September 23, 2009 PageAlô Breastfeeding C lassifieds / B ids c o n tin u e d ro m F r o n t something ‘extra’ you can do, but not n ecessary ,” Sasseen added. Black wom en are also confronted by bleak images of women who breastfeed. African American women are not shown in television and movies speaking openly about and breastfeeding their babies. A ccording to Rose Pickett, community health nurse for the Healthy Birth Initiative, many of these women are discouraged not only by society but family as well. M o th e rs so m e tim e s misinform their daughters that b rea stfe e d in g w ill hurt. G randm others and aunts may want to hold and feed the baby, so they guilt the mother into bottle fee d in g . B lack w om en tend to feel uncomfortable with their bodies and view breastfeeding as inappro­ priate. The men in their lives are also uncomfort­ able, or experience feel­ ings of jealousy. “If the baby’s father is supportive of breastfeeding, the mother is likely to do so and c o n tin u e ,” Sasseen added. In te restin g ly , b re a s t­ feeding was once common among low-income fami­ lies. Years ago, wealthy families sometimes had wet nurses who breast fed their babies for them. When infant nutritional formula came out it in the late 1800s it instantly be­ came a status symbol: a luxury item only the well- to-do could afford. Although the benefits of breast feeding have be­ come better known, and afflu en t and educated m others are now more likely to breastfeed their babies, the use of formula is still prevalent. The national WIC pro­ gram spends over $1 bil­ lion on infant formula, the largest food cost within the program, according to 2005 fig u re s from the U.S. Department of Agri­ culture. In Oregon, 13 percent of mothers supplement breast milk with formula within the first two days of a child’s life. So what can be done to encourage black women to breastfeed? “African American com­ munities lack role models,” Sasseen said. “Knowing your sister, or mother did it gives you the feeling you can do it too.” Shafia Monroe, president and chief executive officer of the International Center for Traditional Childbearing, agrees wholeheartedly. “Give them more figures who breastfed like Eryka Badu, Lauren Hill, and Jada Pinkett-Smith,” said Mon­ roe. “ B reastfeed in g is G od’s gift, and a child’s right!” O llison, who was not breastfed herself, said she d id n ’t know any other b rea stfe e d in g m others when she entered mother­ hood, but she did have a m entor who encouraged her to breastfeed. “I think it gives them a b e tte r start, th e y ’re healthier and more alert,” said Ollison of why she de­ cided to breastfeed. “It was just more beneficial, a bet­ ter decision for me.” A .... ... V TA»» FA»* State Farm® Providing Insurance and Financial Services Home Office. Bloomington, Illinois 61710 M ic h a e l D avid H olton, A g en t 7223 SW Macadam Avenue Portland. OR 97219-3076 Bus 503 517 9090 Fax 503 445 1366 w w w michaelholton rom 24 Hour Good Neir hbor Service-' Aib ci lise with divei sity in ' POftlând Observer adslffportlandol i Call 503-288-003$ STRATEGIC PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY SERVICES MANAGER M etro Public Relations Coordinator Oregon Convention Center $48,163 - $69,837 annually. Deadline: 9/28/09. Event Custodian Oregon Convention Center Entry: $12.16/hour Deadline: 10/5/09 These opportunities are open to First Opportunity Target Area (FOTA) residents - Colum bia Boulevard on the north; 42nd A v e n u e on th e e a s t; th e B a n fie ld F re e w a y on th e south, and North Chautauqua Boulevard on the west, whose total annual income does not e x c e e d $ 2 5 ,0 0 0 a s an individual, or $40,000 for an entire household, for the past 12 months. To access the com plete jo b announcem ent and required a p p lic a tio n m a te ria ls , v is it our w e b s ite at w w w .o re g o n m e tro .g o v/ jo b s and go to the FOTA job s page or pick up a com plete packet at M etro Human Resources, 6 0 0 NE G ra n d A v e n u e , Portland. AA/EEO Employer Street Paving Division Manager The S tre e t Paving Division M anager has adm inistrative, financial and m anagem ent responsibilities for the Street Paving division of th e M a in te n a n c e O p e ra tio n s G ro u p o f th e P o rtla n d B u re a u of T ra n sp o rta tio n . W ith p o licy d ire c tio n fro m th e M a in te n a n c e O p e ra tio n s Group Manager, this position is responsible for developing and im p le m e n tin g d ivis io n goals related to overall group goals and bureau mission. This position requires registration as a professional engineer. Approxim ate M onthly Salary: $7,150 to $9,691. To apply on­ line or for m ore inform ation, p le a s e go to w w w .ci.p o rtla n d .o r.u s/jo b s/ 