ÿlortlailb (ObseiWr October 21. 2009 O el PageA7 bservador Obama’s Honor Latin Music C elebrating culture, traditions of H ispanics (AP) -- The White House be­ cam e "La Casa Blanca" last week, celebrating Hispanic mu­ sical heritage with a South Lawn con cert and such guests as Gloria Estefan, George Lopez, the B ach ata m usic group Aventura, Jose Feliciano and more. P resid en t B arack O bam a said Latin music, while hard to define because it comes in so many forms — from salsa to merengue and Bachata to reggaeton — speaks to ev ­ eryone in a language they can all understand. "It moves us, and it tends to make us move a little bit our­ selves," Obama said in brief re­ m arks before the infectious rhythms began pulsating on the White House grounds. "In the end, what makes Latin music great is the same thing that's always made America great. The unique ability to celebrate our differences while creating some­ thing new." "In Performance at the White House: Fiesta Latina" is the third in a music series launched by first lady Michelle Obama to celebrate various genres o f music. Jazz and country music A large, white tent erected on the lawn was the setting for the musical performances. A see- through panel behind the stage afforded the nearly 400 guests, who sat at cocktail tables, views of the White House South Por­ tico bathed in light. H osts Jim m y Sm its, Eva L ongoria Parker and Lopez jo k ed that O bam a is really Latino. "He just doesn't know it," she said. Added Lopez, as the audi­ ence laughed: "Lives in a house that's not h is.... Says he's gonna change and nobody believes him. Very Latino." Obama proved what he said about the power of Latin mu­ sic. He wiggled his hips and took a few turns on the dance floor with singer Thalia after she said: "Mr. President. With all due respect, will you dance with me?" He complied as she approached the table where he sat with Mrs. Obama and daughters Sasha and Malia. Mrs. Obama moved in her seat, snapping her fingers to the music. By the end of the concert, the Gloria Estefan celebrates Hispanic musical heritage during First Family was on its feet, an Oct. 13 performance on the South Lawn o f the White clapping to the beat. The fam­ House. (AP Photo) ily then went on stage to thank events, with workshop for mu­ cated to celebrating the culture the performers. Mrs. Obama sic students, have been held. and traditions of Hispanics, the and M alia held hands and Classical music is on tap for nation's largest minority group danced, while the Obama did at 15 percent of the U.S. popu­ the same with Sasha. Malia, Nov. 4. The m usical extravaganza lation, according to Census then Sasha, also paired off with came during the month dedi­ Bureau figures. Sheila E. on the drums. Leaders Summit Fights Hunger The Clark County League of United Latin American Citizens and Tyson Foods were recently joined together to help ease the burden of hunger. In celebration of the league’s Latino Leaders Summit, Tyson Foods donated 15 tons of pro­ tein to the Oregon Food Bank serving Oregon and southwest Washington. “Donations o f poultry and other high protein foods are especially valuable as they al­ low us to provide our partner agencies with more healthy. nutritious options,” said Rachel Bristol, chief executive officer of the Oregon Food Bank. “This significant donation will help local agencies feed our many hungry neighbors in Oregon and Clark County during these difficult economic times.” Tyson Foods and the LULAC declared the donation as part of their 1 million pound, three-year commitment to fight hunger. Oregon Food Bank is the hub of a statewide network of 20 re­ gional food banks and 915 hun­ ger-relief agencies. photo by K enneth A aron Miguel (Ozvaldo Gonzalez) is reunited with his deceased wife Dorotea la Difunta (Nicole Virginia Accuardi) in Miracle Theatre Group’s bilingual Day o f the Dead cel­ ebration, “Cantaynollores"(SingandDon'tCry). Shows are scheduled Oct. 30 through Nov. 15. Celebrating Day of the Dead Every fall, the dead are commemorated in a lively show of dance, music and theatre in Portland's longest-running Day of the Dead celebration. This year, los muertos return singing old-time tunes that harken back to another era when times were tough and tra­ dition was one of the few things folks could call their own. In the middle of the Great Depression, at a camp near where workers are constructing Oregon’s Timberline Lodge, five strangers arrive from different parts of the country in search of work and a place to call home. Even as they must shed one way of life for another, and though they have lost everything they hold dear, optimism lives on. Funny and irreverent, Canta y no llores (Sing and Don’t Cry) reminds us all that the only thing to fear — in life or death — is fear itself. The original, bilingual production runs Oct. 30 through Nov. 5 at Milagro Theatre, 525 S.E. Stark St. Admission is $20 to $22 depending on the date; and $16 for students and seniors. Tickets can be purchased online from milagro.org; by calling 503-236-7253 or from the PDX Ticket Network box office at the Hollywood Theatre. Assault Weapons Ban Could Return Addressing border security issues (AP) — The United States should reinstate a Clinton-era ban on assault weapons to pre­ vent such guns from reaching Mexican drug cartels, former officials from both countries said in a new report. The group, which includes two form er U.S. ambassadors to M exico, also said the U.S. should do m ore to stop the smuggling of firearms and am­ munition into Mexico by step­ ping up investigations of gun dealers and more strictly regu­ lating gun shows. The Binational Task Force on the United States-M exico Border listed the assault weap­ ons ban as a step the U.S. should take im m ediately to im p ro v e s e c u rity in b o th countries. The 10-year ban expired in 2004. U.S. and Mexican officials say drug cartels frequently use assault rifles, which are banned in Mexico but easily purchased in the United States. M exican President Felipe Calderon launched a nationwide crack d o w n on drug c artels when he took office in Decem­ ber 2006. The offensive has been met with unprecedented violence, leaving more than 13,800 people dead. During his run for office, P re s id e n t B a ra c k O b a m a promised to push to reinstate T erry F amily the ban. He has since said he would rather enforce existing law s that make it illegal to send assault weapons across the border. Other recommendations re­ lated to border security in­ cluded restructuring Mexico's law enforcement operations to create a counterpart to the U.S. Border Patrol, increasing U.S. assistance to Mexico to build up law enforcement and reduc­ ing demand for drugs in the U nited States through more treatment programs. Beaverton Toyota • Russ Auto Finance NOKTUWC.5T Connection Double J Tires New & Used Tires Overstock & Used Tires $ 1 5 & u p PRICED TO SELL All tires mounted & blanched on the car, out the door - no additives. Free stock wheels w / purchase of any new or used tire- limited to stock on hand 3 0 years in business 2 locations to Serve You 6841 NE MLK, Portland 503-283-9437 4510 SE 52nd & Holgate 503-771-1834 2337 N. Williams Ave. Portland, Or 97227 503-249-1788 Looking for a Car, New or Used? 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