Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, October 14, 2009, Page 10, Image 10

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October 14, 2009
Rebels and Rabble-Rousers
Saturday, with a 2 p.m. Sunday
m atinee and alternating Satur­
day 2 p.m. and Sunday 7:30 p.m.
perform ances.
E.L. D o cto ro w ’s sw eeping
novel com es vividly to life in
this spraw ling epic set against
the b ack d ro p o f the ragtim e
craze in 1908 New York City. In
it, three disparate families inter­
twine: a w ealthy w hite woman
and her son, w hose lives are
shaken up when she takes in a
baby ab andoned by a young
black girl; a Jew ish im m igrant
father and daughter who find
unexpected fortune at the dawn
o f the m otion picture age; and
an ragtime musician (Coalhouse
Walker) whose w orld unravels
after a group o f bigoted fireman
destroy his brand new car to
“teach him a lesson” about “ap­
propriate” place in the burgeon­
ing prosperity o f a new A m eri­
can century.
follows fight
for justice
Portland Center Stage invites
Portland to return to the tum o f
a different century for Ragtime,
the Tony-Award winning m usi­
cal about the anarchist crusad­
ers, death-defying m agicians,
race apologists and renegade
m usicians who fom ented revo­
lutions in the draw ing rooms
an d fo u g h t in ju s tic e in the
streets o f an Am erica that laid
the groundwork for the America
we live in today.
Ragtim e runs through Nov. 1
at the G erding T heater at the
A rm ory, 128 N.W. 11th Ave.
Tickets range from start at $24,
with student and under 30 dis­
counts available. Rush tickets
for Ragtime are $ 15. Show times
are 7:30 p.m. Tuesday through
Mother's (Susannah Mars) world stretches nearly to the
breaking point when she goes out on a limb to help
Coalhouse (Gavin Gregory) reclaim the love of Sarah
(Rachael Ferrera) despite tragedy, injustice, fear and
regret in Ragtime, playing on the Portland Center Stage
Main Stage.
Hip Hop F estival--T he 11th annual POH
HOP hip hop festival opens W ednesday,
Oct. 7 at the Ash Street; continuing T hurs­
day, Oct. 8 at the Backspace; Friday, Oct.
9 at Slabtow n; and Saturday, Oct. 10 at the
Roseland Theater.
P ro d u c e d b y Feld E n te rta in m e n t
Detroit rapper Ryan M ontgom ery, aka Royce D a 5 ’ 9”
brings his lyrical skill and musical prowess to Portland for a
Friday, O ct 16 show at the Roseland Theater, downtown.
Royce D a 5 ’ 9” is scheduled to release his fourth album
Street Hop later this month. The CD show s his versatility
with the song “Shake T hat” w hich recounts the turm oil he
felt as not only as artist, but also a husband and a father
while being incarcerated for a year.
The rapper has jo in ed forces on tour w ith three other
M Cs — Joe Budden, C rooked 1 and Joell Ortiz — to form the
hip-hop supergroup Slaughterhouse.
nating all proceeds to feed homebound
seniors. Parties o f five or m ore are asked to
call ahead and m ake a reservation.
M usic M illennium Free Show s - The
Music M illennium, 3158 E. Burnside, hosts
in-house live perform ances. Enjoy free
music and the opportunity to meet artists.
Call 503-231 -8926 for a schedule.
OM SI A fter Dark - OM SI After Dark is a
night at the m useum for the 21 and over
crow d filled with food, drink and science
fun; $ lOfee. Form ore information, call 503-
797-4000 or visit om si .edu.
Predators o f the Serengeti - Com e hear
the roar as the O regon Z oo shows o ff its
new est and m ost am bitious exhibit with
three A frican lions and other anim als that
are hom e to the Serengeti.
Live Jazz - Every Friday and Saturday
from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m., the T hird Degrees
Lounge at the River Place Hotel, 1510 S. W.
H arbor W ay. No cover or m inim um pur­
c h a se . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , v is it
Sounds o f the Suprem es - On Saturday,
Oct. 10, Lena B Connection
brings her soulful Supremes
sound to J e w e lia ’s II V IP
Lounge, located in the College
Square Mall on Northeast 242nd
and Stark in Gresham .
Songs from the Sea -
-Inspired by the briny *
d eep , the P o rtlan d
G ay M en ’s C horus
presents a classical
m a tin e e o f ‘S ongs
from the Sea” on Sunday, Oct. 18 at 3 p.m.
at Reed C ollege’s Kaul A uditorium. For
tickets, visit pdxgm c.org or call 503-226-
D ickens’ Classic -- M arissa
N eitling and Shea M ackinnon star in
Oliver! the musical play based on Charles
D ickens’ classic novel. Perform ances
through Oct. 18 at the Lakew ood Center
for the Arts, 368 S. State St. in Lake
Osw ego.
Loaves & Fishes Benefit - On Tuesday,
Oct. 13, from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. W idm er
Brewing and the W idm er Gasthaus, 929 N.
Russell St., will support the M artin Luther
King Jr. Loaves and Fishes Center by do-
Detroit Rapper Due
exhibit though the end o f the year. W ash­
ington was an early leader in giving women
the right to vote.
Norm an Sylvester
B and -- N orm an
Sylvester perform s
each Thursday this
m onth at 9 p.m. at
the 720 Nightclub;
and Friday, Oct. 16
and Saturday, Oct. 17 at Tillicum. On Fri­
day, Oct. 23, h e’s at C lyde’s and Saturday,
Oct. 24 at the Candlelight.
Since 1984,
we have
been playing
the great
sounds of
jazz & blues
Royce Da 5 ' 9"
Food and E ntertainm ent - Sliders Grill,
3011 N. Lom bard, features an eclectic as­
sortm ent o f perform ers on the main stage,
accom panied by delicious food. Call 5459-
4488 form ore information.
T otally G ospel II - Peninsula O pen Bible
Church, 8225 N. Peninsula, hosts all styles
o f gospel, country, and contem porary
music with host Riny Horst each Friday
night from 7:30p.m . to 9 :3 0 p .m . For more
information, call 503-335-3132.
Neil S im on ’s R u­
m ors - Rum ors, a
c o m e d y by N eil
Sim on, will be per­
fo rm e d W e d n e s ­
day, Oct. 7 through
Sunday, Oct. 11 and
Oct. 14-15 in the Hunt
C enter T heater on
the U n iv ersity o f
Portland cam pus in north Portland. For
reservations, call 503-943-7287.
Battle to V ote - The C lark County H is­
to ric a l M u se u m , 1511 M ain S t. in
V ancouver, hosts a free w om en’s suffrage
H orace S. S impson
J boyds
For an appointment,
Picture Perfect Lawn Landscape
222 N. Killingsworth Ave.
Portland, Or 97211
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