September 9, 2009 PageA8 P a rtic ip a te in D e m o crac y V o te Return your ballot by mall or drop i f o ff at any designated voter dmpsite. Call J 866 673 8683 to find a location near you. ^ ^ J n r tia n h QMisertter M. rznt rwpvilUinkba'iitkuM i ■ C ith tu i Week ¡n '"‘‘Review Election Ballots On Way I »«olirtitt»«*terVhrao I Lar» Mtet't develop his talent. O ne area, c o m p o s itio n , Pulliam s said he learned that it is much more than a technical process that in v o lv e s under­ standing your camera, how you look through the view finder and how you make a print. I t ’s the challenge o f com position and com paring w o rk w ith others and getting new perspectives from instructors that keeps him He’s not only the president o f Portland Community College, but Preston Pulliams is also a customer. P u llia m s , a re s id e n t o f Beaverton, is a budding pho­ tographer and student. He has applied his hobby all over PCC and the world, from small things like flow ers to huge ones like the presidential inauguration in Washington, D.C., and an ex­ cursion to China. “ I was ju st a point-and-shoot kind o f guy that took pictures at fa m ily o u tin g s and vaca­ tions,” Pulliams said. “ "W hen 1 arrived here fiv e years ago 1 decided since I had this nice cam era w h y not take some courses?" Now, the camera is Pulliams constant com panion on busi­ ness trips, vacations and any other kind o f free time. T he in s tru c to rs in P C C ’ s C o m m u n ity E d u c a tio n p ro ­ gram helped foster his in te r­ est in the art and helped h im com ing back. “ I do get a sense now o f what a well-com posed p rin t should look like,” he said. “ I ’ m not pro­ ducing perfect prints but I do have a sense o f what to look for. The com position piece o f photography is really what gets me excited. And I ’ m excited be­ cause the instructors have been so engaging.” So how do his fe llo w class­ mates and his instructors treat PCC's commander in chief? “ I t ’ s been in te r e s tin g ,” Pulliam s said. “ Students con­ nect w ith me in terms o f their experience at the college and I often hear how things are go­ in g , h o w th e y e n jo y th e ir classes, and what their experi­ ences are. 1 get a different per­ sp e ctive o f PCC in s id e the i Tahra .J. m ! Cm a» te> , ..«-holte « «■•«» te a t Ott Hraraate« "raw«i B»-u«i~UJ 1-nte. «4 usa.» t «rana, a» « t e W itte ta parate« aura tel lavaUhry Matt Arant M t Uu«M| M («. » . ' s tubi) ate pitra* a» sb-U-ra . aaitbv ttoKaaauso Wte a t P m Faasia- ta»an Tl» i-< a «• « V— (-.<«« College President also a Student Moving his hobby to an expertise People o f color fin d a political f it Vi t a orante Tx>oU C Ite tea a«.*»««. «4 classroom, w hich is really fas­ cinating.” You never k n o w w here a C o m m u n ity E d ucation class m ight take you and, fo r Preston Pulliams, he wants to parlay the skills he’s learned to not ju s t benefit him self but the college, ■.lassKfha Fav» -te». « «ai h» too. He plans to get other PCC photographers together such as C h ris tin e C h a irs e ll, vice president o f Academic and Stu­ dent A ffa irs fo r an e xh ib it to sell their work to benefit the PCC Foundation and student schol­ tM sk Runar I >'a«a*M*la «- khrt »ah - '•» k r l«i4wl « rat*au l»«»n»i ip.oiUth-fc «kasi • • n ihrpnfeetm ’»a Z-am» ONE-ONONE i M to (M Ufctao -ka»*- t e tel te«» «te 5«. Ma> teay '»'<»•«»>» i.n t e » Premiere bonds live theater to live basketball La»«»«« S«« » a* Coni '**!»