JlortlailÒ OObsírUer____________________ November 4, 2009 Page A 4 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland ' Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to news@ portlandobserver. com. Racist Language has no Civil Place mother as a "typical white per­ son." These pundits reach millions Obama “has a deep-seated ha­ of people with their inflamma­ tred for white people, or the w hite c u ltu re .” H atred o f tory rhetoric, and there hasn't “white culture"? That's rheto­ been enough pushback from ric more appropriate for an people who believe that our avowed white supremacist like country is better than that. GOP leaders who share the far right's David Duke. goal of damaging the Obama Bill O'Reilly told his viewers presidency have not show n that "the left sees white men much interest in challenging as a problem," and sees put­ egreg io u s claim s about the ting women and minorities in president and his adm inistra­ power as the solution. tion. And many D em ocratic R ig h t-w in g b lo g s s till strategists, having concluded ab ound w ith c h a rg e s th at O bam a's anti-w hite racism that any discussion of race is was reflected in a campaign bad for the White House, prefer reference to his own grand- to avoid the conversation alto- When words go beyond honest disagreement b \ fanning the flames of racial division could be one way to try to win back some of the white w orking-class voters who b ack ed D em o­ cratic c a n d id a te s in P eter M ontgomery In his first months as president, Barack Obama has taken on some big problems-health care, the economic collapse, Iraq and A fghanistan-so it's no wonder there's heated de­ 2008. Central to this race-baiting bate going on. But some of the strategy is accusing Obama rhetoric being thrown around himself of being a racist, and has nothing to do with policy. charging him with advancing Instead, some of Obam a's policies that are meant to help o p ponents have m oved b e­ people of color at the expense yond honest disagreement and used inflammatory racial lan­ of white people, or foreigners guage to attack the president. at the expense of Americans. W hether their rhetoric stems This is of course meant to stir from their own racism or simply racial resentment among work­ a willingness to inflame and ex- ing-class white Americans. gether. T he e le c tio n o f B arack Obama as president was cor­ rectly considered a milestone in our nation's history and evi­ dence of progress in overcom­ ing racial barriers. But that progress has un­ leashed a backlash against lib­ eralism and the federal govern­ m ent generally, and against Obama in particular. Some of that backlash is calculated to create or worsen racial resent­ ment, a poison that can be ex­ tremely toxic-consider, for in­ stance, recent reports that the Secret Service is scrambling to keep up with a record number o f th re a ts a g a in st the president's life. Many Am ericans disagree with Obama's policy positions on any number of issues. Vig­ orous debate about those dif­ ferences is central to our free society. But so is the responsibility for all of us, especially those in positions of influence, to speak out against irresponsible and inflam m atory rhetoric that threatens to deepen divisions in our society-or worse. Let's hear it. Peter Montgomery is a se­ nior fellow at People fo r the American Wav. Fomenting racial resentment as a political strategy has a long and dishonorable history in the Republican Party. ploit racial divisions for politi­ cal gain is irrelevant: Their lan­ guage is dangerous and irre­ sponsible, and our political lead­ ers have a duty to reject it. Fomenting racial resentment as a political strategy has a long and dishonorable history in the Republican Party ever since the passage of civil rights legisla­ tion and the Nixon campaign's “southern strategy.” Ronald Reagan tapped that strategy when he made a cam­ paign stop in P h iladelphia, Miss., site of the notorious mur­ der of three civil rights workers two decades before, to declare his support for “states' rights.” Today it's clear that right-wing strategists have calculated that W hen O bam a was asked about the controversial arrest of Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and answered that he thought the behavior of the police had been “stupid” (a comment for which he quickly apologized). Rush Limbaugh declared that Obama was “fan­ ning the flames of race” as “a black president trying to de­ stro y a w hite p o lic e m a n .” Limbaugh, whose record of ra­ cially charged rhetoric is well- documented, has also said re­ cently, “We need segregated buses...In Obama's America, the white kids now get beat up with the black kids cheering." Fox News' Glenn Beck went a step further to declare that N omore U.S. TROOPS F ofl T o U •> RANio, UNTÍL Yo\) Math Counts for Future Jobs by J udge G reg M athis In 2001, then Presi­ dent Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act which was in ten d ed to, am ong o th e r th in g s, get the nation’s public school students to 100-percent proficiency in reading and math by the year 2014. Recently released math test scores show that we are not on target to reach that goal. Math is a critical component to so many industries that drive our new economy; if our students - future workers - don't master the subject, the financial health Scores show nation at risk the first time in nearly two de­ about three y e a rs’ w orth o f d ressed . S chools in poorer neighborhoods must be given cades that fourth grade math mathematical knowledge. additional resources to ensure We have to focus more re­ scores rem ained the same. they are equipped to properly sources on training and retain­ More disturbing is the fact that educate its students. Tutoring ing teachers and reducing class achievem ent gaps betw een students and color and their sizes. Our educators must be must be made available and pro­ moted within the community. In some cases, tutoring should be a mandatory part of school cur­ riculum. Math is the basis for so many science, technology and busi­ ness careers; industries that are white counterparts are not clos­ highly trained and rewarded for growing and will soon domi­ their achievements in the class­ nate our economy. If our young ing. people are not proficient in the The average black and white room. The socio-economic factors subject, their ability to secure eighth grader is separated by about 32 points on the math that create these disparities in sustainable employment in the