Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 21, 2009, Page 11, Image 11

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O cto b er 21, 2 0 0 9
A rts
Cast Iron Portland
C ast Iron P ortland, an e x ­
h ib i t te l l i n g th e s to r y o f
P o rtla n d ’s rich ca st iron h is­
tory and the local in d u stries
that develo p ed to su p p o rt it,
tak es place through th e fall at
th e A r c h ite c tu r a l h e r ita g e
C enter, 701 S.E. G rand Ave.
Rare and beautiful ca st iron
a r tifa c ts s a lv a g e d by Je rry
B osco and Ben M illig an and
others w ill be ex h ib ited in the
co n tex t o f the b u ild in g s they
o rig in ally adorned.
P ortland boasts the second
largest collection o f cast iron-
fro n ted b u ild in g s in the n a­
tio n , o u ts id e o f N ew Y ork
C ity ’s S oho d istric t. B e g in ­
nin g in 1854, 180 ca st iron
b uildings w ere co n stru c te d in
P ortland, using this m a rv e l­
ous “fire p r o o f ’ m aterial ei-
Lavish cast iron portraits are some of the rare and beauti­
ful artifacts from Portland's history on display at the
Architectural Heritage Center, 701 S.E. Grand Ave.
th e r stru c tu ra lly o r d e c o ra -
tively, w ith the last b u ilt in
L ocal arc h itects and fo u n d ­
ries d ev elo p ed lavish p attern s
a n d c r e a te d m a g n if ic e n t
b u ild in g s th a t e s ta b lish e d a
strong arc h itectu ral unity that
has n ev er been eq u aled .
I t w a s n o t to la s t. T h e
w re c k in g b a ll’s zeal e ra se d
m ore than h a lf o f th ese b u ild ­
ings in the ru sh to "m o d e rn ­
iz e ” d o w n to w n P o rtlan d , in
the 1940s and beyond.
B u t o u r c i t y ’s s u r v iv in g
ca st iron leg acy is so rare and
rem a rk a b le th at th e c o n c e n ­
tratio n o f th ese b u ild in g s in
S kidm ore/O ld Tow n led to the
d i s t r i c t ’s d e s ig n a tio n as a
N ational H istoric L an d m ark -
th e h ig h e st ra n k in g fo r h is ­
to r ic p la c e s in th e U n ite d
S tate s.
T he ex h ib it c e le b ra te s the
su rv iv in g ca st iron b u ild in g s,
alo n g w ith the im p o rtan ce o f
th e la n d m a r k d i s t r i c t a n d
o th e r b u ild in g s.
E ffo rts and o p p o rtu n ities to
en c o u rag e the reuse o f en tire
cast iron facad es - rescu ed by
the late E ric L add, B osco &
M illig an , and the o ld F rien d s
o f C ast Iron A rchitecture - are
also ex p lo red .
T he A rc h ite ctu ra l H eritage
C en ter is open 10 a.m . to 4 :30
p .m ., W e d n e s d a y th r o u g h
S atu rd ay .
Happy 51st Birthday Toni Keys
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Platinum Fade
‘Survivor’ Hatch Out of Jail
Second go-
round for
realty TV star
(AP) — “Survivor” w inner Ri­
chard Hatch, one o f realty T V 's
m ost fam ous villains, the man
views loved to hate, w as re­
leased from a M assachusetts
jail Friday after com pleting a
federal sentence for evading
taxes on the $1 m illion he won
during the CBS reality show ’s
first season.
Hatch, 48, now faces three
Richard Hatch
years o f supervised release.
A fter serving several years
b e h in d b a rs, H atc h w as r e ­
leased to h o m e co n fin e m en t
earlier this year and w as sup­
posed to com plete his sentence
at his sister's hom e in Newport.
B u t in A u g u s t h e g o t in to
trouble with the Bureau o f Pris­
ons w hen he granted three tele­
vision interviews to N B C ’s “To­
day” show,” local NBC affiliate
WJAR-TV and the NBC-owned
“A ccess H ollyw ood.”
