Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 14, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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October 14, 2009
Campus Security Front Lines
In Loving Memory
Eddie G ilbert Sr.
Eddie G ilbert Sr. (Pops), age
89, passed away peacefully on
M onday, Oct. 11, 2009 o f natu­
ral causes in his hom e in P ort­
Eddie is survived by his six
children (Sunny, Bennie, Jackie,
Kathy, Eddie Jr. and Qpnnie Sr.)
and a host o f other family m em ­
A memorial service will be held
at 1 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 16 at
Philadelphia Community Baptist
Church, located at 238 N.E. M a­
son St. Arrangem ents entrusted
by Cox Memorial Funeral Home.
M em orial contributions can
be made in lieu o f flowers at any
U .S . B an k . F o r d e ta ils c a ll
Brother Lionel at 971 -340-0438.
con tin u ed ^ ^ f r o m F ront
Nikki Barone, a sergeant with
P C C ’s Public Safety D ep art­
m ent, said that PCC is prepar­
ing for ju s, about any kind o f
"A d isa ste r co u ld be a n y ­
thing," Barone said.
She noted that the C ascade
c a m p u s in n o r th P o r tla n d
co u ld be affected by a tan k er
tru ck that spills toxic c h e m i­
cals b ecause o f its pro x im ity
to lnterstate-5 . She also noted
th a t th e in d u s tria l s ite s on
S w an Island are not that far
aw ay, and an accid en t could
blow dan g ero u s gases tow ard
the cam pus.
PCC Cascade C am pus now
has tw o alarms. Barone likens
one to the sound a subm arine
m akes before subm erging. It
m eans that there is a lockdow n
acro ss cam pus, w hich co u ld
h av e b een trig g e re d fro m a
shooter, a toxic spill, or som e­
thing else. The other m eans to
evacuate quickly.
But PCC still has m ore to do.
F oxw orth points out that one
photo by J ake T homas /T he P ortland O bserver
C h u rc h o f G o d in
Students at Portland Community College in north Portland are seeing new measures
taken to improve campus security.
o f the lessons learned from Vir­
ginia Tech w as that it’s critical
that the cam pus have a way to
com m unicate rapidly w ith stu­
dents, faculty, staff, and other
people involved with the cam ­
Ask Deannal
work full-time and 1 am stressed
because they’re ruining my place.
How do 1 handle this? -Stressed
Dear Deanna!
Grandma; Glen Burney, Md.
My daughter has a
two-year old son and
they both live with me.
I have rules as far as
anyone eating in certain areas, clean­
ing up and purchasing their own
toiletries. She allows my grandson to
run wild all over the place; there are
juice stains and fingerprints every­
where and my carpet is ruined. Then
to make matters worse, she uses my
detergent and cleaning supplies. I
Dear Grandma:
Your grandson and your daughter
both need discipline. You have to
realize die toddler is going to be a
handful and he'll be into everything
on a regular basis. This is no excuse
because your daughter should be
teaching him a few things. He’s at a
curious stage but he can use a few
taps on those little hands when they
pus. D uring the V irginia shoot­
ing people were com m uting to
th e ca m p u s, u n aw a re o f the
danger ahead o f them.
PCC plans to have a “flash
alert” system in place that will
send out text m essages and e-
m ails to not only staff and fac­
ulty, but people in the neigh­
borhood. Foxworth expects to
have it up for the next school
C h ris t U n ite d
4800 NE 301 h Ave.
Portland OR 97211
You are cordially invited
to worship with us in
these services:
Dear Deanna!
Dear Confused:
Sunday Service
I have a situation where I’ll be
wrong no matter wha, happens.
My sister and I were talking and she
made a comment that if I knew her
husband was cheating I probably
w ouldn’t tell her. Imagine my sur­
prise that she said this because he’s
having an affair. I’m die other woman
and w e’ve been seeing each other
for a while. I feel guilty because I
think she's suspicious, just no, of
me. I need some help breaking this
to news to her. —Confused Sister;
Pull ou, a pen and add the words
trilling, low-life, and scandalous
next to your face. You need to let her
husband know that you’re going to
tell and then see how much he loves
his wife when he lies, places all the
blame on you and throws you under
the bus. If they stay together, your
new title will be tramp while the
family looks down upon you.
