ÿortlanb (Dbseruer September9.2009 PaSeA7 O bservador . el Strike Force to Battle Cartels, G angs Drug trafficking is major focus A tto rn e y G e n e ra l Jo h n to go after sophisticated drug K roger has announced that traffickers," Kroger said. “I also O regon has received a $1.5 appreciate the support of Sens. m illion federal grant to create W yden and M erkley, who a drug crimes task force at the helped us obtain this important O regon D epartm ent o f Ju s­ grant.” The state attorney general tice. “I’d like to thank U.S. Attor­ investigates and prosecutes ney General Eric Holder for pro­ complex drug trafficking and viding the resources for Oregon racketeering cases, as well as violent crime, public corruption and the sexual exploitation of children. A major focus of the state’s Crim inal Justice D ivision is Mexico-based Drug Trafficking Organizations, which dominate the methamphetmine, cocaine and heroin importation and dis­ tribution trade. In June, Kroger announced Operation Corridor Express, the largest drug racketeering case ever prosecuted in the Oregon court system. The in­ vestigation and subsequent in d ic tm e n ts b ro k e up tw o Drug T rafficking O rganiza­ tions - one based on W ash­ ington County and one based on Clackamas County - that distributed major amounts of m etham phetam ine, cocaine, h e ro in and o th e r d ru g s th ro u g h o u t the W illam ette attorneys. The team will initiate new cases, enhance investiga­ Valley. The new grant will allow the tions and pursue arrests and departm ent to hire two new convictions. prosecutors, two new investi­ Included in the effort will be gators and a new analyst who members of Oregon’s High-In­ make up the core of a multi­ tensity Drug Trafficking Area agency Drug Crim es Strike board, the Oregon Sheriffs’ As­ sociation, the Oregon Police Force. The new strike force will work C h iefs’ A ssociation and the with drug and gang investiga­ Oregon District Attorneys’ As­ tors, local police and district sociation. New Moon Rising at Milagro H IN I Kills Security Chief (AP) - The Ecuadorean government says President Rafael Correa's chief of security has died of swine flu. The online government publication El Ciudadano says air force Lt. Col. John Merino died Sunday after being hospitalized for 28 days. El Ciudadano cited as its source Francisco Torres, the doctor for the office of the Presidency, which was closed late Sunday. The publication said Correa expressed his condolences to Merino's family at the military hospital where he died. Ecuador has reported 36 confirmed deaths from swine flu as of last week, along with 1,382 infected. With two weeks o f Hispanic arts, culture Platinum Fade Cuban jazz singer Jessie Marquez will take the stage at the Milagro Theatre as part o f a two week festival o f Hispanic arts and culture. This week the Milagro The­ atre, 525 S.E. Stark St., kicks off its two-week festival of His­ panic arts and culture, which will feature flamenco dance, Cuban music, and reading of poetry and songs from local authors and musicians. The event titled “La Luna Nueva" or “The New M oon” will highlight new artists. It all begins on Saturday, Sept. 12, w ith “A N ight in S e v illa ,” which features traditional fla­ m enco m u sic and d a n c in g Melinda Hedgecourth has studied and performed tradi­ from respected artists. tional Flamenco dance in Spain and North America. She The follow ing week Jessie takes the Milagro Theatre stage on Saturday, Sept. 12. Marquez will belt out her soul­ The rest of the festival will G arcia Lorca, it will also fea­ ful and eclectic version of C u­ b an ja z z th a t d ra w s on feature story telling, poetry ture the work of rising local B ra z illia n b o ssa nova and readings, and plays that will writers. F o r a s c h e d u le , v is it N o rth A m e ric a n so u n d s, fe a tu re the w ork o f L atin w ra p p e d to g e th e r in p u re A m erican literary giants like m ilagro.org, or call 503-236- Pablo N eruda and Federico 7253. Latin emotion. Latino Workers Supported Civil rights priorities outlined * Oregon Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian w ants Latino