September 30. 2009 Page A3 GET INVOLVED WE W ANT YOUR CREATIVE IDEAS FOR THE FUTURE OF OUR N /N E NEIGHBORHOODS. Urban renewal funds provided for repairs to the Peninsula Learning Center in the Interstate Corridor Urban Renewal Area. LOOK WHAT'S HAPPENING IN NORTH AND NORTHEAST PORTLAND. The Portland Development Commission has partnered with hundreds of property owners, small and large business owners, non-profit and government agen­ cies and citizens in North/Northeast Portland to sup­ Oregon Conven­ tion Center URA "Good in the Hood" neighborhood fair port job creation and business expansion, housing projects, development of commercial buildings, and revitalization of neighborhoods with community gathering places, street im­ provements, parks and open spaces. A new opportunity lies ahead: the N /N E Economic Development Initiative. N/NE Economic Development Initiative Community Advisory Committee Meetings are held on Wednesdays at Billy Webb Elks Lodge 6 N Tillamook Street Interstate Corridor UR A Dawson Park Gazebo restoration celebration - Urban renewal funds were used to . make the old gazebo (left) new again NEXT MEETING: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2 0 0 9 6 p.m . to 8 p.m. Upcoming Meeting Dates: November 4, December 2, 2009 For more information contact Joleen Jensen-Classen, PDC, 503-823-3352; Follow us on,, Twitter/pdxdevelopment (#NNEDI). Investing in Portland's Future PDC PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT C O M M IS S IO N www. t