¡th» |lo rlln tlÒ (Otoseruer____________________ November 4. 2009 pai,c A l0 Harlem Photographer Remembered filled nightclubs. In 1951, he becam e the first black photographer to win the prestigious G uggenheim F el­ lowship in the arts. In his scholarship ap p lica­ tion, he wrote: "1 w ant to show the strength, the w isdom , the dignity of the Negro people. Not the famous and the well known, Roy DeCarava was a recorder of the black experience (AP) -- Roy DeCarava, a pho­ to g ra p h e r w h o se b la c k an d white images captured Harlem's everyday life and the jazz greats who perform ed there, is being remembered after his death Oct. 27 o f natural causes at the age of 89. D eCarava was considered to be am ong the first to give seri­ ous photographic attention to th e b la c k e x p e r ie n c e in America. Trained as a painter, he relied on anjbient light, infusing his im a g e s w ith s h a d o w s an d shades of gray and black — a style that invited the view er to look closer. "He photographed for him - but the unknow n and the un­ named, thus revealing the roots from which spring the greatness o f all hum an beings.” In 1955, he collaborated with poet Langston H ughes on the best-selling pictorial narrative on 20th century African-A m eri­ can life titled "The Sw eet Fly­ paper of L ife.” Roy DeCarava's 1949 'graduation' embodies the photographer's signature use o f shades o f gray and black. self, and ultim ately produced a body o f work that enshrined the social contradictions of the '50s, th e e x p lo sio n o f im p ro v isa ­ tional jazz music in the '60s, the struggle for social equity, the bold faced stridency of the '70s and '80s, only to turn to even m ore co n tem p lativ e realities during the later years o f his life ,” h is w ife, art h isto ria n Sherry Turner D eCarava, said in a statement. Using a 35 mm cam era, he ch ro n ic led b lack A m erican s doing ordinary things: A family watching the H arlem River; a couple dancing in their kitchen; a girl standing on a desolate street in a w h ite g rad u a tio n d ress. DeCarava worked at a time of en o rm o u s creativ e energy in Harlem, w hose many residents included prominent writers, art­ ists and m usicians. He spent years capturing candid shots of L o u is A rm s tro n g , Jo h n Coltrane and other jazz m usi­ cians — many taken in smoke- Roy DeCarava took pictures to show the dignity o f people. Triumph of Love Philip Cutlip as Orphée and Lisa Saffer as The Princess star in the Portland Opera's newest production. Philip Glass - the most renowned and often-produced opera composer of our time - carefully follows the script of Jean Cocteau's 1949 film in Orphée, now playing at Keller Auditorium. Shows are scheduled Sunday, Nov. 8; Saturday, Nov. 12; and Monday, Nov. 14. For more information, visit portlandopera.org. Everclear will perform Nov. 19 at the McMenamins Crystal Ballroom in a benefit concert to support The St. Francis Dining Hall, a southeast Portland charity. Everclear Concert for Charity Event to help feed homeless Everclear will wrap up its 2009 “In a D ifferent Light” tour with a show to su p p o rt so u th east P o rtland’s St. Francis Dining Hall, a non profit that serves an a v e ra g e o f 3 0 0 p e o p le an evening meal, six days a week in an atm osphere o f respect, dignity and peace. Your Care Our First Priority T h e b and will jo in special welcome. The imm ediate goal is to feed guest Clayton Senne and a lo­ cal b a n d to be se le c te d v ia more than 2,000 homeless, hun­ M ySpace and Facebook at the gry people for the 2009 holiday Thursday, Nov. 19 concert at season. E v e r c le a r f ro n tm a n A rt McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Alexakis has built a solid career 1332 W. Burnside St. Tickets are on sale through and devoted fan base on heart­ T ick etm aster and the Crystal felt songs culled from real-life Ballroom box office; $20 ad­ experiences. His father ab an ­ vance; $25 day o f show — $2 doned the fam ily when he was per ticket will be donated to St. a child, leaving his mom to raise Francis Dining Hall. All ages are five kids in a tough Los A nge­ Native American Culture Fest Dr. Marcelitte Faillit Chiropractic Physician A cultural celebration o f traditional N a­ tive A m erican music, dance, crafts, food and cultural enrichm ent for the whole fam ­ ily will be held at Mt. Hood C om m unity C ollege, Saturday, Nov. 7 from noon to 10 p.m. in the college gym. A traditional N a­ tive T h an k sg iv in g feast o f salm on and buffalo begins at 5:30 p.m. les n eig h b o rh o o d . N o n e th e ­ less, says A lexakis, his m other instilled in him a sense o f duty to help those less fortunate. “ I ’ve d o n e b e n e fits w ith M cM enamins before, like the 9/ 11 fire f ig h te r s ’ fu n d ra ise r,” says A lexakis, “and there’s ju st a m indset with M cM enam ins that I love and respect. I thought to g eth er we co uld m ake this holiday fundraiser big.” “This event gives...area com munities the op­ portunity to interact with each other, and cre­ ate a healthy dialogue am ong different cul­ tures,” said Renea Ly-M enchaca, president o f Chakokum tux, Mt. H ood’s Native Am erican student club. G rand entry cerem onies will be conducted at 1 p.m. and 7 p.m. We are located at 1716 N.E. 42nd Ave. Portland, OR 97213 B U S IN E S S < Between Broadway and Sandy Blvd.) • Automobile accident injuries • Chronic headache and joint pain • Workers Compensation injuries C a ll fo r an ap pointm ent! Stale Farm ’ Providing Insutiintn and finani ¡a' Semites IM ttfB A N C I (503) 228-6140 Koine Office Bloomingum. Illinois 61 ZIO Ernest J. Hill, Jr. Agatll 4946 N Vancouvei Avenue Portland. OR 9Z?17 503 7861103 fax 503 386 H46 einie.hill hbtnWislatefarai to n 24 Hour Good Neighbor Service” \ _______________ J boyds Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape 25 years on the air... PH (503) 970-5743 Licensed and Bonded LCB 6165 JAMES BOYD 3535 N. Vancouver Ave. Portland, OR 97218 Since 1984, “We like we have to do 2% jazz, been playing 98% funky the great stuff.” sounds of M aceo jazz & blues Parker music! Sharon Maxwell-Hendricks O onoral M an a g e r Phone: 5 0 3 -2 8 1 -0 2 2 4 Fax: 5 0 3 -2 8 4 -4 4 1 9 sham axhenchtacninc.net WBE ; ESB I MBF I OBE » 314S • CCB« 159587 • WA LIC » B 0 A N E O 9 3 4 J Ì 4134 N. Vancouver Avo, Sullo 4 0 0 t PO. Box 1111S. Portland, OP 87311 r e c to r y fo r a d placem ent contact M ark W ashington a t503-288-0033