Page A l7 Minority & Small Business Week September 23, 2009 O pinion Opinion articles do not necessarily represent the views o f the Portland Observer. We welcome reader essays, photos and story ideas. Submit to Wyden Lets Down Black Businesses Senator must take a leadership role Senator Wyden knows that P osey A few weeks ago the black community has little capacity to maintain and sus­ at the invite o f a tain wealth. He already knows p ro m in e n t P o r t­ our black businesses are deci­ lan d b la c k b u s i­ ness, I attended a mated. And I believe he un­ m eeting to discuss issues fac­ d erstands that unless black ing b lack b u sin e sse s w ith com m u n ities can som ehow generate commerce sufficient to Sen. Ron Wyden. 1 have been to a number of em ploy m any o f th eir own Senator Wyden’s meetings over people, blacks will continue on the last 20 years. In every meet­ the path to a perm an en t ing I hoped to make the point underclass. th a t the b lack co m m u n ity I am particularly concerned needed special help in order to about his patronizing approach turn around decades of debili­ to black community leaders and tating economic conditions. I his w illingness to ignore the alw ay s th o u g h t S e n a to r obvious. For example, he came by J ames L . prehensive approach, but in­ s te a d t r ie d to c o n v in c e ers to formulate a plan to deal those present that he would comprehensively with the prob­ look at individual issues and lem of black contractor and concerns and report back to w orker exclusion on federal the gro u p . S e n a to r W yden contracts in Oregon. (See my clearly know s that this ap ­ open letter to him in the May proach is unlikely to bring 31,2006 Portland Observer) But ab o u t any real re su lts. He it seems that Senator Wyden know s th at issu es like a c ­ prefers to measure success by cess to capital, bonding, low a few token contracts awarded b id d in g m e th o d s , siz e o f primarily to black and Asian co n tra c ts, internal sta ff re ­ “front” companies in 2009. sista n c e , and o u trig h t d is ­ At this m eeting he c o n tin ­ c r im in a tio n a m o n g o th e r ued to resist taking a c o m ­ b arriers, are all in terrelated HE pfcEÿvqrr'â SpeeeH T o TUE S«woo<- iW O? AhWERKAs * I finally realized that Senator Wyden has no intention o f seriously addressing these issues that clearly cripple the black community. W y d en , k n o w n in so m e to the meeting to tout a waiver circles as a progressive, was process his office took some also a decent person w ith a credit for which would allow the strong m oral conscious. To Oregon Department of Trans­ m e, he w as th e b la c k portation to set specific goals com m unity’s best hope in the for African Americans on fed­ congressional d elegation to eral highway projects. These are seriously address conditions federal projects on which black that put blacks at the bottom contractors got zero contracts and dollars for the last 10 years. of every econom ic scale. This has been a festering In this latest meeting, it was as if a light came on and I rec­ problem. Senator Wyden has ognized how naive I have been known about for as many years all these years. 1 finally realized but has never taken any effec­ that Senator Wyden has no in­ tive, definitive action to re­ tention of seriously addressing solve. Repeatedly he has been these issues that clearly cripple asked to take a leadership role in convening other local lead- the black community. and must be add ressed c o l­ only hope that more of us will stand up to this politically con­ lectively. It appears as if Senator Wyden venient charade. The black is depending on black leaders to community must demand that accept his half hearted approach, Senator Wyden withhold O r­ and just be glad he agreed to egon Department of Transpor­ meet with them. There is a sense tation funding until there is a that Senator Wyden will work on responsible, com prehensive behalf of one or two businesses plan to assure that black busi­ in attendance for political expe­ nesses will receive an equitable dience. but no sense that he will number of federal contracts. become accountable for initiat­ James L. Posey is a Portland ing structural changes benefit­ business owner and form er ing the community of black busi­ president o f the Oregon chap­ nesses. ter o f the National Association The black com m unity can o f Minority Contractors. ESPONSIBILITY ERSEVERENCE / Í I V BACISI*# “OA\S i S CHÌU>AtSIU Y¥B'VE6<5I S foF H i/A ' 5“‘3 \ y J vvv>/ . ,v, vpl irvgyviz»-i Why Obama is Right on Health Care Setting the record straight by M arc H . M oriai . Before a joint ses­ sion o f C o n g re ss, P re sid e n t O bam a m ade his m ost d e­ ta ile d and im p a s­ sioned case to date in support of legislation to fix our broken health care system and at long last make health insur­ ance affordable and accessible to every American. In summary, the president's plan will provide more security and stability to those who have health insurance. It will provide insurance to those who don't. And it will lower the cost of health care for families, busi­ nesses and our government. If you have health in