September23.2009_________________ Minority & Small Business Week_______________________Pa«eA'9 N/NE Minority Youth &. Young Adults Bell Tower Dedicated at UP Chimes, music to sound daily The U niversity o f Portland christened its new bell tow er Friday during a dedication cer­ emony. T he to w er w as co m p leted last m onth and is the realization o f a longtim e vision by U niver­ sity benefactors and adm inis­ trators to both show case the University's Catholic character and serve as a landm ark sym ­ bol for the cam pus com munity. A llen Lund, chairm an o f the university's board o f regents, and his wife K athleen o f Pasa- Being and expanded its prim ary din­ ing facility, the Com mons. The tow er is the tallest point on cam pus at 106 feet and is visible from points in d ow n­ town Portland. F o u rte en b e lls o f v ario u s sizes encased in the tow er will bring chimes and music to cam ­ pus on a daily and seasonal basis. T he bells range in size from 77 to 1,400 pounds, and each o f them has been spon­ sored by a generous donor. dena, Calif, bestowed a $ 1.4 mil­ lion gift that financed the tow er to inspire past, present and fu­ ture generatio n s o f students, faculty, staff and visitors to the Bluff. "We felt like it w as som e­ th in g th e U n iv e rs ity re a lly n e e d e d -w e needed a focal, a spiritual place," Allen Lund said at a blessing o f the bells cer­ em ony in April. T he bell tow er is a central facet o f physical enhancem ents to the 108-year-old cam pus. The U niversity also renovated and expanded its engineering building, constructed two new residence halls, and renovated Connected To register for an event please contact Marion at 503-281 -0224; O u r P u r p o se : Em pow er youth and Young adults (ages 14- 25) in the com m unity they live; to learn about stew ardship o f the environm ent and provide healthy options through recreation and educational workshops. To encourage them to build positive perceptions o f them selves as it relates to their com m unity and building relationships with each other. Fall 2009 Calendar of Events • S ep tem b er-1 2 th , DEPAVE event 9 am -1 pm (meet at O A M E building 8:30am) A n e w b ell to w er a d d s a fo ca l a n d sp iritu a l p la c e to th e U niversity o f P ortland c a m p u s in north Portland. • O cto b er -1 3 t h , Tues. L et’s connect session 4:30-5:30pm • N o v em b er - 10th. Tues. L et’s connect session 4:3O-5:3Opm Church Collection on Display Vancouver Avenue’s ‘Heartfelt W elcome’ The O regon Historical Soci­ ety has opened a new exhibi­ tion, “A Heartfelt Welcome: The V ancouver Avenue First Bap­ tist C hurch C ollection.” In honor o f the church's 65th a n n iv e r s a r y , c o n g r e g a tio n m em ber R aym ond Burrell III c o lle c te d m e m o rie s, p h o to ­ graphs and church ephem era while conducting research for a book that was published ear­ lier this year. In an effort to preserve the history and share it w ith the w id er com m unity, R aym ond m anaged the donation o f this collection to the O regon H is­ torical Society. The collection is a significant contribution to understanding th e h is to ry o f th e A fric a n A m erican com m unity in Port­ land. The Oregon Historical Society will serve as the public reposi­ tory this material. Items in the exhibit include furniture from the church, a choir robe, a com m un­ ion tray, and many photographs and ephemera items. The collection includes m a­ te ria l d a tin g b a c k to th e church's earliest days The O regon H istorical Soci­ ety is located at 1200 S.W. Park Ave, downtow n. Philadelphia CMB Church Pastor Roy E. Clay Sr. & Co-Pastor Lottie M. Clay Whispers Produce Gospel Album The legendary R&B group, The W hispers, have put the fi­ nal touches on their first gos­ pel and inspirational CD, titled “Thankful.” Included in the 10-song al­ bum is the recent single “Thou Art with M e,” w hich has made it to the charts o f gospel and R&B radio formats. T h e W h is p e rs an d F re d H am m ond produced the origi­ nal m usic for the CD. “W e’ve been w anting to do The le g en d a ry R&B g ro u p ‘The W h isp ers. ’ h a v e re c o rd e d th eir first g o s p e l a n d inspira­ this for 10 years. G od has been tional CD, 'T h a n kfu l.' really, really good to the W his­ With alm ost 50 R&B chart live long enough to do this in­ pers,” says founding m em ber singles, The W hispers are one spirational CD that we want to Nick Caldwell. “He was looking o f the m ost su ccessful vocal use to in sp ire peo p le to get out for us even w hen we were groups in soul music history. closer to G od.” ignoring Him. He allow ed us to In Loving Memory Dear Deanna! My daughter has left for college and m ade a m ess out o f her life. I took the tim e to help with stu­ dent loans and scholarships and she has flunked out o f the first sem ester. I learned that she never w ent to class and her school supplies h aven't been touched. To make matters worse, sh e's now back at hom e preg­ nant and unem ployed. I do n 't have time for this and I'm tired of dealing with her dram a. I know this is my daughter but w hat can I do to help without disrupting my life? -G len d a; Birmingham, Ala. Dear Glenda: Ask Deanna\ Real People, Real Advice ship again. I stayed faithful and w asn’t with anyone but he had several intimate flings. I’m hav­ ing second thoughts because he refuses to have an HIV test with me. He claims that I know his habits since we were together so long. I agree, but he was the one sleeping around. Am I wrong to refuse this relationship because of the HI V testing?