Workplace Shooting 50tf A woman is killed and two others are injured at a drug-testing lab in Tualatin I r * ¡2 See story, page A2 (it ROSCS r r i n k i ic h i*rl in IQ7D Established in 1970 Volume XXXVIV. Num ber 44 .W eek in The Review Obama Salutes Victims S o m b e rly reciting 13 nam es and 13 sto rie s. P re s id e n t Barack O bam aTuesday saluted the A m ericans killed in last w eek’s m assacre at the Fort Hood, Texas Arm y post as he­ roes who died for their country — and prom ised a nation de­ manding answers that "the killer will be met w ith justice." Blazers on All Star Ballot FourT rail Blazers were nam ed to this year’s N BA All-Star ballot T uesday, including two- tim e A ll-Star Brandon Roy, L aM arcus A ld rid g e, A ndre M i 1 ler and G reg O den. No Clemency for Sniper Virginia’s gover- nor refused to spare the life of Jo h n A llen Muhammad and I cleared the way for his execution Tuesday night for the sniper attacks in 2002 that left 10 dead and spread such fear people were afraid to go shop­ ping, cut grass or pump gas. Iran Charges Americans Iran accused three Am ericans, including one from Oregon, o f sp y in g M o n d a y , sig n a lin g Tehran intends to put them on trial. It drew a sharp U.S. re­ sponse that the charges are baseless because the hikers strayed across the border from Iraq. Abdul-Jabbar has Leukemia NBA g re a t K areem Abdul- Jabbar is being treated for a rare formofleukemia. The 62-year-old A bdul-Jabbar said his doctor didn't give any guarantees, but informed him: "Y ouhaveavery good chance to live your life out and not have to m ake any d r a s tic c h a n g e s to y o u r lifestyle.” Duck Player Reinstated JSL j O regon running hack LeG arrette Blount, who was the L Committed to Cultural Diversity Wednesday • November II, 2009 Fire Destroys School Marysville students safely evacuate by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver Students and staff were able to safely ev acuate a burning s o u th e a s t P o rtla n d s c h o o l T u esd a y as fire q u ick ly e n ­ gulfed the building. O fficials said it took ju st two m inutes to em pty M arysville Elem entary School o f its 460 stu d e n ts and staff. T h e fire broke out about 11:40 a.m. A few m inutes later, flam es were seen ripping through the 87-year-old landmark at 7733 S.E. Raymond St. in the M t. S c o tt-A rle ta N eighborhood. Kenton Rush, a sixth grader at the K-8 school, recalls sitting in class when a large cloud of smoke rushed past his classroom. He quickly fled along with his peers through the front door, a n d w a s th e n ta k e n by h is teachers to a library on Holgate Boulevard w here he texted his mother. “Schools d on’t catch on fire photo by M ark W ashington ZT he P ortland O bserv er Emergency personnel go to work after a major fire erupts during the school day Tuesday at Marysville Elementary at 7733 S.E. Raymond St. Students and sta ff safely evacuated the building with no Injuries reported. very m uch,” said Rush, w ho was frightened by the fire. T h e r o o f on th e e a s t sid e o f th e sc h o o l c o lla p s e d in fla m e s an d w as re d u c e d to a b la c k e n e d h o le. M o re th a n 100 P o rtla n d firefighters battled the inferno. By about 12:30 p.m. the fire ap­ peared to be under control, but flam es could still be seen danc­ ing along the edge o f the roof as lire fighters clim bed a ladder to spray it with a hose. O nlook­ ers lingered outside the yellow tape as w ater streamed out of the front doors o f the school Nearly two hours after the fire continued Hang Up and Drive Driving with a hand-held cell phone will become illegal Jan. 1 bringing a $90 fine for violations. State gears up for cell phone ban (A P) - As o f Jan. 1, you can get slapped with a $90 fine if you use a hand-held cell phone w hile driving in Oregon. Will that be enough to en courage m otorists to keep their full at­ tention on the road? And how well can the law be enforced? O regon will becom e one o f seven states that have banned d riv in g w h ile , ta lk in g on a handheld cell phone, according to the Insurance Institute for H ighw ay Safety. T h e ban, ap p ro v e d by the 2009 O regon Legislature, does not apply to drivers using