test; this num ber represents achievement must also be ad­ future is at risk. of our nation is at risk. A ccording to the test results, ju st 39 percent of the nation’s fourth graders and 34 percent of its eighth graders scored at or above the proficiency level on the nationwide math test given this past spring. There’s been very little im­ provement in student’s scores and the goal of reaching profi­ ciency by 2014 is in jeopardy. Additionally, improvement in math proficiency among stu­ dents has actually slowed. Arne Duncan, the Secretary of Education, says that this is öfTME RULES/ In some cases, tutoring should be a mandatory part o f school curriculum. A m erica has already lost th o u san d s o f jo b s and b il­ lions of dollars as technology and o th e r jo b s have been outsourced to countries like India, because o f a lack of qualified candidates here at home. Ensuring our students under­ stand and can successfully ap­ ply mathematical concepts is not only important to their edu­ cation, but also to the health of country if we are to experience and maintain economic growth. Greg Mathis is a retired Michigan District Court judge and syndicated television show judge. Advancing Education Agenda Starts with Early Learning That insidious pipeline is fu­ largest cities at less than 40 per­ cent. Instead of being on their eled by a combination of pov­ way to lives o f productive erty, single-parent families, dis­ adulthood, too many of our p a ritie s in h e a lth care, young people, before they underperforming schools, un­ even start school, have already equal treatment by the criminal been snagged by what Marian justice system, misguided val­ W right E d elm an o f the ues and the lack of high-quality Children's Defense Fund calls early childhood learning oppor­ Am erica's "cradle to prison tunities. The U.S. House of Represen­ pipeline." 1 tatives took a big step towards »er I reversing that trend with the that enrollments are up, we can n ot ignore the fact that, if current trends persist, many of those eager five-year-olds will JL never earn a high school diploma. More than a million American students drop out of high school each year, with graduation rates in some of our by M arc H. M oriai . A few weeks ago, the nation's 50 million public school children returned to the class­ room . A ccording to J the U.S. Department A of Education, this in­ cluded a record 3.8 m illion kindergarteners. While we should be pleased I 503-288-0033 subscribe ' . RUOut&SendTo: ----------------------------- 3137, ^ PtriaxlOR972(B ;!± ± T - P0’ “ 3 I I | subscriptions are just $00 per year (please include check with this subscription form) | I N ame : I A ddress : I T elephone : I or email subscriptions® porllandobserver.com I I ^ J J o rtla n b (Observer T h e Portland Observer welcomes freelance sub­ Established 1970 missions Manuscripts and photographs should be USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ----------------------------------------------------- clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompa­ nied by a self addressed envelope 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland. OR 97211 E ditok - in -C h if f , P i i i i . ishck : A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and cannot he used in other p u b li­ Charles H Washington cations or personal usage without the written con­ E d ito r . M ich a e l L eig h to n D is t k iu jt io n M anaofk : M ark W ashin gton C kf . ativf . D ik fc to k : P aul N e u fe ld t sent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position o f such ad. TH E PO R TLA N D OBSERVER O 200H A U . R IG H T S R E S E R V E D R E P R O D U C T IO N IN W H O L E OR IN PA R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB ­ P ostnusttk : Send address changes to Portland Observer, IT E D CALL 503-288-0033 news tdportlandobserver. com r The Portland O bserver -O regon’s Oldest M u lticultural P u b licatio n -ia a member o f the N a­ P0Box3137, Portland, 0R 97208 tional Newspaper Associatmn -Founded in IM S . FAX 503-288-0015 ads^ixjrtliindiibsersinivin and T h e N atio n al A d ve rtis in g R epresentative A m algam ated Publishers. Inc. N e w York, N Y . and The West Coast B lack Publishers Association J serv es about 9 0 0 ,0 0 0 tions of staff, and program ef­ fectiveness. preschoolers. The National Urban League W hile the new stim u lu s applauds this new effort. It is funds are largely designed to consistent with the education increase the number of children goal of our recently announced who have access to early child­ Centennial Empowerment Plan hood e d u c a tio n , the E arly which challenges the nation to Learning Challenge Fund is de­ ensure that every A merican voted to improving the quality of pre-school programs, which child is ready for college, ready in many cases is uneven and for work and ready for life by the year 2025. Research shows loosely regulated. According to the New York that quality childhood educa­ tion for all is essential to achiev­ ing that goal. But all o f us, esp ecially young people themselves must do our part. As P resident Obama said during his back-to- Times, this lack of structure, school speech to the nation's standards and accountability students, "at the end of the day, often means that ".. .poor chil­ we can have the most dedicated dren, even many who have ac­ teachers, the most supportive cess to government-financed parents, and the best schools early care or learning programs, in the world - and none of it tend to enter kindergarten less w ill m atter u n less all o f prepared for school than those you...put in the hard work it takes to succeed." with wealthier parents." From pre-school to high States receiving the funding would be required to develop school, that's a lesson all our m easurable strategies to ad­ children need to learn. Marc H. Moriai is president dress essential aspects of pro­ and chief executive officer o f gram quality, such as child the National Urban League. health and safety, the qualifica- All o f us, especially young people themselves must do our part. passage of an $8 billion Early Learning Challenge Fund, de­ signed to raise standards and improve training and oversight of program s serving infants, toddlers and preschoolers. This new effort, now await­ ing Senate approval, is a central com p o n en t o f P resid en t O bam a's early ed u c a tio n agenda. His stimulus plan, for example, included $4 billion in new money for child care and education programs, including Head Start, w hich currently