su r­ ance, the president's plan will prevent insurance com panies from denying you coverage due to a pre-existing condi­ tion. It will also put a cap on out o f p o ck et e x p e n se s so people don't go broke when they get sick. It will ensure that all A m ericans have ac­ cess to free preventive ser­ vices like m am m ogram s, flu shots and d iab etes tests to im p ro v e h e a lth and save money. And it protects M edi­ care and closes the so-called p r e s c r ip tio n d ru g "d o n u t hole" which has resulted in an average o f $,4,080 in out o f pocket costs for beneficiaries who reach a coverage lim it and who lack a n o th e r source o f insurance. If you are one o f the tens of m illions o f A m ericans who bu sin esses co v er th e ir e m ­ the Congressional Black Cau­ ployees. It offers new lo w ­ cus and N A A C P president, cost coverage through a na­ Ben Jealous in a Capitol Hill tional "high-risk" pool to pro­ press conference to help set tect people with pre-existing the record straight. We made it clear, as the presi­ conditions from financial ruin until the new Exchange is cre­ dent did later in the evening, ated. And it offers a public that the plan would not create h e a lth in su ran ce o p tio n to so-called "death panels" with provide the uninsured who the power to kill off senior citi­ can't afford coverage with a zens; coverage will not be ex­ tended to illegal immigrants; real choice. The president also sought and no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions. Finally the public option, which we strongly support, is not a "governm ent takeover" as som e have irresponsibly claimed. It would be an essen­ tial option to hold down costs. It sim ply increases com peti­ tion. That is the very essence of capitalism. America stands alone among industrialized nations in not af­ to dispel a num ber o f myths, fording its citizens comprehen­ lies and distortions that have sive health insurance. We have fueled so much m isinform a­ been fighting this battle for over tion and confusion about his a century. Now is the time to p la n . T he N a tio n a l U rb an get the job done. Marc H. Morial is president League shares his outrage at and chief executive officer o f the deliberate attem pts to de­ the National Urban League. fe a t re fo rm th ro u g h the spreading o f outright false­ hoods. T hat is why on the m orning o f the p re sid e n t's speech, I joined members of America stands alone among industrialized nations in not affording its citizens comprehensive health insurance. don't have health insurance, half of whom are people of color, the president's plan cre­ ates a new insurance m arket­ place - the Exchange - that allows people without health in su ra n c e and sm all b u s i­ nesses to com pare plans and buy insurance at com petitive prices. It provides new tax credits to help individuals buy insurance and to help small I have found that the Black C om m unity has no unified voice; however, many by B ishop H . L . H odge are like frogs in a pond, It is easy to blow each croaking their own sm oke regarding the solo. I contend that it is state of affairs for the time to stop seeking to so-called leadership of people of color in the be king and work to­ gether for the common good by greater Portland area. A cursory glance and half­ developing a unified kingdom hearted attendance will reveal mentality. a litany of “jaw flappers; who One of the goals of Portland attempt to besmirch or deny the NAACP branch is to establish efforts of organizations such as a voice for “people of color.” the NAACP as opposed to join­ To address this concern, the ing in. The truth is that there Portland NAACP will call for a are an inordinate number of per­ Summit to speak to the real is­ sons who verbalize a desire to sues affecting the Portland make a difference in the non­ community. It is time to unify as a people existent “Black Community.” NOKTt 1WEÑ5T Connection Looking for a Car, New or Used? Contact T im W ilson at 5 0 3 -5 5 0 -3 8 4 1 Ti m. Wi Ison @ Chiropractic Auto Injury Clinic, PC Working for the Common Good Let’s get unified Beaverton Toyota • Russ Auto Finance and to stop pretense. When this occurs, we will take note of the leadership in attendance and inform the community of the outcome. We must take a stand on issues, such as racial profil­ ing, quality of education in our schools, housing discrim ina­ tion, health care availability, and unemployment. We must overcome the “O s­ trich Syndrome” and get our heads out of the sand or what­ ever place they are buried. Information about the summit will be provided in a timely man­ ner for all leaders and commu­ nity representatives to attend. Bishop H. L. Hodge is presi­ dent o f the Portland NAACP. Zchon R. Jones, DC 333 NE Russell St., #200, Portland, OR. 97212 (503) 284-7838 Truly making a difference in the lives of Auto Accident victims and Injured Workers for 16 years. If you or someone you know has been in an accident, call us so we can help you with your needs. (503) 284-7838 We are located on the com er o f MLK and Russell Street, on the second floor above the coffee shop. W P a lm i Arci JOSE Ruwell *200 R iimm II St S