-Anonymous; Dallas, Texas Dear Deanna! I’m in the process o f divorcing my husband after 8 years o f marriage. H e’s the only man I' ve ever been intim ate with. Now I have a little freedom and I feel as if I ’m losing my mind. O n one hand, I have a new friend that I haven’t gone all the way with. On the other hand the ex-hus­ band o f one o f my friends has revealed that he w ants to be with me and has alw ays liked m e. I’m attracted to hi m but know this w ould cause problem s. I’ve been celibate for seven m onths and need to know if 1 should be with him and keep it a secret or take a cold show er? - H o t and Bothered; O n-Line Reader Your daughter’s bad life and Dear Hot and Bothered: m istakes are a reflection of your You need to take a cold show er poor parenting skills. If you and put your eyes on som eone d o n 't have tim e for your daugh­ Dear Anonymous: that you can get jiggy with that ter now, you probably d id n 't You have a responsibility to w on’tcause problem s. If you do have tim e when she was grow ­ take care o f y o u rse lf first. anything in the darkness, it will ing up and now she doesn't T here’s not that much love in com e to light and rip you apart know if she’s going or com ing. the world to m ake you forsake like a train wreck. Y o u 're en ­ You need to make tim e now be­ your sexual health. Y ou’re en ­ titled to have fun, enjoy your­ cause if you d o n 't you’ll be titled to refuse taking the rela­ self and have a healthy sex life stuck with her longer than you tionship further if his sexual but make sure you protect your­ think. H elp her restore her op­ activity during the break-up self and keep your thinking cap tions in life and encourage her bothers you. If he takes som e­ on during the heat o f the m o­ to go back to school, get a job thing as serious as an HIV so ment. and find the baby’s father so light, you need to think how he she’ll have help. would handle m ajor issues in Ask Deanna is written by Deanna the marriage. Set a deadline, stay M. Write Ask Deanna! at the Dear Deanna! My fiancée and I parted ways firm in your request and if he email earlierthisyear. After separation, doesn’t com ply, m ove on to or 264 S. LaCienega Blvd. Suite we realized we want to be to­ other things until he agrees to 1283 Beverly Hills. CA 90211. gether and started the relation- testing. Website: iJnrtlanh (Dbseruer Established 1970 USPS 9 5 9 -6 8 0 ________________________________ 4 7 4 7 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 The Portland Observer welcomes freelance sub- m iwions Manuscripts and photographs should he clearly labeled and w ill be returned if accompa­ nied by a self addressed envelope A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f Charles H. Washington M ic h a e l L e ig h to n M \ n h g m : M a rk W a s h in g to n D ih ic t o k : P a u l N e u fe ld t EniToK-m-Cnir.r, P i h i i s h m : E i > itdh D is ik ih u t io h C h is t iv i P ostmastui : Send address changes to Portland Observer, PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 the newspaper and cannot he used in other publi­ cations or personal usage withrwt the written con­ sent o f the general manager, unless the client has purchased the com position o f such ad © 200K THE PO R TLA N D OBSERVER A L L R IG H T S R E S E R V E D , R E P R O D l ( T I O N IN W H O L E OR IN PA R T W IT H O U T P E R M IS S IO N IS P R O H IB IT E D W ednesday: Bible Study 7PM S u n d ay Sch ool 10AM S u n d ay M orn in g S ervices 11:30 AM 238 NE M ason ST For m ore inform ation contact Pastor Clay at 503-309-6320 Northwest Voice for Christ Ministries Presents a one o f a kind workshop! “Addiction in the Church” “For that which I do I allow not” ( Rom ans 7:15-19) P resen ter: B ish op H . L. H od ge, P h .D . P astor/B eh a vioral H ealth S cien tist Come and I .earn about the hidden crisis o f many that sit in church pews each Sunday. Hidden topics • Prescription Drug Abuse • Alcohol Abuse • Chem ical Dependency A hom e going funeral ser­ v ic e fo r D a v id M in n ie - w eather, a loving father, son, brother and friend, will be held T hursday, Sept. 24 at 11 a.m. at H ighland Christian Center, 7600N .E. Glisan St. "God grant me the serenity to accept the thing's 1 can not change; to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Saturday Septem ber 2 6 ,2(X)9 10:30 A .M .-1 :3 0 P .M . 48(X)NE 30th Avenue Telephone: 503-863-6545 Cost: $20.00 Lunch will be available ^FATH ER ’S Helping Families T R IE S Transforming Lives Join us for our First Service in our new location! Friday, Oct 2nd at 7 pm W e will be having an Anointing Service fo r Healing, Breakthrough and Prosperity! Come and receive what you need from Cod! 33 Pastors J om us for our 2 Y ear A nmversary S ervice ¡Jerry & Annie F r d a y , O ctober 2 3 rd a t 7 pm Gutierrez I Services will be held at New Song Community Comer 220 NE Russell Street. Corner ol BE MIK Blvd and Bussell Street Infant and Toddler care will be provided. Doors open at 6pm for every service The Portland Observer -Oregon's Oldest M ulticultural Publication--!« a member of the N a­ tional Newspaper Association-E«Minded in IHR5. CALL 5 0 3-288-0033 F A X 5O3-288-OOI5 news@ David Minnieweather T uesday: Women & M en M eeting 7PM and The N atio n a l A d vertisin g Representative A m algam ated Publishers, In c, N ew York. N Y . and The West Coast Black Publishers Association For directions or more information, call -TiKETf 1-5481 or log on to wvinM.mfhmpomanil.coi I