The Bureau o f Prisons said
he was only authorized to give
the “Today” interview and or­
45 m inutes in length and will occur be­
tw een 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. at the Southeast
26th and Stark Street entrance o f the cem ­
etery. $5 suggested donation.
or-treats can fill their bags
with goodies and learn more
about wildlife, on H allow ­
een, Saturday, Oct. 31 and
Sunday, Nov. 1 at the O r­
egon Zoo. The event runs
both days from 11 a.m. to 4
p.m. A scavenger hunt will
be educational as well as
H a llo w een H a rv est — Portland Famers
M arket invites fam ilies to the 1 Oth annual
G reat Pumpkin harvest celebration, on H al­
loween, Saturday, O ct. 3 1 from 9 a.m. to 2
p.m. in the South Park Blocks at Portland
State University. There will be a pum pkin
carving contest, children’s costum e pa­
rade and live entertainm ent.
C n k o n r i k a t 503-288-0033
¡Subscribe !
D ance P a rty — C om e in costum e to have
the night o f your life w hen M cM enam in
K ennedy School hosts a Halloween dance
party featuring Dr. Theopolis! The fun, for
those 21 and over, is scheduled Saturday,
Oct. 31, from 8 p.m. 'til late. Tickets are $ 10
in advance or at the door.
nth (P h srriifr
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H au n ted H o u s e - The Old Regal
Cinem a, 10125 S.W. W ashing­
ton Square Rd., is turned into a
s p e c ta c u la r a n d g e n u in e ly
haunted vacant cinem a! W atch
out for m ad-scientists and their
m arauding creations. $ 15 for the
H aunted House, $5 for the flash­
light ghost tours.
N ig h tm a re on B u rn sid e --
F ir’s “residents" at their graves and hear
the unusual circum stances surrounding
their untim ely departures, Friday, Oct. 31.
Rain or moonshine tours are approxim ately
5 0 1 0 N E 9 th U n it A , P o rtla n d , O re g o n 97221
F r ig h tT o w n — New haunts and horrors
have returned nightly through
Sunday, Nov. 1 to the U nder­
ground o f the Rose Q uarter E x­
hibit Hall. T he bone-chilling
FrightTow n adventure is open
to all ages, but parents are waned
to use caution when bringing
young children. Tickets can be
purchased at the door.
U ntim ely D epartures - Meet some of Lone
B a rb e rs & H a irs ty lis t W an ted - 1 m o n th free
them ed event w here residents can unm ask
nutritious facts about chocolate milk, try
out new tasty recipes and take a souvenir
milk m ustache photo, takes place M onday,
Oct. 26 from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30a.m . at the
Portland C h ild ren 's M useum .
H ow lin’ ( ¿ood Tim e - Trick-
A ghoulishly good tim e of
dancing, prizes and m ay­
hem for those 21 and older
on Halloween night, Oct. 31
at B o s s a n o v a , 7 2 2 E.
B urnside. T he gala is a
fundraiser for the Rose City Rollers, a roller
derby league.
We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and
we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts
C h o co la te M ilk T o u r - A free Hal loween-
P u m p k in C a r v in g — Chefs from the Urban
Fam er R estaurant will help 40 kids design
and carve their own pum pkins and you can
vote for your favorite design and give back
to the com m unity during this holiday
event, W ednesday, Oct. 28 from 4 p.m. to
6 p.m. at the Boys and G irls C lubon N orth­
east Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard.
dered him taken to jail for vio­
lating the rules. H atch’s law yer
said they thought all three were
allow ed, and H atch said he was
being punished for com m ents
he m ade during the interview s,
when he criticized the judge and
prosecutor in his case and said
he w as d iscrim in ated against
because he is gay.
A federal ju d g e last m onth
fo u n d th a t H atc h b ro k e the
rules and allow ed the Bureau
o f Prisons to add nine days to
H a tc h ’s tim e b eh in d bars as
punishm ent.
Call 5O3-288-(|()33
Need to publish a court document or notice? Need an
affidavit of publication quickly and efficiently? Please fax or e-
mail your notice for a free price quote!
The Portland Observer
Special Bonus*
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