Career tducation November II, 2009 S P E C IA L Page A3 E D IT IO N H ealth F ood Stam ps Show C hildren at R isk Economy could push numbers higher (A P , -- Nearly half o f all U S . children and 90 percent o f black y o u n g ste rs w ill be on food stam ps at som e point during childhood, and fallout from the cu rren t recession could push those num bers even higher, re­ searchers say. The estim ate com es from an analysis o f 30 years o f national data, and it bolsters other re­ cent evidence on the pervasive­ ness o f youngsters at econom ic risk . It su g g e sts that alm ost everyone know s a fam ily who has received food stam ps, or will in the future, said lead au­ thor M ark Rank, a sociologist at W ashington U niversity in St. Louis. "Your neighbor may be us­ ing some o f these program s but it's not the kind o f thing people w ant to talk about," Rank said. T he an a ly sis w as released Nov. 2 in the N ovem ber issue o f A rchives o f Pediatrics and A dolescent M edicine. The au ­ thors say it's a m edical issue pediatricians need tQ be aw are o f because ch ild ren on food stam ps are at risk for m alnutri­ tion and other ills linked with poverty. "This is a real d an g er sign that we as a society need to do People wait to apply for food stamps in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. a lot more to protect children," Rank said. Food stam ps are a D epart- ment of Agriculture program for lo w -in co m e in d iv id u als and families, covering most foods a lth o u g h n o t p r e p a re d h o t foods or alcohol. For a family o f four to be eligible, their an ­ nual take-home pay can't exceed about $22,000. According to a U SDA report released last month, 28.4 million A m e ric a n s r e c e iv e d fo o d stamps in an average month in 2 0 0 8 , an d a b o u t h a lf w ere younger than age 18. The aver­ age monthly benefit per house­ hold totaled $222. Rank and Cornell University sociologist Thomas Hirschl stud­ ied data from a nationally repre­ sentative survey o f 4,8(X) Ameri­ can households interviewed an­ nually from 1968 through 1997 by the University of Michigan. Rihanna Talks Domestic Violence Pop star victim opens up to women R ihanna says d ealing with the m edia attention after being assaulted in F ebruary by ex­ boyfriend Chris Brown was hu­ m iliating. But she now hopes to speak for young w om en who are afraid to talk openly about dom estic violence. The 21 -year-old pop star told G lam our m agazine in an inter­ v iew p o ste d o n lin e T uesd ay th a t the p o lic e p h o to o f her bruised face that w as leaked to reporters added insult to injury. A fter the assault, she aw oke to find helicopters circling her house and reporters sw arm ing her street. "I felt like I w ent to Rihanna sleep as Rihanna and woke up as Britney Spears," she said. Rihanna said she felt disap­ pointed and taken advantage of, especially when she heard that the tw o officers under investi­ g atio n for leak in g her photo were women. "1 felt like people were m ak­ ing it into a fun topic on the Internet, and it's my life," she said. Rihanna said she didn’t real­ ize how much her decisions af­ fected people she didn't know, like her many fans. She feels stronger, w iser and more aware now, she added. "D om estic violence is a big se cret," R ih an n a said. "T he po sitiv e thing that has com e o u t o f m y s itu a tio n is th a t people can learn from that. I w ant to give as much insight as I can to young w om en, because I feel like I represent a voice that really isn't heard. N ow I can help speak for those women." Asian Perspective on Gambling, Addictions Clark College hosts mental health series A ccording to the Los A nge­ les Tim es, in a 1999 survey in San Francisco's C hinatow n, 70 p erc en t o f th o se resp o n d in g cited gam bling as the top prob­ lem in their community. A n o th e r r e p o r t fro m th e U CLA G am bling Studies P ro­ gram noted how “In Chinese, V ietnam ese, Filipino, K orean and C am bodian com m unities, social w orkers and leaders are pressuring gam ing officials and state legislators to recognize a hidden epidem ic.” O n M o n d a y , N ov. 16, an A sian perspective on gam bling Bounsang Khamkeo and addictions will be the fo­ cus o f Clark C olleg e's “ Mental H ea lth M o n d a y s” p r e s e n ta ­ tion. The discussion will be led by Bounsang K ham keo, a behav­ ioral health counselor and hu­ m an rig h ts a d v o c a te at th e O H SU Avel G ordly C enter for Healing. K h am k eo is an ad d ictio n s treatm ent expert who grew up in Laos but left at the age o f 17 to study in F rance. T h irteen years later, in 1973, he returned to his homeland and was impris­ oned. “ I Little Slave” is an account o f his sev en -y ear struggle in prison to stay alive and keep sane in spite o f harsh physical privation and endless psycho­ logical abuse. T he event, w hich is free and o pen to the p u b lic, will take place from noon to I p.m . in the P en g u in S tu d en t L ounge, lo cated in the