•.. n . . «?•«• 10 Äo» . «ulM-oO' asCkt.paualn •fraiIsravteh«al a«)-:«ttia.a.tef Alia*«, li *’*•'•*' h«.,. ih. »a »»-»«™ IhraBt ;«•««! ih. • p.«ora- *»**•. M 1 1« fVìiuiingstad fo rn ii a TlantAoh.OaatTe« arships. “ It has been fun observing a hobby turn into his discipline,” !h»h> Ua.*. >• '«raiteft anana.-«dtauwteote a a»»» an a « «»noM br. Va te tete o «te «Pite htsP«H>a< C xatelahoote F«r io -kaa* <•«» vrtaUu iute4u< Or •>>«»> ah M * fura « «tete theater in tlie round ubere a Street basketbaJI court dominatet Faraa t attrai Trai it e » LtetelHop« htaw> ra<.».mv«to« « te i« « » « » « !>-; .«»■< Ywa« ataK« •» I-aifb W» *n »'»*•' m A »-ss»»« «h te» «u «a •< ,vn»mui yg an fife H T •»nanna yg en ft* AT F lu V ac cin e in S h o rt S u p p ly said Pulliams. P C C ’ s C o m m u n ity E duca­ tio n program , one o f the b ig ­ gest in the n ation, o ffe rs hun­ dreds o f n o n -cre d it and c o n ­ tin u in g e d u c a tio n cla s s e s across the d is tric t and o n lin e . It contains 4,000 classes each year, in c lu d in g 22 d iffe re n t language courses, many edu­ ca tional trip s to 12 countries, 15 varieties o f dance classes, a p le th o ra o f s u s ta in a b ility courses and is home to a na­ tio n a lly re c o g n iz e d o n lin e program. E x p e rts to u t ZuumfZZ p re v e n tiv e Ups To contact nie Portland Observer Call 503-288-0033 or email ads@portlandob C lassifieds / B ids fo r T h e P o rtla n d B ra n c h N A A C P m e m b e rs h ip m e e tin g is in d iv id u a ls w ith e x c e lle n t c u s to m e r service s kills and a positive a ttitu d e to jo in o u r te a m o f p a rkin g fa c ility operators. Positions include: Attendant, Traffic Director, Cashier, and Valet, w ith O pportunity fo r advancem ent. No experience necessary, m u st be dependable. 8 .5 0 + /h r, m edical, d e n ta l. 4 0 1 k w / Saturday Septem ber 12 a t 11 :0 0 A .M ., a n d th e E xe cu tive to th e m e m b e rsh ip m eeting. You are w elcom e to com e, give your s u p p o rt and a ssista n ce in d e v e lo p in g “ Unity in th e C o m m u n ity.” B ishop H.L. Hodge, PhD., P ortland Branch m atch, sick & vacation pay. President. ! Subscribe! 5()3-288-°°33! STAR^ Attic. S ubscriptions, ’ Fill Out & Send To: po B o x 3137, P o rtla n d O R 9 7 2 0 8 iln P o r t l a n i i ( O h s r r u c r I s u b s c r ip t io n s | a re ju s t $60 * ' p e r y e a r) I (please in c lu d e c h e c k w ith th is s u b s c rip tio n fo r m ) ____________ I ___________ I I o r ('M i H 7 s u b s c r i p t i o n s @ p o r tla n d o b s e r v e r .c o m I — _ — — — —i — — — — — — — — — — J P a rk is lo o k in g The Arc of Tri-Cities C om m ittee m e e tin g is a t 1 0 :0 0 A.M. It w ill be held a t PCC Cascade Cam pus, Terrell Hall-Room 107. Everyone is invited SOUTHW EST W A S H IN G T O N A ffo rd ab le Housing for WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Seniors ( 6 2 years & o ld er) and Public Notice D isabled person (an y ag e) Clean, c o m fo rta b le and convenient. And close to sho p p in g and m edical fa cilitie s. Located in Newberg. Pet friendly! We accept Section 8 Vouchers Subsidized u n its m ay be available a t th is tim e . If not, q u a lifie d persons will a u