Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, November 04, 2009, Page 6, Image 6

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    November 4. 2009
Page A6
Students Crowd Community Colleges
At PCC and
Mt. Hood
Enrollment this fall has surged
at both P ortland C om m unity
College and Mt. Hood C om m u­
nity College.
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Students bustle from classes at Portland Community College's Sylvania Campus in
southwest Portland.
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At PC C , the c o lle g e ’s total
h e a d c o u n t in c re a se d by 7.8
p e rc e n t an d 15.4 p e rc e n t in
full-tim e eq u iv ale n t students.
T he FTE num bers d eterm ines
how m uch m oney PC C gets
fro m th e s ta te ’s co m m u n ity
coflege funding form ula. It’s
the ninth co n secu tiv e term o f
grow th at PCC.
At Mt. H ood, the FTE has
in creased 13.7 p ercen t c o m ­
pared to last fall.
T h e h ig h g ro w th at b o th
schools has follow ed statewide
and national trends that started
during the econom ic recession
as u n e m p lo y e d O re g o n ia n s
turned to local com m unity col­
leges for jo b training and higher
education degrees.
"H ow ever, the increased en­
rollm ent has created additional
dem ands on college resources
and services that are further
com plicated by the reduction of
sta te fu n d in g ,” sa id M H C C
P re s id e n t Jo h n J. “ S k i”
At PCC, The growth o f credit
students is reflected in a co l­
lege program w hich offers high
sch o o l stu d en ts a ch an ce to
earn college credit.
Approximately 573 F i t were
generated through Dual Credit.
Forty-three high schools in the
Portland area participate.
“It provides high school stu­
dents with an early opportunity
to earn college credit for ad ­
v an c ed c o u rse w o rk th e y ’ve
c o m p le te d w h ile in h ig h
sc h o o l,” said PCC P resident
Preston Pulliam s. “They pro­
vide an opportunity for the stu­
d en ts to tra n sitio n sm oothly
from high school to college, in
a non-duplicative program o f
study. The dram atic grow th in
our Dual C redit Program is an ­
other exam ple o f how the com ­
m unity is taking advantage of
PCC to low er the cost o f their
ed u catio n in this tough e c o ­
nomic time.”
Parade to Honor Veterans
NÇjjuJTO • G R 0
P o rtla n d e rs are in v ited to
honor m ilitary veterans, the ac­
tive m ilitary and their families
at the 35th annual Veterans Day
parade on Wednesday, Nov. 11
in the H ollyw ood D istrict o f
Beaverton Toyota • Russ Auto Finance
Avenue, where a m em orial cer­
em ony will be held.
“T h is is an o p p o rtu n ity for
us to say ‘th an k y o u ’ to the
m en an d w o m en w h o h av e
serv ed o u r n a tio n ’s m ilita ry
Helping Neighbors Grow Roots
con tin u ed ^ ^ J r o m Front
West said that neighbors get
to know each other better from
the activity, and take more pride
in their com m unity, w hich can
help reduce crim e rates. The
trees also absorb storm water,
and can m itigate pollution, he
A s urban environm ents have
grown dramatically and become
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northeast Portland.
The parade w hich starts at
9:45 a.m. begins at N ortheast
4 0 th A v en u e an d H a n c o c k
Street and travels east on Sandy
B oulevard to N ortheast 48th
a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s , s a id
M ichael W olfe, g en eral m an ­
a g e r o f R o s s H o lly w o o d
C h a p e l, th e b u sin e ss g ro u p
sp o n so rin g the parad e w hich
is also su p p o rted by the H o l­
lyw o o d B oosters b u sin ess a s­
so c iatio n .
2337 N. Williams Ave
Portland, Or 97227
We m ake the service personal,
You m ake the tribute personal.
Every tim e w c a r r a n g e a p e rs o n a liz e d f u n e r a l serv ice, w e ta k e sp e cia l p rid e g o in g
th e e x tr a m ile. W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o e v e n m o re
F rien d s a n d fa m ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ic e in fo rm a tio n , v ie w p h o to s, r e a d o b itu a ry ,
o r d e r flo w e rs a n d le av e p e rs o n a l m e ssag e s o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , an y tim e .
S im p ly g o t o o u r w e b s ite .
''Dedicated to providing excellent service
and superior care o f your loved one "
m ore densely populated over
the last century, people living
in them have struggled to p re­
serve elem ents o f the natural
In recent decades, the issue
has taken on increased salience
as th e e n v iro n m e n ta l, e c o ­
nom ic, and health benefits of
trees in u rban en v iro n m en ts
have become increasingly clear.
