Page A5 October 14, 2009 L aw & J ustice 1--------------------- ------— Glimpse into Schizophrenia Although schizophrenia is a mental illness that affects nearly one percent o f all Americans, it rem ains a m alady that is grievously m isun­ derstood by the public. “Found Lives,” new theatrical piece designed to enhance the public’s understanding o f the illness, will prem ier later this week, providing the public w ith a rare and stark portrait o f the inner m ental workings o f people with schizo­ phrenia. N ew M oon P ro d u ctio n s w riters M ichael Wehrli and Kristina A rm etta team ed up with OHSU psychiatrist W illiam H. W ilson to create a th e a tric a l piece th a t ex a m in e s the daily struggles and trium phs people with the mental illness. Every word in the production is draw n from Internet blogs written by people with the malady over a period o f years by people with schizo­ phrenia and their family members. The production prem iers 7:30 p.m. on O cto­ ber 16 at the A rtists Repertory Theatre, 1516 Southw est A lder Street. Tickets are $25, and proceeds go to supporting the N ational A lli­ “Found Lives" takes a look into the lives o f people with schizophrenia in their own words. ance on M ental Illness. Man Allegedly Sent Noose V purpose o f intimidating him, L ast w eek D an ie l L ee “A noose is an unmistak­ Jo n e s o f P o rtla n d , O re., able symbol of hatred and vio­ w as indicted fo r allegedly lence in our nation, conjuring m a ilin g a h a n g m a n ’s up images o f a despicable pe­ n oose to the L im a, O hio riod in our history. Mailing a c h a p te r o f th e N a tio n a l noose to an individual who A s s o c ia tio n fo r th e A d ­ advocates for racial equality v a n c e m e n t o f C o lo r e d sends a clear threat o f vio­ P eople. lence,” said Thomas E. Perez, P r io r to m a ilin g th e assistant attorney general for n oose, Jones, 32, w as the the Justice Department’s Civil regional director o f a w hite Rights Division. s u p r e m a c is t g r o u p , a c ­ Daniel Lee Jones If found guilty o f mailing a co rd in g to the Ju stice D e­ threatening communication, Jones faces partm ent. a maximum punishment o f five years in Before being indicted Jones sent hate prison and a p o ten tial fine o f up to fly e rs to re s id e n ts o f L im a . Ja so n $250, (XX). U pthegrove, the president o f the local He faces a maximum punishment of one NAACP, spoke out against the flyers and year in prison and a fine o f up to $ 100,000 called for equal police services for the for interferring with federally-protected African Americans. He was allegedly sent activities. a noose to U pthegrove’s home for the Indirect Justice for O regon Vets O re g o n so ld ie rs sic k e n e d fo rm er H alib u rto n sub sid iary w h ile serv in g in Iraq m ight b e c a u s e o f a c la u s e in h e r have g o tten som e ju stic e last c o n tra c t w ith th e co m p an y w eek w hen the U .S. S en ate th at p ro h ib ited h er from ta k ­ p assed an am en d m en t to its ing legal action. L ast M ay, the L eg islatu re D efen se A p p ro p ria tio n s bill that strip p ed fed eral funding passed a bill that gave $20,000 f o r m il ita r y c o n t r a c t o r to O re g o n A rm y N a tio n a l K ellogg, Brow n and Root S er­ G uard soldiers w ho w ere ex ­ posed to toxic chem icals while v ices. T h e a m e n d m e n t, s p e a r ­ guarding an Iraqi w ater treat­ headed by M in n eso ta D em o ­ m ent plant being repaired by c r a t A1 F r a n k e n , w a s K B R w o rk e rs. T h e so ld ie rs p ro m p ted from rep o rts from have experienced debilitating fo rm er KBR em p lo y ee Jam ie illnesses since then. T h e S e n a te a m e n d m e n t, L eigh Jones w ho alleg es she w as g an g -rap ed by co-w o rk - w hich passed with bi-partisan e rs w h ile in Ira q , an d la te r support, also prohibits the D e­ th reaten ed w ith retaliatio n if partm ent o f Defense from do­ ing business with any com pa­ she rep o rted it. Jo n es w as barred from ta k ­ nies that have sim ilar clauses ing leg al ac tio n a g a in st the in their em ployees contracts. Fake AMBER Alert Calls ‘Wolf Oregon State Police are looking into fake Amber Alerts received by new s departm ents and individuals last week. The Amber Alert system sends out alerts to radio, television, high­ way advisory signs, and e-mails to wireless subscribers when a child is abducted. The alert reported that a 3-year- old boy was abducted by a male in a M itsubishi Eclipse with a license plate number that law enforcement discovered doesn’t even exist. OSP Lt. Molly Cotter said that the incident is very concerning since hoax alerts could undermine the en­ tire system if people stop taking them seriously. “A m b er A lerts from unknow n sources could lead to a delayed re­ sp o n se fro m th e p u b lic an d jepordizes the integrity of the entire Amber Alert plan," she said. Cotter said Amber Alert and valid­ ity ca n be c o n firm e d o n lin e at Watch Out for Tsunami Scams The B etter B usiness B ureau is w arning people interested in help­ ing victim s o f the recent tsunam is to look out for hucksters that will leave them all wet. T h e b u rea u is re p o rtin g th a t people looking for inform ation on the floods have been tricked into dow nloading viruses on their com- puters. P eople looking to spread m alicious viruses put up legitim ate­ looking w ebsites that w ere o p ti­ m ized to ensure they w ould appear in a G oogle search. O nce the victim is on the website a pop-up w indow appears telling that their com puter is at risk o f a virus, and needs to im m ediately dow nload anti-virus software. T h e B B B a d v is e s p e o p le to w atch out for false ch arities lo o k ­ ing to take ad v an tag e o f people w an tin g to fin an cially help tsu ­ nam i v ic tim s .. It recco m en d s ch eck in g o ut its lis t o f a p p r o v e d c h a r itie s at: -'¿A Get Gxnoected. Get Answers United Way United Way of the Columbia-WlUamette STRUGGLING WITH HOUSE PAYMENTS? YOU ARE NOT ALONE. Thousands of Portlanders are struggling to make ends meet. 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