H IN I Vaccine Arrives 50¿ Oregon officials prepare for long, deadly flu season Rebels & Rabble-Rousers Award-winning musical that follows fight fo r justice on Portland stage See Arts & Entertainment, page A 10 See Health Matters, page A7 It® nr tíanh (Observer WHFof Roses’ Al Established .o-rn In 1970 Volume XXXVIV, N um ber 41 .Week ¡n The Review Health Bill Clears Hurdle W ith support from a lone Re­ publican, a key Senate com m it­ te e T u e s d a y a p p ro v e d a m iddle-of-the-road healthcare plan th at m oves P re sid en t Barack O bam a's goal o f wider and affordable coverage a gi­ ant step closer to becoming law. See sto ry , p age A2 Beaverton wants Beavers B eav erto n city leaders a n ­ nounced an agreem ent T ues­ day w ith P ortlan d B eavers ow ner M errit Paulson to bring the m inor league baseball team to their suburban com m unity. The price tag is $59 million with 60 percent funded by taxpay­ e rs an d 4 0 p e r c e n t fro m Paulson. King Children Settle The heirs and children of the Rev. M artin L uther King Jr. reached a settlem ent M onday that will keep the family from a public jury trial. M artin Luther King III and Bernice King sued D exter King in July 2008, ac­ cusing him o f acting im prop­ erly as head o f their father's estate. See story, page A2 Baby Theft Plot Foiled An A lbany w om an was ar­ rested Tuesday for plotting to steal a baby from a hospital maternity ward. Police arrested Trinity Vidal-Hernandez, 25, for trying to kidnap an infant from Samaritan Albany General Hos­ pital on Sept. 19. Limbaugh Bid Opposed Rush Lim baugh's bid to buy th e S t. L o u is Rams ran into op­ p o sitio n w ith in the N FL on T ues­ day, w hen Colts ow ner Jim Irsay vow ed to vote against him and com m issioner Roger Goodell said the conser­ vative com m entator's "divi­ sive" com m ents would not be tolerated from any NFL insider. Jeep Plows Into Housing The driver o f a Jeep was taken into custody T uesday m orn­ ing after it crashed into an O r­ egon City apartm ent com plex, displacing four families. No in­ juries were reported in the alco­ hol-suspected accident. Baggage Thief Sentenced A form er N orthw est Airlines baggage supervisorat Portland International A irport pleaded g u ilty M onday to ste alin g checked luggage. U nder a plea d e a l, B rid g e tt B u n n e ll o f M olalla is expected to serve 18 m onths in prison for stealing more than $ 10,000 o f luggage and selling the stolen goods on the Internet. Cat Burglar in N. Portland Portland police say a cat bur­ glar has struck 19 hom es in North Portland in the last five weeks, stealing laptopcom put- ers, cam eras and cell phones at night. Police believe all the burglaries are related. They have been in the Kenton, St. Jo hns and U niv ersity Park neighborhoods. years* •Scommunity service t Committed to Cultural Diversity ......----------------------- www.portlandobserver.com Wednesday • October 14, 2009 Political Nastiness tional chairman Michael Steele set the tone, declaring that giving the prize to the U.S.commanderin chief showed "how meaningless a once honorable and respected award has become." Obama's predecessor, George W. Bush, was not im m une, nor w as fo rm e r P re s id e n t B ill Clinton. But today the volume (AP) — Vitriol and invective o f screech in g p artisan sh ip is stain Am erican political history, cleaving the A merican elector­ but falsehoods, half-truths and ate, perhaps as deeply as at any innuendo now spread with the tim e since the Civil War a cen­ speed o f light across partisan tury and a half ago. airwaves and the Internet — the "The environm ent is much din drow ning out the country's more extrem e today because of moderate political center. the level o f public involvement, C o u n tle s s In te r n e t b lo g s the level o f incivility am ong have taken on the adm inistra­ both the political elite and the tion o f the first A frican-A m eri­ public," said Chris Dolan, a po­ c a n p r e s id e n t, c la im in g — litical scientist at Lebanon Val­ falsely — that Barack O bam a ley C ollege in A nnville, Pa. isn't an A m erican citizen, is a At M eredith College in Ra­ secret M uslim , is a socialist, leigh, N.C., Clyde F razier said, w ants to establish death pan ­ "It is nasty and getting nastier." e ls to d e c id e w h en e ld e rly While he believes American his­ A m ericans w ould no longer re­ tory is littered with dirtier po­ ceive m edical care and be al­ litical periods and nastier claims lowed to die. The list is long. among politicians, Frazier, also Most recently, a partisan furor a political