Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 30, 2009, Page 4, Image 4

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    Îlî* ÿltlrtlailÒ (DbserUer
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O pinion
September 30. 2009
Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland
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End Childhood Obesity
An epidemic
that’s 100
by J udge G reg
M athis
A re c e n t study fo u n d that
nearly 80 percent o f children
who w ere obese betw een the
ages o f 10 and 15 w ere also
obese once they reached 25.
O verw eight children and teens
are at risk for developing high
b lood p ressu re and d iab etes
and are more likely to have a
heart attack or stroke in adult­
hood than their thinner coun­
Childhood obesity is a grow ­
ing problem , one that must be
put in check. This isn’t about
eas, m ore likely to have an
abundance o f fast food restau­
rants and very few
choices for healthy
eating, can work to ­
gether to provide in­
c e n tiv e s to e n tic e
healthier restaurant
an d g ro c e ry sto re
chains to set up shop in their
Education leaders m ust en ­
sure that public schools pro­
vide healthy meal choices in
their cafeterias. Poor students,
m any o f w hom are A frican
A m erican, are m ore likely to
eat school lunches. For many,
this is their only com plete meal
o f th e d ay ; it s h o u ld be a
healthy one.
P aren ts have to sh o u ld er
some o f the responsibility as
If we really care about our
children, we 7/ work to ensure that
they avoid the dangers associated
with childhood obesity.
Millions Need Healthcare Reform
E ncourage your children to
aesthetics. It’s about health.
There are a lot o f reasons our play o u td o o rs; tu rn o ff the
kids are overw eight. A m ong te le v isio n s and c o m p u ters.
them is today’s focus on activi­ Parks in most cities offer many
ties such as video gam es and free to low cost fitness and
surfing the w eb that do n ’t re­ sports program fo r children
q u ire young p eo p le to exert and teens; call your local park
m uch physical effort. Com bine district to learn more.
The school year has begun.
th a t w ith u n h e a lth y fo o d
is no better tim e than
choices, w hether they be quick
turn our attention to
m eals put to g e th e r by o v e r­
o f our children.
worked parents or those dished
m unity, it is our
out in school cafeterias, and
y o u ’ve c r e a te d a g ro w in g goal to develop these young
health epidem ic that is 1 (X) per­ p e o p le in to w e ll-ro u n d e d ,
healthy adults. We can all play
cent preventable.
If we really care about our a part in making that happen.
Judge Greg Mathis is vice
children, w e’ll work to ensure
that they avoid the dangers as­ p resident o f Rainbow Push
sociated w ith childhood obe­ and a board member o f the
Southern Christian Leader­
Political leaders in urban ar- ship Conference.
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Uproar used to cloud the debate
by D r . H enrie M . T readweli .
T he uproar at the raucous
tow n hall m eetings, Rep. Joe
W ilson’s outburst in C ongress
and the en d less d ebate over
w h eth er som e o p p o sitio n to
healthcare reform is racially-
tinged are a m ajor disservice to
the m illions o f A m ericans who
need healthcare reform .
Rep. W ilson d o esn ’t worry
about costs if a m em ber o f his
fam ily falls ill; he is covered.
T h e m a jo rity o f th e p e o p le
scream ing and w aving signs at
tow n hall m eetings d o n ’t worry
either. They are covered. Their
fam ily m em bers w alk into a
doctor’s office or hospital em er­
gen cy room , flash insurance
cards and receive the best treat­
ment available.
But who has been speaking
on behalf of the 46 million unin­
sured A m ericans? W hen they
get sick, there are real conse­
quences. Do they pay the m ort­
gage or the hospital bill? Do
they buy food or save to pay
for the tests that may prolong a
family m em ber’s life?
T h e se are iss u e s th a t d e ­
serve attention from our law ­
m akers and policym akers, not
red herrings like “death panels”
and purported coverage for il­
legal im m igrants. It’s disheart­
e n in g th a t p u b lic o f f ic ia ls
elected to serve their constitu­
ents have the audacity to play
p o litical football w ith so m e­
thing as crucial as healthcare
O ur nation will have a seri­
ous d iscu ssio n on h ealthcare
reform only w hen the p o liti­
c ia n s p u t th e ir c o n s titu e n ts
ahead o f their desire to m aneu­
ver for political gains. W hat's
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w ho
u n in s u re d
underinsured. The working poor
simply have no or limited options
for providing healthcare for them­
selves and their families. This
predicament devastates com m u­
nities o f color, where more than
seven million African Americans
are without coverage. This is not
a c o n triv e d p ro b le m ; risin g
healthcare costs are a real crisis.
S o w h y , s u d d e n ly , m u st
h ealth care refo rm legislation
b e c o m e a b u d g e t-re d u c tio n
Instead o f focusing on how
to o b ta in th e b e s t c o v e ra g e
possible for m illions o f people
w ithout insurance, the debate
in C o n g ress h as been tra n s ­
form ed into a referendum on
w hich plan can save g o v ern ­
m ent the m ost money. This is
not how it sh o u ld be. W hen
C o n g ress w as allo catin g b il­
lions o f dollars for the w ar in
cluded if it can offer additional
com petition in the m arketplace
and drive dow n the prem ium s
c h a rg e d fo r o th e r in su ran c e
Now is not the time for ideo­
logical battles over government-
run programs, now is the time
for finding and im plem enting
programs that work, be they gov­
ernment, private or hybrids. The
nation needs programs that re­
duce the cost o f insurance to
consum ers and cover the unin­
This over em phasis on costs
has led to som e ridiculous pro­
posals that w ould ultim ately be
bad public policy if enacted.