c o lle g e ’s P en ­ g uin U nion B u ild in g . C lark C o lle g e ’s m ain cam p u s is lo ­ ca te d at 1933 F ort V ancouver Way in V ancouver. Brown, 20, pleaded guilty to felony assault in June. He was sen ten ced to five years' p ro ­ bation, six m onths o f co m m u ­ nity lab o r and a y ear o f d o ­ m e stic v io le n c e c o u n s e lin g for the attack, in w hich he w as a c c u se d o f h ittin g , ch o k in g and biting R ihanna in a rented sp o rts car. T M Z published the photo o f Rihanna's bruised face less than tw o w eeks after the beating, and the L A P D im m ed ia te ly launched an internal investiga­ tion of the leak. About 18,(MM ) adults and children were involved. O verall, about 49 percent of all children were on food stamps at some point by the age o f 20, the an a ly sis found. T h at in ­ cludes 90 percent o f black ch il­ dren and 37 percent o f whites. T h e a n a ly s is d id n 't in c lu d e other ethnic groups. The tim e span included typi­ cal econom ic ups and dow ns, including the early 1980s reces­ sion. That m eans sim ilar por­ tions o f children now and in the future will live in families receiv­ ing food stam ps, although o n ­ going econom ic turm oil may in c re ase th e n u m b ers, Rank said. Fiber Diet Boosts Immunity An apple a day m ay keep the d o cto r aw ay but a fiber- filled diet co u ld also h old the key to keep in g asth m a, d iab etes an d arth ritis at bay, acco rd in g to A u stralian re ­ search released T hursday. S cien tists at S yd n ey 's G arvan In stitu te o f M edical R e­ search say that fib er not only helps keep people regular, it bo o sts the im m une system so it can b etter co m b at in ­ flam m atory diseases. W hen foods high in fiber, such as d ried fruit and beans, re a c h th e g u t, b a c te ria c o n v e rt th e m to c o m p o u n d s know n as sh o rt chain fatty acids. T h ese acid s are know n to allev iate som e inflam m atory disease in the bow el. R esearch er C h arles M ackay said that the team , w hich w ork ed w ith scien tists in A ustralia, the US and B razil, w as able to draw a clearer picture o f th is relatio n sh ip , w ork w hich has im p licatio n s for oth er diseases. The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (AAMC) Presents a Pre-Holiday Dance Saturday, November 2 8 ,2(M)9 Billy Webb Elk's Lodge, 6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon ? 9 PM - 2 AM Donation: $15.00 per person • Music by DJ Let's Kick o ff the holiday season with friends, food, and fu n Raffle & 50/50 split: Tickets - $1 .(X) each Menu: Roast Beef, Chicken, Mac & Cheese, Green Beans, Salad & Dinner Rolls Tickets Available at: AAMC Club Members • Elk’s Lodge (503) 284-4853 Cannon’s Rib Express (503) 288-3836 • One Stop Records (503) 284-8103 Geneva’s Shear Perfection (503) 285-1159 James & Johnnie Mayfield - Vancouver (360) 576-8519 • fl Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program The African American Men’s Club is a non-profit organization Our New Location! J. THE iz 5 3 SPINACOLUMN An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers P art 10. F atigue: A cu re fo r p eo p le sick and tired o f b eing o f b ein g sick and tired. : I seem to be tired a lot detail. A nother cause, how ever lately. D oes that m ean I is often stress. M any o f you have pro b ab ly heard o f the need iron? “Fight O r Flight” syndrom e. : The m ost com m on rea W hen the body is stressed, it son patients com e intoour responds with a com bat-ready office is because o f som e type posture. In analyzing many such o f pain. But m any o f these patients' x-rays, we find the head people are also suffering from angled forw ard and the back fatigue. Fatigue that m akes the arched in this highly-stressed eyes bum slows dow n the heal­ ing process and m akes you position. A fter C hiropractic ad ­ w onder w hy you d o n 't feel as justm ent. this condition is often well as you used to. Obviously, there can be m any causes o f fatigue. D iet is certainly one of them. It's a subject w e'd be happy to discuss with you in Flowers' Chiropractic Office \ i i \ c n i s e w ith d iv e rs ity 1 vastly improved. Patients come back well-rested, telling us they just had their best n ig h t's sleep in ages. If you think the stress o f everyday I ife might be w ear­ ing you dow n and preventing your body from w arding off illnesses, call us for an appoint­ ment. O r if there are any other q u e s tio n s you m ig h t have about your health, ju st call us at the phone num ber below. Pastors Jerry & Annie Gutierrez Would like to invite you for Service every F r id a y N ig h t a t 7 : 0 0 p m Services will be held a t New Song Community Comer 2511NE MLK Blvd. Comer of NE MLK Blvd and Russell Street 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 Infant and Toddler care will be provided • Doors open at 6pm for every service Phone: (5 0 3 ) 2S7-35O 4 for directions or more information, call in îhe Portland; Observer 0033 ads («'port ktndob ser»' 503-488-5481