fe Career Education .% Page A IO S P E C IA L E D IT IO November II, 2009 N FR EE^Delivery & i « « J urkey O SAFEWAY © f Ingredients fo r life.« Marmalade-Glazed Turkey 16 servings; I 1/4 hours prep lime; Cook time is 4 hours, 15 minutes (let stand for 20 minutes). SATURDAY & SUNDAY SALE! Ingredients • 1 16-pound frozen turkey • Stuffing (your favorite recipe works) • Fresh bay leaves, fresh cranberries, key limes, kumquats, clem entines and/or tanger­ ines (optional) • 1 cup orange m arm alade • 1/4 cup honey • 1 tablespoon lemon juice • 1 tablespoon D ijon-style mustard Directions 1. Thaw turkey in refrigerator, allow­ ing 24 hours for every 5 pounds. 2. Prepare Sausage-Cornbread Stuff­ ing; set aside. 3. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Rem ove neck and giblets from tur­ key. Rinse turkey inside and out; drain and pat dry with paper towels. Spoon some o f the stuffing into the neck cavity. Pull the neck skin over stuffing; fasten to back with a skewer. 4. Loosely spoon stuffing into body cavity (no m ore than 3/4 cup per pound o f turkey). (Place any rem aining stuffing in a 3-quart casserole; cover and chill. Bake stuffing S a fe w a y c o n \ _----- -— I 11/14-11/15 Safeway Turkey 16.01-lbs. and above. Frozen. Limit 1 with S50 minimum purchase. While supplies last. A i i ’teimirtSbt'l Safeway Turkey 33 V ClUB PRICe TOStitOS Tortilla Chips Up to 16-lbs. Frozen. Limit 1 with $50 minimum purchase. While supplies last. u9 ■ H alongside turkey for 45 m inutes or until heated through.) 5. Tuck drum stick ends under the band o f skin across the tail or tie the drum sticks securely to the tail. Tw ist wing tips under back, if desired. 6. Place turkey, breast side up, on a rack in a shallow roasting pan. Insert a meat therm om eter into the center o f an inside thigh muscle without the therm om eter touching 9 to 15.62-oz. Selected varieties. SAVE UD to S2.30 Maple & ' Brown Sugar bone. C over turkey loosely with foil. 7. Roast turkey for 3-3/4 hours. Cut string or band o f skin between drum sticks so thighs will cook evenly. U ncover; roast 30 to 45 m inutes or until therm om eter registers 180 degrees F to 185 degrees F and stuffing registers at least 165 degrees F. 8. Rem ove the turkey from the oven. C over and let stand for 20 m inutes before carving. Transfer to serving platter. Place bay leaves, fresh cranberries, key limes, kumquats, clem entines and tangerines around turkey to garnish, if desired. 9. For m arm alade glaze, in a small saucepan combine marmalade, honey, lemon juice, and mustard. Cook and stir until heated through. Spoon 1/3 o f the mixture over the turkey; Rancher's Reserve* Boneless Beef Bottom Round or Round Tip Roast Whole Boneless Fresh Pork Loin Or Bottom Round of Tip Steak ExPeine Value Pack $2 4910 SAVE up to $2 5 0 » Sold in the bag. SAVE up to S2 30 Ito S aturday & suNDAYONLY- J club price ¿k “ Quaker Instant Oatmeal 1C.5 tele 2«. Seto« «nenes _ ■ duo Pnce 51.50 ea U»t6. pass rem aining sauce. 10. A dvance Preparation: Prepare m arm alade glaze as directed. C over and chill up to 24 hours. Reheat before serving. Cornbread and Sausage Stuffing CLUB PRICE Bal! Part Beet Funds« “ HttrtFatntSiiwWW 14 to 16-02. Selected varieties ea SAVE up to $3.00 ea. Cornbread stuffing, a Southern favorite, is a nice change from more traditional white- bread stuffing. I made this dish for my very fussy family last Thanksgiving. It was super- easy to do. 12 servings, scant 1 cup each; 25 minutes prep lime, 50 minutes total cook time. Ingredients • 1 pound sw eet Italian turkey sau­ sage, (about 4 links), casings removed • 2 cups finely chopped onion • 1 1/2 cups finely chopped celery • 1/4 teaspoon salt • F’reshly.ground pepper, to taste • 2 pounds prepared cornbread, cut into 3/4-inch cubes (about 12 cups) • 1/4 cup chopped fresh parsley • 1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage • 1 1/2-3 cu p s re d u c e d -so d iu m chicken broth Preperation 1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Coat a 9- b y -13-inch baking pan with cooking spray. 2. Cook sausage in a large nonstick skillet over m edium -high heat, stir­ ring and breaking up with a wooden spoon, until brow ned, about 10 minutes. Add onion and celery; cover, reduce heat and cook, stirring occasionally, until tender, about 10 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Add cornbread, parsley and sage. 3. Bring broth to a sim m er in a small saucepan. Pour 1 cup over the stuffing m ixture and toss gently (the cornbread will break into sm aller pieces). Add as m uch o f the rem aining broth as needed, 1/2 cup at a time, until the stuffing feels moist but not wet. Spoon the stuffing into the prepared pan and cover with foil. 4. Bake the stuffing until thoroughly heated, about 25 minutes. Serve warm. Make A head Tip: Prepare through Step 3, cover and refrigerate for up to 1 day. Bake at 35OA°F until hot, about 30 minutes. Pumpkin Pie Made Easy Ingredients • 1 (9 inch) unbaked pastry shell • (1 (1 6 o z.)c an pum pkin • 1 ( 14 oz.) can Eagle Brand sw eetened condensed milk • 2 eggs • 1 tsp. cinnam on • 1/2 tsp. salt • 1/2 tsp. ginger • 1/2 tsp. nutm eg Directions Preheat oven to 425 degrees. C om ­ bine ingredients in large bowl, pour into shell, bake 15 m inutes, reduce oven tem perature to 350 degrees and continue baking 35- 40 m inutes until knife inserted in center com es out clean. -( * Crisp Fuji or Gala Apples Other selected varieties available SAVE up to S111 lb — [ ' smurda » îsu »° a I ° Ï Ï t \ G G i ree n anL "•A«1»1» Q0C»»>. Cut Green Bean* Green Giant Can Vegetables 2-Liter Pepsi or 7-UP I 11 to 15.25 -02 j Selected varieties J SAVE up to SI 00 Selected varieties Plus deposit in Oregon SAVE up to $1 31 .’ V . i-» t HolDtg bunt m »U«*' SATURDAY &SUNDAYONLin club pjuc t Cottonelle Bath Tissue or Thirsty Paper Towels Lucerne'* Butter 16-02 Regulator Unsalted Limit 1 SAVEupto5Oe Safeway Hot Dog Buns 12-Rotl Bath Tissue or 6 or 8-Roll Towels SAVE up to $2 00 WarmUp feaMK Progresso E Ü iw l Vegetable ' A Classics I ’S®* n>HO t P r ic e s ! 18.5 to 19 oz. S elected v a rie tie s Campbell's ItCX dj Condensed Soup w jig j S elected varieties Campbells Soup at Hand 10.75-01. S elected varieties. Campbell’s Red ¿W hite Bowls 15.4-01. S elected varieties nmiiiiiiiiiiiiii WE’VE G O T GREAT 8OZ 18.5 25 04664 CLUB CARD PRICES 30020066 19 0c AND NOW... Thousands of I t a . EVEBVDXXV LOW PRICES! Blew Low Price! 1 25 ea 16.0c Count qn it every day! dub Price 99? 12.0« Thru Tuesday, November 17 To Place Your Classified Advertisement Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503-288 0033 Fax: 503-288 0015 e mail: classifieds@portlandobserver.com MOV. DQISDIBQD MM nwa A* Mt MM MM ’U »« Pnrn r t H ad aood iBrxxti IT* ML IiMtT3 AM WwnWt W R MOVSTHOLC. H B OAV a. N M> prees « Me ad effect'« 6 AM Wadi «das mr 11 tom Tuesdav Meson-on 17 POO» « aI Safewas s w e s » O '«»» iem«M M » n t w o .uni S W Wasp sexes senanj Wtihkink ,m, Cnrttr- Clan« Skamania ano Counties ite m oUeied k» sale ate not awsiape » athw d e M s