Sunday School 10:00A .M
Y.P.C.E. 6:30 P.M
Jacksonville, Miss.
W orship Service 12:00 Noon
Evangelistic Service 7:00 P.M.
Weekday Service
Tuesday Night: Bible Study 7:30 P.M.
Friday Night: Regular Service 7:30 P.M.
Prayer M eeting & Seminar: M onday - Friday 12:00
Philadelphia CMB Church
Ask Deanna is written by Deanna M.
Contact askdeannal@yahoo.com or
264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite 128J
Beverly Hills, CA 90211. Website:
Oregon Doctors in Healthcare Debate
con tin u ed ^ ^ f r o m Front
because o f pre-existing condi­
tions, create governm ent-regu­
la te d h e a lth in s u r a n c e e x ­
changes where individuals and
b u sin e sse s co u ld buy c o v e r­
age, and w ould provide subsi­
dies to help m oderate-incom e
get coverage.
B u t H o c h fe ld d e s c r ib e s
these efforts as a giveaw ay to
the health in surance c o m p a ­
nies, w hich he says have had
too m uch influence in the de­
Hochfeld wants Congress to
scrap its plans that still enshrine
th e
c o u n tr y ’s
f o r-p ro fit
healthcare system all together. He
points out that the U.S. spends
more than any other industrial­
ized country on health care, but
people still lose everything from
medical bills, or can't get treat­
m ent
Insurance com panies don't
contribute anything to peoples'
health, but only line their pock­
ets by driving up costs, said
"P eo p le are angry. P eople
understand," said H ochfeld o f
th e r e c e p tio n h e ’s g o tte n
across the county.
O ne "horror story" he heard
on the road involves a m an who
lost his jo b because his wife was
diagnosed with m ultiple sclero­
H is em ployer, w ho provided
him w ith healthcare, w atched
his prem ium s skyrocket as a re­
sult o f his w ife’s M S, and ju st
couldn’t afford to keep him on
the payroll.
H ochfeld said the only way
to bring costs dow n and ensure
access to healthcare is through
a single-payer system , w here
th e g o v e rn m e n t a d m in iste rs
and finances every A m erican’s
"We need to start the discus­
sion w ith access to healthcare
as a basic hum an right," said
The m ost contentious piece
o f the D em ocrats' healthcare re­
form proposal involves the cre­
ation o f a governm ent-run in­
surance option that w ould com ­
pete with private insurance.
H ochfeld w orries that C on­
gress will create a public option
th a t b e c o m e s th e d u m p in g
ground for sick people w ho are
expensive to treat.
T his w ould be w orse than no
public option because it would
be costly for the governm ent
to run, said H ochfeld. Private
in s u ra n c e c o m p a n ie s c o u ld
point to it as proof that the gov­
ernm ent can't run healthcare, he
A n y p u b lic o p tio n , sa id
Hochfeld, needs to be available
to everyone.
H is road trip end ed in the
nation's capital, w here he met
w ith R o n W y d e n an d J e f f
M erkley, O regon's D em ocratic
M erkley is on record as sup­
porting a single-payer system.
H o w e v e r, H o c h f e ld w a n ts
Wyden, w hom he says know s
h ealthcare better than alm ost
any other senator, to be bolder
in the debate.
"H e n e e d s to sh o w som e
courage," he said, suspecting
W yden o f being influenced by
the m assive am o u n t o f cam ­
p a ig n s c o n trib u tio n s he r e ­
ceives from the health insur­
ance industry.
W h ile
W a sh in g to n
H ochfeld w as unable to m eet
w ith President Barack Obama.
But another group o f physi­
cians did.
A nita H enderson, a fam ily
doctor from Bend met with the
president as part o f D octors for
A m erica, a large group o f phy­
sicians w ho w ant change.
H enderson has a rosier view
o f the reform efforts, but still
characterizes it as a patchw ork
attem pt that lacks vision.
She said W yden's H ealthy
A m ericans A ct, w hich is effec­
tively dead, w as som ething she
could have supported.
