October 28. 2009 Jlo rtlan h (Obsmier PageA2 Drug Trafficking Network Busted larly so ld 10 k ilo g ra m s or $300,000 worth of merchandise a month, while using local bar­ becue eatery Yam Yam’s for money laundering. Portland police said they had A north Portland man is fac­ long suspected that James Ray ing a federal indictment that al­ “Lonnie” Yoakum was at the leges he ran a cocaine empire center of a large drug traffick­ throughout the city that regu­ ing operation that distributed Police say a major drug dealer arrested Public Hearing: Equitable Access to Services Portland, Gresham, and Multnomah County are preparing the 2010-2015 Consolidated Plan, which directs how local federal dollars are spent on affordable housing, economic opportunities, and programs preventing homelessness. WHEN: WHERE: TIME: Trlmet: O ctober 28 King Elementary School 4904 NE 4th Avenue 4:00-8:00 pm Bus Lines 4 & 72 photo by For more information: www.portlandonline.com/phb/conplan OKIkA III AU H o s e ’ll N C I ADHD Research Study i \l\ 1 IMh You and your child are invited to participate in a study investigating the causes and assessment o f ADHD. PARENTS OF 7 & 8 YEAR OLDS! Child must be: • 7 or 8 years old • In good physical health • With or without ADHD. M ark W ashington /T hf . P ortland O bserver Yam Yam's on northeast Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard is swept up in a major drug trafficking case, but the owner of the restaurant has not been charged with any crime. Parent and child will attend: • A 2-hour screening visit * Possibly one annual visit for 3 years Diagnostic feedback and compensation are provided. (503)418-5508 • ohsuADHD@ ohsu.edu OHSU Psychiatry Department • Funded by N1H Now Enrolling Preschoolers Ages 3-5 years PE N IN S U LA C H IL D R E N ’ S CENTER Our Children. Our Community. Growing Together. cocaine throughout the city using a gang network. But it could never quite come up with enough evidence to take action, until now. After months of eavesdrop­ ping on Yoakum's phone con­ versations and conducting sur­ veillan ce on his hom e, the Metro Gang Task Force, which is comprised of multiple federal and local law en fo rcem en t agencies, says it has the goods on Yoakum. “These indictments ahd ar­ rests should send the clear mes­ sage that we will not tolerate criminal gang activity in our c o m m u n ity ,” said A cting United States Attorney Kent S. Robinson, in a statement. Yoakum m oved to Oregon over 20 years ago from Los Angeles. Eight years ago he was convicted in multi-defen­ dant conspiracy case that in­ volved moving cocaine from Los Angeles to Detroit. The Metro Gang Task Force alleges that Yoakum is a long­ time affiliate of the Crip gang, and used it to circulate cocaine th ro u g h o u t P o rtla n d and Vancouver. Although Yoakum allegedly moved large quantities of the lucrative drug and was caught carrying over $11,000 in cash, he lived in a humble duplex in north Portland with three chil­ dren and a granddaughter. Last month, the task force raided his home and Yam Yam’s on N ortheast M artin L uther King Jr. Boulevard. No drugs were found at the duplex, but authorities found more than $60,(XX) in cash in the safe at Yam Yam's. Officials said Larry Mathews, who owns the restaurant and lives in the same duplex as arm ed robbery Yoakum, told au­ and a tte m p te d thorities that the murder charges. money came from Law enforce­ re fin a n c in g the m ent has a r­ business, but an rested 19 indi­ Internal Revenue viduals believed S erv ice inquiry to be involved in refuted that claim. the traffick in g A fe d e ra l ring on federal search w arran t firearm and drug was also served charges as part on an in-hom e daycare facility in j ames ‘Lonnie’ Yoakum o f a 10-m onth long effort that Gresham, where a resident was charged as a co­ targeted gang activity in the area. conspirator. Over the course of the inves- Throughout the course of the tig a tio n , law e n fo rc e m en t investigation two of Yoakum’s seized 35 firearms, more than sons w ere arrested. Lonnell Demarcus Yoakum was arrested $101,(XX) in cash, about three for an Aug. 20 gang-related pounds of crack cocaine, about shooting of Emmanuel Dante seven pounds of pow der co­ Hall in front of K&C Market on caine, and eight vehicles. Y oakum has p lead ed not North Killingsworth Street. His b ro th er, Ja ric h o Ray guilty. Matthews has not been Yoakum, was also arrested on charged with any crime. President Barack Obama's call for an overhaul of the health care system would begin as soon as steeped in controversy. Reid, Democratic moderates whose the Congressional Budget Office completes a mandatory assess­ D-Nev., said individual states votes will be pivotal. Reid said, "While the public ment of the bill's cost and impact would have the choice of opt­ option is not a silver bullet, I be­ on coverage. ing out of the program. Changes on the public option H is a n n o u n c e m e n t w as lieve it's an important way to en­ cheered by liberal lawmakers, sure competition and to level the — and numerous other provi­ greeted less effusively by the playing field for patients with the sions in the measure — are pos­ White House and noted with a insurance industry." He said a sible during a debate expected n o n c o m m itta l re sp o n se by long-delayed Senate debate on to last for weeks. Public Option Survives Debate 5 0 3 .2 8 0 .0 5 3 4 4720 N. Maryland. Portland OR 97217 W W W .P E N C H IL D .O R G (AP) - Health care legislation heading for the Senate floor will give millions of Americans the option of purchasing govern­ ment-run insurance coverage, Majority Leader Harry Reid an­ nounced Monday, although he stopped short of claiming the 60 votes needed to pass a plan "Give your home on energy efficiency check-up." De La Salle North Catholic High School welcomes middle school DF LA SA LLE N O R T H CATMOUC HIGH SCHOOi. 7528 N. Fenwick Ave. I students and their families to our Open House. Join us and find out what our college preparatory urban high school has to Portland, OR 97217 offer! Find out about our Corporate Internship Program, diverse ♦ Lisa Gates student body and our affordable tuition. Director of Admissions Phone: 503-285-9385 Ext. 140 Fax: 503-285-9546 Email: lgates@dlsnc.org Para Español: Mari Parra Telé: 503-285-9385 Sunday, November 1st, 2009 Time: 1:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. Location: De La Salle North Catholic High School Ext. 135 Fax: 503-285-9546 Correo electrónico: mparracastillogldlsnc org Open House Highlights Ask your outlets to open up and say AAHHHH. W e have programs, tips and ideas to help you identify the best ways to save energy, plus cash incentives to help make the savings happen. Your home will be in top energy hape m no time. You II find all sorts of energy-saving answers a: pacificpow er.net PACIFIC POW ER Let’s turn the answers on I * Meet our faculty/staff * Interact with current students, parents, and coaches « Tour our campus * The Children’s Community Clinic will be offering free health screenings to all children 0-18 years of age. A parent or guardian must be present with child. • Enjoy music, dance, and fun activities * Refreshments will be provided * Full need based scholarships available