a cell p h o n e e q u ip p e d w ith a handsfree device. It also has exceptions for certain drivers, in c lu d in g th o se w o rk in g in public safety, and for others on page A2 w ho are "operating a m otor ve­ h ic le in th e sc o p e o f th e person's em ploym ent." H ighway safety officials and law enforcem ent agencies are gearing up to publicize and en ­ force the law, w hich they say will make roads safer. Salem resident Jim Allhiser, w ho ow ns a hom e inspection business, isn't waiting for Jan. 1. He's already making arrange­ m ents to get rid o f his hand- continued on page A2 punching a Boise S tate p la y e r in the season opener, has been allow ed to rejoin the D ucks. The univer­ sity requested Blount's rein­ statement, w hich was approved by Pacific-10 Conference com ­ missioner. OxyContin Holdup A W a lg ree n s p h arm acy in T routdale w as robbed for the painki I ler OxyContin Sunday by a w hite man in a ski hat. sun­ glasses, and a scarf wrapped over his face. He got aw ay with nearly $4,(XX) worth o f the drug. AIDS Top Killer of Women In its first study o f w om en's health around the globe, the W orld Health Organization said M onday that the AIDS virus is the leading cause o f death and disease am ong women between the ages o f 15 and 44. Unsafe sex is the leading risk factor in developing countries for these w omen of childbearing age. years •Scommunity service In Focus: Blacks and the Film Industry the fo u n d er and president o f Micheaux Film Corp. He was the first black man to produce a full len g th , eig h t-re el, all N egro movie. Micheaux completed 44 of the 82 so-called “race movies" that were produced during the time. His first, H om esteader (1919) was a silent motion picture, and The Exile was his first feature film with sound. The Betrayal (1948) was his last film before his death. Two local men. 2(X)8 Oregon M ed ia A rts A w ard recip ien t D avid Walker, and Ron Craig, by A manda G rear T he P ortland O bserver African American films have been aro u n d since the early 1900s - not that I have been around that long. A ccording to the E n cy clo ­ pedia o f the H arlem R en ais­ sance, William D. Foster o f C hi­ cago, formed the first black film co m p an y , F o ster P h o to p lay . From 1909 to 1913 he produced the first black cast film shorts, such as T he P ullm an P o rter (1910) and The Railroad Porter (19l2)-w hich was his l()-minute debut film. F o ste r o rg a n iz e d his c o m ­ pan y to sp e c ia liz e in “ n o n ­ d e g ra d in g B lack c a st c o m ­ e d i e s , ” c h a l l e n g i n g th e b la c k f a c e - b la c k s p o r ­ tra y e d by w h ite a c to rs - d e ­ p ic tio n s o f A fric a n A m e ri­ c a n s , a n d o ffe rin g h is c h a r ­ a c t e r s c o m p le x is s u e s to face. F o ster P h o to p lay C o m ­ p an y fo ld e d in 1918 du e to f in a n c ia l a n d d is t r ib u t io n p ro b le m s. A legend writer, director, and producer O scar M ichcaux was 2(X)9 Emmy nomination recipi­ ent, have joined the black film ­ m aker ranks with films such as U ncle T o m ’s A partm ent and Searching for York. Walker has a unique take on black films in particular, views that some people may take is­ sue with. He says the average person tends to only think of two black priRlucers, Spike Lee and Tyler Perry. “They are neither the begin­ ning or the end," Walker said. “|I 'v e | never seen a Tyler Perry continued on page AS F ilm F estiv a l O p en s F rid a y Portland filmmaker Ron Craig will participate in an inaugu­ ral African American Film Festival this weekend at McMenamins pubs and theaters. Portland kicks off an inau­ gural African A merican Film Festival, with screenings all w eekend lo n g at M cM enam ins pubs and the­ aters, starting Friday, Nov. 13. The festival will showcase films from the 20’s through the 8 0 's. F ilm s such as G uess W ho's Com ing to Dinner, Do the Right Thing, Super Fly, and Imitation of Life. Forum s w ill speak to the history o f African A m ericans’ involvem ent in film and what it tak es to be in th is b u s i­ n ess. Participating M cM enam ins Pubs and T h e a te rs are the Bagdad T h eater & Pub. St. Johns Theater & Pub. Mission Theater, and Kennedy School. 1