In 1978, Congress established
the N ational U rban F o restry
G rant Program for this end, ac­
cording to N ancy Stremple, the
executive staff to the National
Urban C om m unity and Forest
Advisory Council. The program
saw its funding increase in 1990
when C ongress gave it a farm
bill appropriation.
‘T re es are not just aesthetic,”
said Strem ple, who explained
that there is alm ost no aspect
o f urban life that isn’t affected
by the presence o f trees.
She cites research that sug­
gests that vegetation co n trib ­
utes to a calm er environm ent
that can reduce violence and
even help kids with attention
deficit disorder. If placed cor­
re c tly , th e y c a n h e lp k e e p
hom es cool in the sum m er and
w a rm in th e w in te r, sa id
Stremple. They can also reduce
sew er bills by absorbing storm
water, w hile increasing hom e
The act o f planting trees can
also strengthen social ties in a
neighborhood, as Boise N eigh­
borhood resident D ennis H ar­
ris found out spring last year.
H e re m e m b e r s a b o u t 25
people fanning out throughout
th e n e ig h b o rh o o d to p la n t
trees. A s the cre w s w o rk ed ,
people passing by p itched in
to help.
“ It was a great atm osphere,”
said H arris, w ho ad d ed that
people take more pride in their
People who utilize Friends o f
Trees still have to pay part of
the cost, w hich varies is often
som ew here betw een $25 and
$75 for trees that w ould nor­
m ally go for up to $200, said
W est.
West noted that his organi­
zation d o esn 't do plantings in
w est P ortland, since the area
has no shortage o f vegetation
and there is more w ork to be
done on the other side o f the
Willamette River.
“O n the east side th e re’s a
lot m ore need, and a lot more
opportunity,” he said.
West explained that Friends
o f Trees is trying to do more on
along interstate corridors, since
they tend to be large sources
o f pollution.
‘Trees are pretty good at absorb­
ing pollution and what not, and we
know that the areas along 1-5 have
a lot of pollution and a lot of asthma
rates," said West, who added that
his organization is planning to do
similar work near 1-205 in outer east
F rie n d s o f T re e s has also
partnered with the city o f Port­
land to help with its “Grey to
G reen” initiative, which aims to
help better m anage storm water
runoff and enhance the city ’s
liv ab ility by p lan tin g 80,000
trees by 2013.
But despite interest from the
city, West said that the appear­
ance o f neighborhoods hinges
on the people who live in them.
“We need co m m u n ities to
step forw ard and say, ‘I’m go­
ing to do it,” ’ he said.
Cannabis Café Planned
con tin u ed ^ ^ f r o m Front
D w ig h t A. T erry
Oregon License CO-3644
A m y S. T erry
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A ct, a c c o rd in g to M a d elin e
M artinez, executive director o f
Oregon NORML.
M a rtin ez say s th e c a fé is
m eant to be an innovative gath ­
e r in g p la c e fo r m e d ic a l
can n ib u s p atients, esp ecially
people in other parts o f the state
who m ust travel to Portland for
appointm ents at m ajor m edical
facilities such as O H SU , the
V eterans H ospital and C asey
Eye Institute.
The location w ould provide
space for m edical m ariju an a
card holders to m edicate out of
the view o f the public, one o f
the requirem ents o f using m edi­
cal cannabis under state law,
M artinez said.
She said the café would pro­
vide medical marijuana for sam­
pling free o f charge. But there
w o u ld b e no e x c h a n g e o f
m oney for m edical m arijuana
like some medical marijuana dis­
pensaries operate in California.
Oregon NORM L does plan to
charge m em bership dues, be­
ginning w ith a $25 entry fee
w hich covers the first month
and an all-day pass. Two pieces
o f identification and proof o f
p a rtic ip a tio n in th e O reg o n
M ed ical M a riju an a P rogram
w ould be required for adm it­
tance, M artinez says.
She said the idea behind the
c a fé is to p ro v id e a m u ch -
needed com m unity center for
medical marijuana card holders,
social c re atu res w h o need a
place to relax with snacks, so­
d as, tea an d co ffe e an d e x ­
change inform ation freely.
No m arijuana w ould be left
on the prem ises overnight as a
deterrent to thefts and burglar­
ies, M artinez said.
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