to m a tic a lly be placed on a w aiting list fo r subsidy. SUB BIDS REQUESTED R ichland, Benton Co., WA. S ta r 610 SW Alder Street Suite 1221, Portland, OR 97 2 0 5 ■ N ame : T elephone : ! A ddress :----------------------------------------- ■ I PARK On b e h a lf o f th e W orkforce In ve stm e n t Boards (WIBs) of th e N orthw est Oregon and S outhw est W ashington WIRED Region, th e Southw est W ashington W orkforce D evelopm ent C ouncil (SWWDC) is se e kin g pro p o sa ls fo r c a re e r expo planning, m a rke tin g and co ordination services. This project w ill fo c u s on p la n n in g , m a rk e tin g a n d e x e c u tin g tw o Engineering Talent Expos in th e P ortland M etro area. This e ffo rt is fu n d e d by a WIRED g ra n t from th e US D e p a rtm e nt t 1 BR 6 0 0 sp ft 2 BR 7 3 0 sp ft Bids Due: Tuesday - Septem ber 15, 2 0 0 9 prior to 2 :0 0 pm Scope of Work: New 1 5 ,3 7 5 sf fa cility housing special-needs classroom s, co m p u te r lab, te a ch in g kitchen, laundry room, conference spaces, and a d m in istra tio n o ffices. LYDIG CONSTRUCTION, INC. 1 1 0 0 1 E. M ontgom ery, S pokane Valley, WA 9 9 2 0 6 Phone: (5 0 9 ) 5 3 4 -0 4 5 1 - Fax: (5 0 9 ) 5 3 5 -6 6 2 2 WA LIC #LYDIGC*264JC W e a re an equal opportunity employer and request sub/supplier bids and pre bid contact from all interested firms, including disadvantaged, minority, women, disabled veterans, and sm all business enterprises. $ 3 5 4 - $411 $451 - $566 Rents are Base Rent. Actual re n t is based on incom e. C ontact our M a nagem ent O ffice fo r details. (Office Hours M-F - 9 am to 5 pm) 5 0 3 -5 3 8 -8 8 2 5 TDD 1 -8 0 0 -7 3 5 -2 9 0 0 D unhill A partm ents Or visit on th e w eb at: < s new bergvillage® guardian-m gm tC Qm t=l We are an equal O pportunity Provider P rofessionally m anaged by G uardian M anagem ent, LLC o f Labor. The R equest fo r Proposals (RFP) w ill be a va ila b le on the SWWDC web site a t w ww .sw P roposals m u st be received by S e p te m b e r 4, 2 0 0 9 . For a d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n please co n ta ct Jerry P etrick a t ¡petrick@ Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council Is an equal opportunity employer and program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to Individuals with disabilities. This program funded In whole or In part through the US Department of Labor. PO RT O F PO RTLA ND To Place Your Classified Advertisem ent P o s s ib ility . In e v e ry d ir e c tio n .'“ CAREER OPPORTUNITIES airports, m arine term inals and industrial parks in the greater Portland m etropolitan area, to fu lfill its mission o f providing Contact: Kathy Linder Phone: 503 -2 88-0033 com petitive cargo and passenger access to world m arkets w hile e n h a n cin g th e re g io n ’s qu a lity o f life. To view cu rre n t jo b openings and to access th e application Fax: 503-288-0015 e-mail: classifieds@ done on » The Port of P ortland is a regional gove rn m en t operating form , visit th e P ort’s w ebsite at w w w Téâhi ! o r call (5 0 3 ) 9 4 4 -7 4 0 0 . |o h H o tlin e : 5 0 3 -9 8 8 - 5 0 3 5 TTY: 5 0 3 -9 8 8 -5 1 7 0 The Port o f P ortland is an AA/EEO em ployer co m m itte d to an e q u a l o p p o r tu n ity e m p lo ye r w orkforce diversity and a ffirm a tiv e action. I jm h n MULTNOMAH COUNTY w w .m u ltc o jo b s .o r g