% career Page A4 S P E C IA L Education November II. 2009 E D IT IO N MBA Program Earns High Marks Willamette prepares socially responsible grads Willamette University's MBA #47 overall, and #20 for the rel­ program has been honored for evance of its courses to ethical preparing students for good and socially-conscious man­ stew ardship in business c a ­ agement decision making. T he Beyond Grey Pinstripes reers with high marks for ethics ranking speaks to the value of and social responsibility. The Aspen Institute's “ Be­ the Willamette MBA as an in­ yond Grey Pinstripes” survey ternationally recognized pro­ re c o g n iz e d W illa m e tte ’s gram ,” said D ebra Ringold, Atkinson Graduate School of Dean and JELD-WEN Profes­ M anagement as a top global sor of Free Enterprise. “Our Masters of Business Adminis­ mission is to educate passion­ tration program for innovation ate students who will become in social and environm ental socially-conscious managers in business, government and not- stewardship. The W illam ette MBA ap­ for-profit organizations.” “The best business students pears in the “Global 100” list at Now Enrolling Preschoolers Ages 3-5 years Willamette University's MBA program prepares students for socially responsible practices P E N IN S U LA C H IL D R E N ’ S CENTER Our Children. Our Community. Growing Together. 5 0 3 .2 8 0 .0 5 3 4 4720 N. Maryland. Portland OR 97217 W W W .P E N C H IL D .O R G move quickly into the front ranks of busi­ ness - and the attitudes and values they bring to the table are deeply influenced by their time in business education,” said Judith Samuelson, executive director of the Aspen Institute’s Business and So­ ciety Program. “The schools that are competitive in the Beyond Grey Pinstripes ranking are the real trailblazers - they assure that students have the right skill as well as the will to make things hap­ pen.” The Willamette MBA program includes two full-time MBA program formats - the early career MBA and MBA for career change - and an evening MBA for pro­ fessionals. Classes are held in Salem and Portland. School on Forbes ‘Best’ List W illam ette U n iv e rsity ’s A tkinson G raduate School o f M anagem ent has been named to Forbes magazine’s “Best Business Schools” list for 2009. The rankings are based on each program ’s return on investment to graduates and recognize the top 75 schools in the United States. W illamette U niversity is the highest ranked program in Oregon and is one o f only three program s in the N orth­ west to make the list. The schools are ranked based on the results of surveys from business schools across the U.S. on career services opportunities, place­ ment rates and pre- and post-M BA sal­ ary levels. ‘T h e Forbes ranking is an outstanding achievement for our school, our faculty and our graduates,” said Debra Ringold, Dean and JELD-WEN Professor of Free Enterprise. “Our ranking speaks to the value and quality of the Willamette MBA program in preparing graduates for satis­ fying, successful careers.” For more information on Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management, visit willamette.edu/mba. Targeted. Convenient Flexible. College Night for High Schools P rofessional D evelopment P rograms at C lackamas C ommunity C ollege . Mt. Hood Community Col­ lege is hosting “College Night in Oregon," a free event to as­ sist high school students in choosing a college and apply­ ing for financial aid and schol­ arships. Seminars offered will include Advance your career through our offerings in projec management, human resources, retail management and other fields. In addition to one-year certificates and two-year degrees, our offerings include: 11-week Human Resource Management Certificate Green Jobs for Women Explored 21-credit Project Management Certificate Retail Management Professional Upgrade Certificate Oregon Tradeswomen sponsor forums To find out more, contact Bill Waters at 503-657-6958, ext. 5062 or email billw@clackamas.edu 'sCtAfXAMAi ■ Choosing the Right College, and prizes. “College Night in Oregon” is U nderstanding the Financial A id P ro cess, S c h o la rsh ip taking place Monday. Nov. 23, Searches and Scams and Com­ from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the pleting and Filing the FAFSA. MHCC Vista Dining Room at the In addition, four $500 scholar­ Gresham campus. For more in- visit ships will be given away. The fo rm a tio n , event will also include free pizza collegenightinor.org. C O M M U N IT lflC O L L E C E Considering the next step in your career? The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has resources to assist women impacted by the economic downturn as well as the organiza­ tions that advise and serve them. Two free forums in the coming days spon­ sored by Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc. will pro­ vide more information. “Green Jobs for Women: How to prepare for the New Economy’s Career Choices,” will take place Thursday, Nov. 12 at 6 p.m. at the Univer­ sity of Oregon White Stag Building in down­ town Portland, 70 N.W. Couch St. Participants will leant more about “green jobs” and the prospects for employment in this emerg­ ing part of Oregon’s economy. Find out about provisions and resources in The American Re­ covery and Reinvestment Act to access busi­ ness development and job training for the green economy. Participants will be encouraged to get on a pathway to a new career and contribute to a leaner, more energy efficient future. “Economic Recovery: What Women Should Know,” will take place Saturday, Nov. 14 at 9:30 a.m. at the Oregon Association of Minority En­ trepreneurs, 4134 N. Vancouver Ave. Those who attend this forum will find out about programs in the Recovery act that help women and families with accessing unemploy­ ment benefits, extending health insurance ben­ efits (COBRA), home mortgage or foreclosure assistance, business development assistance, and retraining and other supportive services. RSVP to attend either session by calling 503- 335-8200, extension 21. Advancing Success for Latinos Higher Ed Board tackles barriers , T WIIUHET1E fin vorR Early Career MBA > MBA for Career Change > MBA for Professionals > Executive Development Center Alicia Ortega, associate direc­ tor of Admissions and Recruit­ ment at Oregon State Univer­ sity will be helping the Oregon University System advance ini­ tiatives to support Latino stu­ den t p a rtic ip a tio n in and completion of college in the state. Ortega will work as a special assistant to George Pemsteiner, Alicia Ortega state higher education board chancellor, over the next year panding the college pipeline; to advance the system goal of developing community connec­ increasing educational attain­ tions; overcoming access bar­ ment rates for the rapidly grow­ riers; retention and graduation; ing number of Latino students and success after graduation. in Oregon - a population that “W e're very pleased to have has lower than average college someone with Alicia's expertise going and completion rates. and background join with the Specifically, Ortega will coor­ board and the campuses to de­ dinate the board's strategic pri­ termine approaches to increas­ ority to increase college attain­ ing the college-going rates of ment for Latino Oregonians, ad­ Oregon’s Latino students," said dressing issues related to: ex- Pemsteiner. “The tremendous growth in the number of Latino K -12 students over the last sev­ eral years has not translated into growth in those same stu­ dents completing high school and going on to college. It’s imperative that the OUS seek ways to work with partners statewide to improve the rates of Latino student achievement and the numbers who graduate from college.” S ince 2001, O rteg a has worked in Admissions at OSU, in both her current position and as assistant director of admis­ sions and multicultural recruit­ ment, and senior assistant di­ rector. Prior to this she worked at Portland State U niversity from 1998 to 2001 as assistant director of admissions and mi­ nority recruitment, and as an admissions counselor. Ortega also worked at Western Oregon University from 1997 to 1998 as an admissions counselor. To Place Your Classified Advertisement GetaRealMBA.com Financial Aid Available WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Salem and Portland MBA Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503 288 0033Fax: 503 288 0015 e-mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com 4