Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 30, 2009, Page 9, Image 9

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September 30, 2009
Happy Birthday
Talunaka Washington
Love A lw a y s from F a m ily and Friends
! Subscribe! 5O3-288-(X)33!
Big Band Classics on Revue
“In th e M o o d ,' a 1 9 4 0 s b ig b a n d a n d sw in g d a n c e m u sic a l revu e, c o m e s to Port­
land, Friday Oct. 2 a t th e A rlene S c h n itze r C o n cert Hall.
A live big band orch estra w ith
singers and swing dancers perform
classic songs o f the 1940s for “In
the M ood,” the musical revue com ­
ing to Portland for a single perfor­
m ance on Friday, Oct. 2 at 7:30 p.m.
at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall,
dow ntow n.
T he show has been touring the
country for 16 years now, bringing
to life the era when all o f America
w as listening and dancing I o the
same kind of music: G lenn Miller,
Tommy Dorsey, Artie Shaw, Benny
G oodm an, H arry Jam es, E rskine
H aw k in s, T h e A n d re w s S iste rs,
Frank Sinatra, and other greats of
the 1940's.
It’s a sentimental, romantic, patri­
otic, nostalgic, and jazzy tribute to
A m erica's G reatest G eneration that
attracts swing fans o f all ages.
• Ann: Subscriptions,
F ill O ut & Send To:
p o B ox 3137,
*^|Jortianb(D h««rer Portland OR 97208
\ s u b s c r i p t i o n s a re j u s t $ 6 0 p e r year*.
, (please include cheek with this subscription form) ,
■ N ame : ______________________________■
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! A ddress :___________________________ :
■ B M
BB B i M i B M
Jewelia ’s II VIP Lounge
Wednesday Singles Nite
Jimmy the karuuke Dude
Zoo Celebrates World Cultures
G lo b etro tters on a budget
can travel the w orld w ithout
leaving P ortland d uring the
O regon Z o o 's 11th annual
W orld A nim al F estival.
T he festival, w hich runs
through Sunday, Oct. 4, c e l­
ebrates the m any w ays a n i­
m als influence cultures, b e­
lie fs a n d c u s to m s a ro u n d
the globe.
T he m ulticultural celeb ra­
tio n p ro v id e s a ch a n ce to
d isco v er m ore about w ild ­
life and the unique places
around the w orld w here a n i­
m a ls liv e . G u e sts w ill be
treated to live Z im babw ean
m arim ba m usic, Polynesian
hula dancing. N ative A m eri­
c a n s to r y te llin g , C h in e se
lion d ancing and traditional
E nglish g arlan d dancing.
V isitors can also take part
^ A T V R I iA lj
Open Wed-Sat at 4pm
College Square Mall on 2421“1 & Stark (next door to Bi-Mart)
2 8 1 2 N E l l o g u n D r ., G r e s h a m
(5 0 3 ) 4 8 9 -5 9 4 2 n r (5 0 3 ) 9 6 0 -6 9 1 4
Plan your next party or event here!
Full Bur * tireat food * Music I ideos * Cable
Bring in this flyer for one FREE BEER!
N e n ffn u tt w it h a n y o th e r n f f e i \ * ) u t l > O c t
MHI Cannon’» Rib Cipro»»
C’Ex All Stars
Sundays 5-8pm
at Cannon’s
A y o u n g Oregon Z o o visitor plays th e "Predator P o u n ce" g a m e during World Anim al Festival.
in gam es, educatio n al activ i-
ties and traditional crafts such
as Ja p an ese o rig am i, U k rai-
n ia n
d e c o r a tin g ,
S lovakian w heat w eaving and
P olish p ap er cu ttin g .
Rib Express
F or a co m p lete schedule
a c tiv itie s ,
v is it
o re g o n z o o .o rg .
5410 NE 33rd Ave
(N ext to New Season»)
Top Drummer to Perform
Ten-time Grammy award-win­
ning drummer Rodney Holmes
will perform Saturday, Oct. 3, from
noon to 2 p.m. in the Visual Arts
Theatre on the Mt. Hood C om ­
munity College Gresham Cam ­
pus. Two one-hour clinics for
advanced drummers will be held
before and after the concert at
10:30 a.m. and 3 p.m.
All proceeds w ill fund the
Q ueer Straight A lliance C lub's
trip to W ashington D.C. to join
the National Equity M arch in
Holmes will play the drum s,
jam with MHCC music students
Free Night
of Theater
T he P ortland A rea T heatre
A lliance invites area residents
to see a play for free during
O ctober as part o f a national
movement celebrating the magic
o f live theater.