The bill, w hich O bam a char-
The African American Men’s Club, Inc. (AAMC)
Presents a
a c te r iz e d as "to o r a d ic a l,"
w o u ld h a v e m o v e d th e
c o u n try 's h e a lth c a re sy stem
aw ay from its em ployer base.
M ost people get their insur­
ance from th eir em ployer tax
free. The bill would have ended
this tax exem ption, and would
have offered people the choice
o f going on the individual plan
market aided by government tax
credits and subsidies.
"I think that people who get
their insurance from their em ­
p lo y e r fe e l tra p p e d ," s a id
H enderson, w ho sees people
with em ployer-based insurance
struggle to pay prem ium s and
meet deductibles
H e n d e rs o n h o p e s th a t
h ealth care reform w ill focus
m o re on p re v e n tio n a n d
lifestyle. She said she's seen too
m any people with chronic is­
sues that go untreated, or use
strong narcotics or anti-inflam ­
m atory m edicines for m aladies
that could have been prevented
by basic w ellness measures.
H enderson said she worries
that the subsidies to m iddle-in-
come people provided in the bill
w on't be enough, and hopes for
the inclusion o f a strong public
"They'll have to buy health
insurance that they'll still have
a really hard tim e of affording,"
she said.
Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr. & Co-Pastor Lottie M. Clay
Tuesday: Women & Men M eeting 7PM
W ednesday: Bible Study 7PM
Sunday School 10AM
Sunday Morning Services 1 1:30 AM
238 NE M ason ST
For more inform ation contact Pastor Clay
Northwest Voice for Christ Ministries
Presents a one o f a kind workshop!
“Addiction in the Church”
“For that which I do I al low not” ( Rom ans 7:15-19)
Presenter: Bishop H. L. Hodge, Ph.D.
Pastor/Beha vioral Health Scientist
Com e an d Learn about the hidden crisis
o f m any that sit in church pew s each Sunday.
H idden topics
• Prescription Drug Abuse
• A lcohol Abuse
• Chem ical Dependency
9 PM - 2 AM
Donation: $15.00 per person • Music by DJ
“God grant me the serenity to
accept the thing's I can not
change; to change the things
I can, and the wisdom to know
the difference."
Saturday Septem ber 2 6 ,2(X)9
10:30 A .M .-1 :3 0 P .M .
4800 NE 30th Avenue
Telephone: 503-863-6545
Cost: $20.00
Lunch will be available
T erry F amily
Pre-Holiday Dance
Saturday, November 28,2009
Billy Webb Elk’s Lodge, 6 North Tillamook St., Portland, Oregon
2337 N. Williams Ave
Portland, Or 97227
We make the service personal,
You make the tribute personal.
E very tim e w e a r r a n g e a p e rs o n a liz e d f u n e ra l serv ice, w e ta k e sp e cia l p rid e g o in g
th e e x tr a m ile. W ith o u r o n lin e M e m o ria l O b itu a ry , n o w w e c a n d o e v e n m o re
Let's Kick o ff the holiday season with friends, food, and fun
F rien d s a n d fam ily c a n fin d o u t se rv ic e in fo rm a tio n , v iew p h o to s, re a d o b itu a ry ,
o r d e r flo w e rs a n d leav e p e r s o n a l m e ssag e s o f c o n d o le n c e s fro m a n y w h e re , an y tim e .
w *
Raffle & 50/50 split: Tickets - $1.00 each
Menu: Roast Beef, Chicken, Mac & Cheese,
Green Beans, Salad & Dinner Rolls
Tickets Available at:
AAMC Club Members • Elk’s Lodge (503) 284-4853
Cannon’s Rib Express (503) 288-3836 • One Stop Records (503) 284-8103
Geneva's Shear Perfection (503) 285-1159
James & Johnnie Mayfield - Vancouver (360) 576-8519
S im p ly g o to o u r w e b s ite .
"Dedicated to providing excellent service
and superior care o f your loved one "
Dwight A. Terry
License CO-3644
Amy S. Terry
Proceeds to benefit the AAMC Scholarship Program
The African American Men's Club is a non-profit organization
Oregon I .ícense FS-0395