate planning, the sim ­ plest to co m p licated pro cess goes in the following order, do­ ing nothing, a simple will, marital deduction, trust, charitable plan­ ning, zero tax estate planning, and income tax savings. Doing nothing, simple will, marital de­ duction, and certain trusts are less complicated bu, you do pay more taxes, and are perceived to have more control. While, cer­ tain trusts, charitable planning, zero tax estate planning, and in­ come tax savings are m ore com ­ plicated, however you pay less taxes and there’s a perception of having less control. In contrast, when the late en­ tertainer Michael Jackson’s will was read in court, he left every­ thing to the “Jackson Fam ily Trust”. With a little knowledge and planning much fighting and ill feeling among family members will be avoided. Professional & Wealth M an­ agement. LLC has a team o f E s­ tate Tax CPA’s and Estate Attor­ neys to structure the estate plan that is right for you; after all, it is your legacy. For a free financial and/or estate plan consultation, contact Rick L. Lee. Financial Advisor Rick L. Lee, CRPC, can be reached a, 503- 5 3 9 -8 9 9 4 o r v ia e m a il at pro_wealthmgnt@ Being Powered by Orange means finding and applying my passion Portland Community College is proud to present “I love Oregon StatW) I’ve learned that peoi The professional dance com pany known worldwide for their melding of stepping and traditional African dance takes the stage for a dynamic and entertaining performance to kick off PCC's Black History Month celebration. Please join us for an unforgettable evening! your passion ana appiy n, because no matter w hat it is Monday, January 25, 2010 Doors open at 7pm, Dolores Winningstad Theatre 1,11 SW Broadway St.. Portland Tickets available at Ticketmaster and the Portland Center for Performing Arts (PCPA) Box Office for $25 and $35 Uzo C. Ukeagu New York City; Lagos Nigeria Philosophy, chemistry, international studies P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e We re all about y o u r fu tu re . Oregon State U N IV E R S IT Y