09-137/09-137.htm U n d e r th e d ire c tio n o f the General M anager the person in this newly created position will coordinate and manage the strategic planning process and tech nology services for Salem -Keizer Transit. Specific d u tie s in clu d e : a s s e s s in g s tra te g ic is s u e s and facilitating strategic planning d is c u s s io n s ; m o n ito rin g strategic planning activities; m o n ito rin g a nd a n a ly z in g org a n iza tion a l p erform ance tra c k in g d a ta ; a n a ly z in g inform ation technology needs fro m a s tra te g ic and o p e ra tio n a l p e rs p e c tiv e ; s u p e rv is in g te c h n o lo g y services staff. The annualized salary range is $68 ,75 3 .8 8 to $89,513.84 w ith th e s ta r tin g s a la ry n e g o tia b le , d e p e n d in g on qualifications. Excellent fringe benefit package. To a p p ly, v is it w e b s ite a t • Tùesday September 8,2009 • TUesday October 13,2009 • TUesday November 10,2009 Time 6-8 PM (M L K and K illin g sw o rth ) G ettin g the h elp y o u n eed now B lood P ressu re S creen in g , R eso u rces, R eferrals an d F o llo w up Great Benefits! Over the Road. 11 W estern/All 48 Newer Equip, CDL-A 2 yrs. 8 6 6 -3 9 4 -1 9 4 4 Advertise with diversity in O u r C h ild re n . O u r C o m m u n ity. G ro w in g T o g e th e r. 11 "Portland Oljserver C a ll 5 0 3 -2 X 8 4 )0 3 3 ad s @ HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Selected Public Housing Waiting Lists to Open Monday, October 12, 2009 until Friday, October 16, 2009 Hollywood East, 4400 NE Broadway St. Medallion Apartm ents, 1969 NW Johnson St. ★ prior to m ove in applicants m ust verify they require an ADA unit Applications will be accepted in person or by mail at one of the site offices above or by fax to 503.802.8488. Mailed applications m ust be postm arked by October 16 and faxes m ust be received by 4:30 p.m, October 16. Applicants m ust apply using the HAP application form available starting October 12, 2009 on our w ebsite at www.hapdx.orgor at the site offices. Call the public housing hotline at 503.288.5750 (TTY: 503.802.8554) or visit our website at for com plete details on how to apply for these selected waiting lists. 5 0 3 .2 8 0 .0 5 3 4 4720 N . M a r y la n d . P o r tla n d O R 9 7 2 1 7 W W W .P E N C H IL D .O R C Rem em ber this is the new Portland Branch NAACP. We need seven (7) com m itted people to help m ove this branch forward. Committed means willing to put "words into action". W e have heard about history. Now, let's m ake this branch into an organization that truly dem onstrates who we are. Over m em bers have joined so far this year, and there are over 50 life tim e m em bers. W e are m oving forward! Everyone is invited to com e, join in the discussions, and help us build “Unity in the C om m unity". If you cannot attend meetings, please show your support by becom ing a m ember of this 100 years old organization. M em bership dues are only $30 annually. Bishop H. L. Hodge, PhD. President REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR HOLLYWOOD EAST APARTMENT UPGRADES Proposals are requested from qualified professional team s for the provision of design services for the Hollywood East Apartment Upgrades. The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) will accept Proposals until 2:00 PM, October 2, 2009 at HAP’s Purchasing Department located at 135 SW Ash Street, 5th Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Proposals should be clearly m arked with the respondent’s nam e and address and the RFP title and number. The Housing Authority of Portland (HAP) proposes to upgrade the existing Hollywood East housing com plex located in N ortheast Portland at 4400 N ortheast Broadway. HAP has received funding for w indow replacem ent from M ultnom ah C ounty's W eatherization Program , and it has applied for a Capital Fund Recovery Com petition (CFRC) Grant from the U.S. Departm ent of Housing and Urban D evelopm ent to provide energy efficiency im provem ents at Hollywood East. The work contem plated includes w indow replacem ent and M EP b u ild in g s ys te m s u p gra d e s . A rc h ite c tu ra l and Engineering Design Services sought by this RFP are divided into two separate contracts. The initial contract will be for Phase 1 work and will include those tasks related to the building's window replacement and, if necessary, ventilation im provem ents to m aintain building pressurization after w indow replacem ent. Phase 1 work will com m ence upon selection of a design team and issuance of a Notice to Proceed from HAP. The second contract will be for Phase 2 work and will include the M EP building system upgrades. The second contract is dependent on award of a CFRC grant and Notice to Proceed from HAP. Hard