Henrie M. Treadwell is di­
Sen. M ax Baucus, D -M ont„
o f Community Voices, a
for instance, has a plan m an­
fit o rg a n iza tio n at
dating that all A m ericans pur­
School o f M edi­
ch a se h e a lth in su ran c e. B e­
to improve health
cause his plan has no public
option, struggling m iddle-class
families w ould be forced to buy
America Understood Clunkers
Bodes well for
the future of
clean cars
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When lawmakers consider the
cost o f a plan, they need to also
consider the pain and higher cost
caused by their inaction.
health insurance at rates likely
to be difficult for them to pay.
The K aiser Fam ily Founda­
tion recently released data fur­
th e r r e in f o r c in g w h y re a l
healthcare reform m ust be en ­
acted. Already, healthcare co v ­
erage for the average Am erican
family costs $ 13,375 a year, and
health insurance prem ium s in­
creased 138 percent o ver the
last 10 years. At that rate, many
families will suffer financial hard­
Yet, largely because o f the
d iv e rs io n a ry iss u e s u sed to
clo u d the d eb ate, the public
d o esn ’t focus on the fact that
w e all p ay a p ric e w h en
healthcare costs skyrocket. The
b u s in e s s e s th a t p ay th e
healthcare coverage for 160 mil­
lion A m ericans m ust either de­
d u ct m ore m oney from e m ­
ployee w ages or raise the price
o f their products or services, or
in some cases, do both.
H ealthcare in A m erica is a
train racing tow ard derailment.
W hen law m ak ers co n sid er
the cost o f a plan, they need to
a ls o c o n s id e r th e p ain an d
higher cost caused by their in­
action. They need to hear the
voices of the 46 m illion people
w ho are uninsured. They need
to hear from the people with
soaring m edical bills.
And they need to rem em ber
that if the tow n hall meetings
h ad b e e n p o p u la te d w ith
people w ithout insurance, they
w o u ld w a v e sig n s , s a y in g ,
“H elp M e.”
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(503) 284-7838
so disturbing is
that many oppo­
n e n ts
h e a lth c a re r e ­
form, and most
assuredly many
public officials,
are aw are o f the data showing
how quickly healthcare costs
are rising o ut o f control and
dam aging our society.
The reality is that our safety-
net systems are crum bling un­
der the cost of caring for people
Iraq, the focus was on how to
win the war, not on how much
ta x p a y e r m o n e y c o u ld be
Right now, the nation needs
its leaders, P resident O bam a
and the Congress to focus on
the best plan for the people, re­
gardless o f the cost. T here has
b e e n m u c h d e b a te o v e r
w hether there should be a “pub­
lic option" allowing the govern­
m ent to o ffer insurance. T he
public option should be co n ­
sidered not based on its cost,
but its m erit. It should be in­
Cash for Clunkers
en d ed w ith a ban g
Aug. 24, finishing a
f ra n tic m o n th fo r
d ealers and con su m ers alike.
W hile som e o f us may be re­
lieved that those com m ercials
are at an en d , the p ro g ram 's
p o p u la r ity s h o u ld h a v e us
C lunkers proved to be an in­
triguing governm ent p ro g ra m -
one that bodes well for the fu­
ture o f clean cars and clean en ­
ergy in the U.S.
The Cash for Clunkers pro­
gram did something other than
sell cars: It captured the public's
attention in a way that few gov­
ernment programs have. It was
widely discussed, drew exten­
sive media coverage, and spurred
W hile the fuel econom y re­
a quick rush o f participation.
It successfully labeled once quirem ents allow ed consum ers
desirable SU V s as low-mileage to sim ply replace old guzzlers
hogs. T he program 's un­ with m arginally m ore efficient
said m essage was out with new ones, statistics from the
the old, inefficient thing, in D epartm ent o f T ransportation
w ith the new, cleaner one. show that consum ers did not
T he m ere inclusion o f do that. Although not all sales
fuel economy requirements d ata is in and there is m uch
in the program created a dis­ analysis still to be done, co n ­
cussion at dinner tables and w a­ su m e rs p u rch a sed a v eh icle
ter coolers across the co u n try - that was, on average, 9.2 m iles
was your old vehicle guzzling per gallon better than their trade
enough fuel to be a clunker, and in v e h ic le - a 58 p ercent im ­
how much better did your new provem ent.
U nder Clunkers, m ost co n ­
v e h ic le n ee d to be to g et a
m e rs d ro v e g a s -g u z z lin g
and SUV s onto lots and
A m erican consum ers got it.
ff with much better ve­
T hey w anted to save m oney
m ostly cars. Som e 84
and reduce our dependence on
o f trade-ins were trucks
oil, and w hen given the oppor­
w hile 59 percent of
tunity they tended to purchase
were cars.
vehicles that will do that.
Carl Pope is executive direc­
O ver a frantic m onth, co n ­
sum ers were in the driver's seat to r o f the S ierra Club, a
when it came to making the most grassroots environmental or­
out o f the program.