scientist, sees today's blew up when Obama won the clim ate partly the result o f the Nobel Peace Prize. Republican na­ "media culture. Vitriol seems to Attacks on Obama drown out moderates President Obama responds Friday to his selection as the winner o f the Nobel Peace Prize. Even with such prestigious accomplishments, Obama finds himself the target o f caustic and abusive insults. sell. If you are telling people the end of the world is at hand, they watch." From the lectern at the W hite House briefing room, press sec­ retary Robert G ibbs routinely bem oans w hat he sees as the negative slant on coverage of O bam a by the conservative Fox News cable television outlet. W h ile A m e ric a n s o n ce sought news from m edia o u t­ lets that aimed for objectivity, m a n y are n o w tu rn in g to sources that reinforce their po­ litical viewpoints, including the conservative Fox News and the liberal M SNBC on cable televi­ sio n an d th e e x p lo d in g blogosphere that ranges across the political spectrum. T he h eated partisan atm o- continued on page A2 Campus Security Front Lines Alarm system warns students, community by J ake T homas T he P ortland O bserver Remember the fire drills back in school? Incom ing students at P o rt­ land C om m unity C ollege are doing another sort o f drill: one that prepares them for a school shooting or other emergency. A cross the country, school c a m p u se s are b ec o m in g in ­ creasingly dang ero u s places, annd PCC has been stepping up its security efforts to deal with a new set o f safety threats that are hard to predict and hard to prepare for. But safety offi­ cials at the college are hoping that im proved com m unication and procedures will keep stu­ d e n ts an d the e n tire sch o o l com m unity safe. In A ugust, a man was badly w ounded in a suspected gang- related shooting outside a co n ­ venience store ju st one block from the Cascade campus. The college has kept up com ­ m unications with the surround­ ing n eig h b o rh o o d , Jefferso n High School, and local b u si­ nesses to address their secu ­ rity concerns. PHOTO BY J a KF.T h OMA s ZT h E PORTLAND OBSERV ER Nikki Barone (left) and Derrick Foxworth, the former Portland police chief, are on the front lines o f campus security issues at Portland Community College. There is also the ever-present threat of a school shooting sim i­ lar to the 2008 Northern Illinois U n iv e rsity sh o o tin g , w h ich claim ed six lives and wounded 18 students. Just a year before, a student at Virginia Tech with a history o f m ental health is­ sues k illed 32 people before turning the gun on himself. PCC D epartm ent o f Public S a fe ty L ie u te n a n t D e rric k F oxw orth said that the gang shooting last A ugust revealed some com m unication gaps be­ tw een the Portland Police Bu­ reau. He declined to get into sp ecifics, but said that they have been improved. Det. Mary W heat, Portland Police Bureau spokesperson, said that it’s key that PCC un­ derstand how the bureau oper­ ates so they can better prepare for a shooting. “H e’s very fam iliar with our p ro c e d u re s," said W h eat o f Foxw orth, a retired Portland police chief and precinct com ­ mander. continued on page A9 Oregon Doctors in Healthcare Debate Use influence to shape reforms by J akf . T homas T he P ortland O bserv er The ambitious efforts o f C on­ gress to overhaul the nation's serpentine healthcare system can be difficult to com prehend. But the changes lawm akers are proposing are so fundam en­ tal that virtually every A m eri­ can could be affected. Oregon will be no exception. A nd th a t’s w hy tw o d o cto rs from the state have been in ­ volved in grassroots efforts in re c e n t m o n th s to in flu e n ce w hatever shape reform efforts might take. Paul Hochfeld, an emergency room physician from Corvallis, said that m ost o th er doctors would think he's a little delu­ sio n al. He adds that they're probably right. Hochfeld just returned from Dr. Anita Henderson o f Bend with Dr. Zahid Imran o f Louisiana, join other doctors at the White House to advocate for healthcare reform. a cross-country trip with other physicians calling them selves "Mad as Hell Doctors." They've stopped at 26 cities nation-wide in 22 days with one simple m es­ sage: incremental change isn't enough. In the last two months, three D em ocrat-controlled com m it­ tees in the House and tw o in the Senate passed sim ilar bills with no support from the R e­ publicans. The bills would expand eligi­ bility for M edicaid, prohibit in­ surers from denying coverage continued on page A 9