copies of the Request for Proposals will be available beginning Septem ber 18,2009 between 8:30 AM and 4:30 PM at H AP's Purchasing Department,- located at 135 SW Ash Street, 5th Floor, Portland, Oregon 97204. Electronic copies are available on the HAP web site: w w w If th e RFP is o b ta in ed via the H AP w e b site , a re quired registration form m ust be faxed to HAP (503-802-8496) in order to be added to the RFP Holders List and to receive addenda. HAP has e s ta b lis h e d a goal o f 2 0 % p a rtic ip a tio n by d is a d v a n ta g e d , m in o rity -o w n e d , w o m a n -o w n e d and em erging small businesses on this project and encourages p ro p o s a ls fro m in te re s te d D / M / W / E S B firm s . D is a d v a n ta g e d , m in o rity -o w n e d , w o m a n -o w n e d and em erging small businesses with an interest in this project are also encouraged to attend the pre-proposal conference. RFP Contact: Berit Stevenson 503.802.8541 berits@ HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Issued: Septem ber 1 8 ,2 0 0 9 I 0 U M M OUSING O P P O R T U N IT Y I The Portland Branch NAACP “Coffee Clutch” is Thursday, Septem ber 24, 2009 at 11:30 A. M. in Reflections on NE Killingsworth. M any topics will be discussed. RFP 0 9 /0 9 - 8 7 2-Bedroom Apartment - ADA* P E N IN S U L A C H IL D R E N ’ S C E N T E R Meeting Notice PROFESSIONAL ARCHITECTURAL & ENGINEERING DESIGN SERVICES 1-Bedroom Apartment Ages 3-5 years The Portland Development Comm ission (PDC) is requesting s e a le d c o m p e titiv e p ro p o s a ls fro m q u a lifie d a nd experienced firms to provide on-call design review, training, c o n s u lta tio n a n d re la te d s e rv ic e s to P D C s ta ff on approaches to sustainable design and developm ent, as well as the financial im plications of these approaches. The full RFQ can be downloaded from the PDC website at http:/ / w w w .p d c .u s / lo g in / d o w n lo a d n o lo g in .a s p ? i= 9 5 9 or obtained in-person at PDC offices, 222 NW 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209. Proposals must be received by PDC no later than the proposal due date and time listed above at the same address where the RFQ can be obtained In-person. Fax or email proposals will not be accepted. Direct all questions regarding th is RFQ to D aniel S p e ro , 5 0 3 -8 2 3 -3 2 9 1 (v o ic e ) or sperod@ (em ail). PDC encourages participation of M /W /ESB firm s in this and all contract opportunities. HOUSING AUTHORITY OF PORTLAND Ruth Haefner Plaza, 6005 SW Beav-Hills Hwy. Schrunk Riverview Tower, 8832 N Syracuse St. Now Enrolling Preschoolers Sustainable Design and Development Technical Assistance Proposals due September 30,2009 by 2:00 PM (Pacific) x 1 2 3 /1 1 7 Hollywood East, 4400 NE Broadway St. Northwest Tower, 335 NW 19th Av. W illiam s Plaza, 2041 NW Everett St. F or m o re in fo rm atio n o r q u estio n s p lease contact: C h u ck S m ith • sm ith ch @ p d x .ed u Portland Development Commission Request for Qualifications #09-06 The Portland NAACP needs you to help change conditions for everyone. The office telephone num ber is 503 805-8355. Studio Apartment H ea lth y F o o d P ro vid ed Drivers: Flat Broke? Think Flatbed! Housing Authority of Portland is pleased to announce that selected'w aiting lists for elderly/disabled public housing apartm ent com m unities will be open to new applicants. Applicants must meet income guidelines and have a head of household or co-head of household that is elderly (62 or older) or disabled to apply for the follow ing w aiting lists: M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty N E H e a lth C e n te r 5329 N E M artin L u th er K ing Jr. Blvd. 610 SWAIder Street Suite 1221, Portland, OR 97 20 5 The Freedom Fund Banquet will be held in November. More inform ation will follow. A P “Staying Healthy for Ourselves and O uf Families” STAR-J PARK 588-2424 to obtain an official a p p lic a tio n fo rm a n d a re cru itm e n t a n n o u n ce m e n t that provides a m ore detailed list of essential jo b functions and q u a lific a tio n re q u ire m e n ts . C o m p le te d official application form m ust be received no later than 5:00 p.m . O cto b e r 30, 2009, at Salem -Keizer Transit, Human Resources Division, 555 Court St., NE, Suite 5230, Salem, OR 9 7 3 0 1 -3 7 3 6 . No fa xe s or e m a ils a c c e p te d . Equal Opportunity Employer. M en’s Health Project M en’s Health Forum Star Park is looking for individuals with excellent customer service skills and a positive attitude to jo in our team of parking facility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, with Opportunity for advancem ent. No experience necessary, m ust be dependable. 8.50+/hr, m edical, dental, 401k w/ match, sick & vacation pay. (