October 14, 2009 PageAI2 F ood O Ingredients for life.. SAFEWAY Smothered Pork Chops Ingredients Safeway is the * 1 - 4 pork chops, 3/4 to 1 inch thick * 1 - Vidalia or sweet onion, thinly sliced *2 - teaspoons seasoned salt *2 - teaspoons garlic powder *1/2 - teaspoon black pepper * 1/2 - teaspoon paprika * 1/2 - cup self rising flour * 1/2 - cup vegetable oil *2 - cups water smart way to shop... Lour Prices SATURDAY & SUNDAY SALE! at you buy most. ¿/Cheese > Directions 1. This recipe calls for 4 pork chops because that's about what you can fit into a standard frying pan. 1 recommend you double the recipe because smothered pork chops are so delicious that you will definitely want to eat left overs 2. Start off by giving your pork chops a good rinsing in cold water. Next pat your pork chops dry with paper towels and set aside. 3. in a small bowl form your seasoning mixture by combining and mixing together seasoned salt, garlic powder, black pepper and paprika. 4. Rub about 3/4 teaspoon of seasoning on each pork chop. Next thoroughly coat each piece of meat with flour and set aside. Save all leftover seasoning for later use in onion gravy. 5. Heat vegetable oil in heavy skillet over medium-high heat. When the skillet is hot enough add pork chops and brown on each side for about three minutes. Once your meat is browned remove it from the skillet and allow to cool on a plate covered with paper towels. 6. Now it's time to form the onion gravy. Without removing any dripping add sliced onions to the skillet and cook until browned. Add remaining flour to the skillet and a very small amount of water if necessary. Stir the onions and flour together until golden brown, paying careful attention not to bum the gravy. 7. Add two cups water to the onion gravy and stir. Bring to a boil over medium high heat. Return pork chops to skillet, reduce heat to simmer, cover and cook for about 1 hour. The meat is done when it’s tender. Add additional season to taste if necessary. club M ica i Kratt Macaroni & I 7.25-02 Club Price <0* » S *« » to 5 0 (* *>•»»1 M See Weekly Ad CLUB PRICE Port Loin Half Sliced Rib Bone-in. Fresh. Or Sirloin Half Sliced $1.49 b. SAVE up to $2.00 lb. c io b m im Safeway Soda 3? ** tot I ■ ä SAVE up to $3.470» 3 Avocado Pocket Sandwiches Ingredients Directions * 1 avocado, halved and peeled *1/2 cup chopped cucumber * 1/2 cup chopped carrot *1/2 cup chopped cauliflower *1/2 cup sliced mushrooms *1/2 cup cubed Monterey Jack cheese *1/4 cup bottled Italian dressing *4 pita breads * 1 teaspoon lemon juice *1/2 cup chopped tomato 1. Dice half the avocado. Reserve other half. Gently toss diced avocado, cucum­ ber, carrot, cauliflower, mushrooms, and cheese with Italian dressing. Slit pita breads and separate halfway around by pulling edges apart to form a pocket. Fill each with 1/4 of the mixture. 2. Mash remaining avocado with fork and stir in lemon juice and tomato. Spoon inside each sandwich. VALUf t a T IIR P f lt & SUNDAY C lU B F B I « CLUB PRICE Hass Avocados Club Pnce SOe ea. M b FMSfO (Melaa SAVE up to 49« ea kMk,TMpitrl)nMBe Fratti atm rai Loctf» 6ra«n Caramel Apples Ooritos Ingredients *6 Granny Smith apples *6 wooden sticks *1(14 ounce)package in­ dividually wrapped cara­ mels, unwrapped *2 tablespoons water * 1/2 teaspoon vanilla ex­ tract C l U B F B IC E a lA O B H Doritos Tortilla Chips 1 1 5 » 1 4 .5 « Selected varieties. Directions 1. Insert wooden sticks 3/4 of the way into the stem end of each apple. Place apples on a cookie sheet covered with lightly greased aluminum foil. 2. Combine caramels and water in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring often, until caramel melts and is smooth. 3. Stir in vanilla extract. Dip each apple into the caramel and gently run apples around insides of saucepan to scrape off some of the caramel. 4. Scrape excess caramel from the apple bottoms using the side of the saucepan. Place on the aluminum foil and chill until ready to serve. 5. For fun add this to the bottom of the recipe for other varieties Miss Black Oregon USA 2010! ■ säkä . or Sliced Bacon 7to18-Œ SetocW )«*** CM Pita: 12.50 < , 3 *O a v ■ « “SUS t a BT l ì 99 ! BUY :___ Laa PROPOSAL ea The Miss Black USA Scholarship Foundation is searching for Miss Black Oregon USA 2010 Are you the next African American Queen? She must have a 2.5 GPA or more, be talented, and have a consuming desire to represent her community and higher education for Oregonians. < [M IX & M A TCH SA L E gH Selected varieties on all your lavorile lutee drinks! We are awarding $3,500 in college scholarships and a year reign as our spokesperson for our Foundation. With promotional & endorsement opportunities, “you” will represent Oregon in the National Competition for a $10,000 college scholarship and the *Crown* of ftwBrtpgy o Ocean Spray. Capri Sun. U*»o«». Upton To Look tor Buy 5 Save $5 More tags for participating' Items Miss Black USA 2010 We are Accepting Applications: Oct. 21, Wednesday 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Oct. 28 Wednesday 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. @ 10 N. Russell St. & Williams Ave. in the Urban I .vague of Portland Building For More Information call: 971.409.8687 Please visit our website www.missblackoregon.org The easiest, perfect gift. N o w .v o ll.b l« at tb« G ift C ard M a ll. " Ptwts «1 Itw art vc ’V im «rao nw a ran ut « m Price« in rhtc ad good through run 2 Oth 6 AW Wcdncsm, Octntw 1« «vu Tuend« OctnOn » . » 0 9 h a! Satmaay ■ *» « in dragon w rapt Mdnt Ftnaadi i ) «rai SW. M W d j w «wes avwtg MvtuAtrt.vnts omoiwi mar be umo on omltarad M t tally rat nr «re,tra» i r a i ora ry»im nn«ti»«'lwv «ut twpmda aa rag-trad bv a * o put mvwri «tal trae lotus No Iquo'Jdw ,n «aca« d 52 «Mm« No «quoi «aia« W raadn Laaaa «aas «t scraaod Salone» dora« Ort» O 2009 Sahn»«» «c *ra*v « 't, d m m na» «•» b» sto» poca t