Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, September 23, 2009, 2009 special coverage issue, Page 22, Image 22

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    September 23, 2009
Page A22
F ood
Stuffed Dover Sole
2 lbs dover sole (fresh & sk in le ss).
1 tsp green o n io n s ,
1 lobster ta i l .
2 small crab legs (fresh or cooked....about 1 to 2 T ab lesp o o n s).
1 tbsp b u tte r .
6 shrim p (cooked o r raw, cleaned & d ev e in e d ).
1 tsp fresh parsley (about 5 to p s ) .
1 tbsp white wine
1. Use your food processor/blender for this recipe. If you don't have one (really try to
borrow one from a neighbor).
2. M ost D over Soles have a natural crease in the middle, if yours does not, m ake one
vertical ( so you can fold it) Left to right or right to left.
3. Place D over Soles in small Baking Dish (ungreased).
4. In food processor/blender, Parsley, lobster tail, you want texture. Onion, place shrimp,
Crab, 1 Tablespoon o f white w ine & puree'(but not that much, 1 think I Puree the
ingredients for about 1-3 seconds.
5. Spoon out the mixture 3 tsps & place on one half o f the D over(spread evenly).
6. Fold the side that has no mixture over to the other side that has the mixture (taco
7. Add 1/4 c o f W hite W ine & 1 tbsp of butter to the bottom o f the baking dish, so put
this mixture in After you stuff the D over Soles.
8. The bultei does not have to melted, it will m elt when it cooks in the oven.
9. Preheated oven o f 325.
10. C ook for 20-25 mins.
11. In between cooking spoon white wine & butter mixture over the D over Sole to keep
it moist.
12. W hen you remove the D over Soles from the Baking D ish throw the liquid m ixture
13. Serve with Tartar Sauce.
Honeysuckle or Zacky Farms
White TUrkoy Breast
73% Lean Ground Beef
34b. Chub $2.97 ea.
SAVE up to $2.34 to.
kt C Frozen.
wnoie. D öone-n.
SAVE up to $ 1 5 0 » .
m a
m vm m
Cl»« ««•«
S to ll*
SAUE t» to $2.50___
Grilled Chile Citrus Turkey Breast
• 3 pounds tur- ;
key breast or 1
bone in turkey
b rea st
(4 -6
p ou n d s)
• 1 package o f 5
d r ie d p o b la n o
chiles - found in
the m exican sec­
tion o f your local
grocery store
• 3 tablespoons
lime juice - fresh
or purchased
• 3 tablespoons orange juice
• 5 gloves o f garlic
• 1 small w hite onion, diced
• 1 tsp coarse salt
Pure Prwniwn
Storti» to UÎ1
Kendal*Jacksoa, Q m I bbi
. . Crystal Geyser
3 5 « * , 163 h h . bottles,
flue deport to Ongan.
T S M IM M c Im ,
Chateau S k W c h *ff1 3 M r
Woodbridge. S A cM alatali.
Toothpaste or
Suave Hair Care
Lucerne* Milk
1. Place the poblano chiles in a small bowl and cover them with boiling water.
2. Let sit for 10 minutes. Place chiles in a colander to drain.
3. W hen cool enough to handle, cut the stem s off and rem ove any seeds.
4. Put in blender.
5. Add orange and lime juices, garlic, onion and salt.
6 to 15-oz. Selected
6. Blend until smooth.
7. Save 3/4 to 1 cup o f this sauce and put it in the refrigerator.
8. Rub turkey with rem aining sauce, place on a plate and cover with plastic wrap.
9. Allow this (o m arinate for at least 2 hours.
10. If grilling, preheat the grill to medium heat. Grill, covered, until a therm om eter reaches
165 A ° (1 -1 1/2 hours) or roast in an oven covered at 4(K)A° for 1 hour and 20 minutes.
These tim es are approxim ate depending on size o f turkey.
11. Transfer to a cutting board, let sit for 15 m inutes before slicing.
Broccoli Casserole
Saw $2 on flnt 4 purdiawd tnd 50« man on
•very Nom oftor 4. Item» mutt bopurchotod
In a ilngt* trtnuetton wltti your Club C»rd.
t e l l i »«**■«» «ridvrts lotto«.: Cw tU H'i Cl*»*} So». Mwltfoi Chous
MkrabowK Pngreuo ligto. te x x r i Vote« ugh lh»' v vqndM CU h o i
Serai rid OOrgirers’ toi»
3 poundsounds broccoli, cooked
2 cups rice, cooked
2 1 ounces cream o f m ushroom soup
A m erican cheese, sliced
salt, to taste
T h e e a s ie s t , p e r f e c t g i f t .
N ow available at the
G ift Card Mall."’
1. Mix cooked broccoli, rice, cream o f m ush­
ffl ftor* W M
a t * e n d
S e p t e m b e r
W 9D
Prices in this ad good throug h S e p te m b e r ? W v
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room soup and salt together.
2. Spread mixture in a 9 x 13 pan.
3. A rrange sliced cheese on top o f mixture.
4. Bake at 350 F until cheese melts.
C hunky