T w e n ty -tw o lo c al th e a te r
com panies will join hundreds
across the nation reaching out
to new audience members.
The free tickets can be re­
R o d n e y H o lm es
and talk about some o f his life
experiences, such as playing
with C arlos Santana and tra­
versing the music industry.
Throughout his dynam ic ca­
reer, Holmes has defied efforts
to p ig eo n h o le him as a ja z z
drummer, rock drummer, com ­
poser or bandleader. Integrat­
ing all these roles, H olm es is
best d escrib ed as a creative,
eclectic musician. In his perfor­
m ances and drum clinics, his
articulate and witty insight has
enhanced his popularity am ong
fellow drummers and music lov­
ers o f all genres.
Tickets are $25 or $45 for the
p e rfo rm a n c e an d a d v a n c e d
drummer clinic.
served by visiting the website
fre en ig h to fth e ater.n e t. In ter­
ested persons are advised to
regularly check the website for
updated ticket availability.
“We are thrilled to bring this
opportunity to new patrons who
may have wanted to experience
the excitement of live theater, but
haven't had the chance. We all
hope that the community finds
this an offer too good to refuse,"
said Jen Raynak, theatre alliance
Sunshine, BBQ and a
tree, all-ages, outdoor
show by a New Orleans'
sax legend, grammy-nom­
inated pianist, & one of
the Northwest's hottest
Zhang Recital
Opens Season
P ortland Piano Interna­
tional o p e n s th e s e a s o n
with H a o ch en Zhang,
g o ld m e d a l w inner a t
th e 3 0 th Van Cliburn
International Piano
C o m p etitio n . The recital
is S u n d a y, Oct. 4 a t 4
p .m . in th e N ew m a rk
An ongoing senes of questions and answers about Americas natural healing profession
Dr. Billy R. Flowers
Part 4. Stress: H o w Chiropractic can
help ease life's day-to-day pressures.
^k • S tress
• • •
blood pressure, w hich
in tu r n is a m a jo r ca u se of
stro k e s a n d h e a rt d isease. It
Happy 50th
"Lil Mike"
Michael W. Tarrant
Dearly Missed by
c a n lead to a sth m a , arth ritis,
in so m n ia a n d m ig ra in es. It
im p airs th e im m u n e system
a n d is e s tim a te d to co st th e
n atio n over $ 100 billion each
year in lost p ro d u ctiv ity , a b ­
se n te e ism a n d h e a lth ca re
costs. T h a t s p re tty serious.
New Prices Effective May 1,2007
Martin Cleaning Service
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Residential & Commercial Services
Minimum Service CHG
^k • M o d e m C h iro p ra c tic
care ca n help de-stress
1 Cleaning Area few/y) $40.(X)
(Includes Pre-Spray Traffic Area • Hallway Extra)
Stairs (12-16 stairs) $25.(X)
( W illi
Other Services)
Heavily Soiled Area: A d d itio n a l $ 1 ().(X)
as yoga, m essage a n d visu al­
ization. For less stress, or m ore
Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning
Auto/Boat/RV Cleaning
Deodorizing & Pet Odor Treatment
Spot & Stain Removal Service
Scotchguard Protection
$109 - $139
Chair or Recliner $.35 - $49
Throw Pillows
(With Other Services)
your body. By helping your n e r­ answers to an y questions you
vous system work m ote smoothly, might have afx x it your health,
Chiropractic helps assure that all you'll find th a t C h iro p ractic
your body funcions (inclufhngthe is o fte n th e answ er. C a ll us
ones negatively afff x t ed by stress)
Pre-Spray Traffic Areas (Includes: I small Hallway)
o Ihaveaverystre®»- m ore, to d ay ’s C h iro p racto rs
• fu ll job. H o w can ca n also h elp you w ith n a tu ­
ral relaxation technigues such
C hiropractic help me?
cau ses h ig h
Well, you never know
what amazing, surprise
guest musician will sit in!
Carpet Cleaning
2 Cleaning Areas or more $30.00 Each Area
o I h e a r a lo t
* ab o u t stress
these days. Just
h o w serious is it?
What could be better?
for an appointm ent today.
are w o rk in g properly. W h a t’s
Flowers' Chiropractic Office
2124 NE Hancock,
Portland Oregon 97212
See Flyers for Additional Prices
('all For Appointment
Phone: (503) 287-5504
(503) 281-3949