October 21, 2009________________________________ ^JurtklltÒ (fthserUVr______________________________ PageA9 LIGION In Loving Memory Long Time Resident Remembered Earnest Irving Jr. Earnest “Ernie” Irving Jr. was bom on Nov. 19, 1941 in Taft, Okla. to Rubie and Earnest Irving Sr. He was the third o f four children raised by his m other w hom he loved dearly. The fam ily m oved to Portland in 1955. He at­ tended Jefferson H igh School. Later he met and m arried A bby Langstaff. Through this union one ch ild w as born, his o n ly g irl, C y n th ia Irving- Sham bry. Earnest was a very exploratory man m oving from O regon to California and finally A rizona, where he met his com m on-law w ife o f 29 years, Sara Junel, and they w elcom ed a son, Courtney Irving. Earnest resided in Phoenix, Ariz. for duration o f his life. As a young boy, he developed a love for the farm. As an adult, he ow ned his own farm and raised pigs which he referred to as his babies. Ernie cared about his family and m ade consistent visits hom e every tw o years until illness prevented him from doing so. During these visits, he alw ays had sto­ ries to tell about fishing, hunting and those pigs. In A ugust Earnest returned home where he passed away on Oct. 8, 2009. He was in the presence o f fam ily who loved and cared for him and in the com fort of his m o th er’s loving home. He leaves to cherish w onderful m em ories, his love, Sara Junel; daughter Cynthia Sham bry o f Vancouver; tw o sons, A nthony “Tony” Irving o f Portland and Courtney Irving o f Phoenix; his mother, Rubie Franklin o f Portland; one brother John Jenkins o f Vancouver; tw o sisters, “ Betty L ou” Pressley o f Portland and “Ella M ae” Poole o f Sylacauga, Ala.; five adopted children, Rodney W illiams, Claney Taylor and Teddy Leone Sanchez o f Phoenix, Paula Jordan-Sm ith of Portland, and Robert M eaed Jr. o f Fort Cobb, Okla.; two aunts, 26 grandchildren, tw o great grandchil­ dren, and a host o f other family members. Services will be held- M onday, Oct. 20 at 1 p.m. at V ancouver Avenue First Baptist Church. EMMANUEL Church of God in Christ United 4800 NF 30th Ave. Portland OR 9 7 2 11 503-335-8772 You are cordially invited to worship with us in these services: Juanita Mae West Goodspeed Juanita Mae West G oodspeed died Oct. 19, 2009 at the age o f 75. She was bom on M ay 23, 1934 in Denver, Colo. H er parents were H o w a rd an d D o ra G o o d s p e e d . Juanita was one o f six children. A □ s is te r, J o -A n n e M o sle y liv e s in P o rtla n d . F o u r brothers, (all d e­ ceased ) w e re Jim m y , H a ro ld , C a ld w e ll an d Hizedis. Juanita attended M itchell School in Colorado. As a teenager, her family m oved to Port­ land. She com pleted her schooling at Cleveland H igh School. As a young adult, she m et her husband W illie H oover Vance. D ur­ ing their m arriage they had seven c h ild re n ; th re e b o y s, K e n n e th , K vem land and K olem an and four g irls , D o ris, D ia n e , D e b ra a n d Ju a n ita M arie. S he a lso has 10 grandchildren and a host o f nieces and nephews. Sunday Serv ice Sunday School 10:00 A.M Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M Worship Service 12:00 Noon Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M. Weekday Service Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:30 P.M. Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M. Prayer Meeting & Seminar: Monday - Friday 12:00 Northwest Voice for Christ Ministries B ishop H. L. H odge, PhD , P astor/T eacher/R evivalist will participate in the COG1C United "Holy Convocation" on Oct. 21-24 nightly at 7:30 P. M. and Official Day- Sunday, Oct. 25th at 3:00 P. M. Location: 4800NE 30th Avenue, Portland, Oregon; (503) 863-6545 Seminar: “Stirring up Your Spiritual Gifts" at 10:00 A.M. on Wed. &Thurs. Presenter: Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD. Schedule of Speakers and Events: • Wednesday— Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD. (Civic Night) • Thursday— International Prelate, Bishop James Feltus, Jr. • Friday—W omen’s Ministry— Intemational/Jurisdictional Supervisor, Maggie Wright • Saturday— Musical • Sunday — Official Day at 3:00 P. M. Please join us in this Holy Convocation as we honor Jurisdictional Prelate, Bishop Artice L. Wright, Pastor Emmanuel COGIC United. Memorial Scheduled Floria Jean Lewis Floria Jean Lewis transitioned from tem porary to eternal rest on W ednesday, Oct. 14, 2(X)9. She was the d aughter o f the late Joe and Lucille G aspard. She leaves to cherish her m em ories, her husband, A lfred Lewis; and a sister, Patricia Gaspard. She was also the m other of W in n ifred P ich o n , C e c e lia Kelly, M artha Thomas, Penny M im s, Lillian “N iki” Jones, and Karen W illiams o f Port­ land, and M elanie Sm ith o f New O rleans, La. Other survivors include sev­ e ra l g r a n d c h ild r e n , g re a t grandchildren, o th e r fam ily mem bers and friends. A family m em orial will be held on W ednesday, Oct. 21 Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr. & Co-Pastor Lottie M. Clay at 10 a.m . at the S alv atio n Army, located at North W ill­ Tbesday: Women & Men Meeting 7PM iams and Killingsworth Street. A repass service will follow W ednesday: Bible Study 7PM at 914 N.E. Sum ner St. from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday School 10AM Sunday Morning Services 11:30 AM The Pacific Northwest Jurisdiction 33rd Annual Holy Convocation of the Church of God in Christ United will convene Oct. 21st - 25th at headquarters Emanuel Church of God in Christ United Philadelphia CMB Church Advertise » ith diversity l,T'Port laud Obst Call 5 0 3 -2 ® 0 3 3 in 238 NE Mason ST For more information contact Pastor Clay at 503-309-6320 4800 NE 30th Ave. Hosted by. Jurisdictional Prelate f, Artice Wright International Prelate James Feltus will be speaking on Thursday, Oct. 22 Services begin nightly at 7:30PM and 3PM Sunday Oct. 25 Daily Seminars 11AM - 1PM Come join us for this glorious occasion Contact Supervisor Wright 503.287.3848 or 503.335.8772 Bishop H.L. Hodge 503.639.4231 Greater Faith Baptist Church Presents a Week of Celebration in Honor of their Pastor Rev. Byrone A. Bolton 4th Year Pastor’s Anniversary Oct. 28th thru Nov. 1st, 2009 SSG Byrone A. Bolton Pastor Byrone A. Bolton A Banquet in honor of 1st Lady Marvia Bolton will be at New Hope MBC fellowship hall on Oct., 24th, at 12:00 noon. A three-night revival will be at Greater Faith Baptist Church, 931 Skidmore Street, Portland, OR, at 7:00 p.m. nightly. Speakers are as follows: Thursday night, Oct. 29th Pastor Jerry Bolton Love & Fellowship Missionary Wednesday night, O ct 28th Dr„ Pastor Johnny Pack, IV Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church Friday night, Oct. 30th Pastors: James Bolton Cornerstone Ministries Services will be held at: New Song Community Center 2511 NE Martin Luther King Blvd Corner of K t MIK Blvd and Russell St Infant and Toddler care will be provided. Doors open at 6pm for every service For directions or more information, call 503-488-5481 or log on to www.mfhmportland.eom There will be a Gospel Musical Concert Saturday, October 31 st, at 5:00 p.m. featuring Pastors Jerry and James Bolton of the Bollton Brothers, and others a, Fellowship Baptist Church, 4009 Missouri St., Portland, OR. The Anniversary closeout will be on Sunday afternoon, November 1st, a, 3:00 p.m., New Hope Baptist Church, 3725 N. Gantenbein Ave. Portland. OR. Pastor Bolton is currently deployed to Iraq. Come help us celebrate his 4th year Anniversary. For more information, call 503-710-7927 or 503-752-3718.