workers to know that the Bu­ reau of Labor and Industries (BOLD is there to help them grapple with employers who stiff them on wages or break periods, in addition to provid­ ing protections in housing and public accommodations. “The state o f Oregon is go­ ing to protect your rig h ts,” said Avakian to a crowd gath- laws or civil rights, call BOLI for help.” Avakian proudly points to the state agency’s successful efforts to stave off harsh bud­ get cuts during the last Leg­ islative session in its Farm Labor Unit and Civil Rights Division, which is crucial to protecting the rights of w ork­ He said inquires from Span­ ish-speaking Oregonian con­ sistently represented 10 percent of all contacts for BOLI staff, Brad Avakian and 25 percent of claims for ered recently at Centro C ul­ unpaid wages also came from tural in C o rn elius. “ If you Spanish speakers in the same have q u estio n s about labor time period. (AP) - W ashington's new in the United States and sold to ambassador to Mexico says the drug gangs in Mexico. Pascual also called for a so­ U nited States must stop the flow of guns smuggled south lution for millions of undocu­ across the border in order to mented workers in the United improve security on both sides States. He sp o k e F rid a y at the of the border. Carlos Pascual says "we can­ c lo se o f th e an n u a l U .S .- not continue to arm the car­ M exico B o rd er G o v ern o rs tels," referring to guns bought Conference. Security and en- vironmental topics dominated the meeting. C o ah u ila state Gov. H um berto M oreira said he hoped the border region would become "a green wall" with the environmental accords. The only U.S. governor to attend the conference was New Mexico's Bill Richardson. Candidate Killed; Teenager Charged year-old Jose Francisco Fuente and rape his 38-year-old wife. Fuente belonged to the Institu­ tional Revolutionary Party. Gonzalez says the boy was a neighbor and another teenage suspect was a security guard at the gated com m unity in Villahermosa where Fuente, his wife, and their 9- and 13-year- old sons lived. Gonzalez said Sunday that police found a receipt in the guard's uniform for objects used in the attack. State officials are offering protection for candidates in the Oct. 18 election. Barbers & Hairstylist Wanted - 1 month free 5010 NE 9th Unit A, Portland, Oregon 97221 503-284-2989 in Hours o f operation: "" Pon land Ottieivei M-F Sat Sun Call 503-288-0033 .idso''portIjndob serkcr.com 9 am - 6 pm 8 am - 9 pm 1 la m - 6 pm THE SPINAICOLUMN ers. Guns Sales Hurt Security (AP) - Police in Villahermosa, Mexico have arrested a 16-year- old boy and two young men for allegedly killing a state congres­ sional candidate and his family. Tabasco state Attorney Gen­ eral Rafael Gonzalez says the three told police they planned to burglarize the home of 43- Ailvertisc with dive|sit\ We have the Best Barber & hair Stylist in Portland and we do Razor Line Cuts, Weaves, Relaxers and Cuts An ongoing series of questions and answers about America's natural healing profession Dr. Billy R. Flowers Part 1. CHIROPRACTIC: For the best in natural healing, hearing is believing. How did Chiropractic care come about? Ay Spinal manipulations have been practiced for over 2,500 years. Hippocrates, the “Fatherof Medicine," advised: “look well to the spine for the causeof disease." But modem Chiropractic came of age back in 1895. In Davenport, Iowa, a patient came to Dr. D.D. Palmer complaining of back pain. This patient had also been nearly deaf since suffering a back injury 17 years earlier. Dr. Palmer noticed a bump on the p a tie n t’s back, which he suspected was related to a dislocated vertebra. Torelieve the patient’s pain and reposition the vertebra. Dr. Palmer placed him on a table and pushed down on his back, perf orming a spinal manipulation or “adjustment.” He performed this adjustment three days in a row. By the third day, not only had the patient's back pain disappeared, his hearing reappeared. Today’s Chiropractors know that the j central nervous system (housed within the body’s spinal column) provides the energy, which govemsallbodilyfunctions. By making sure that the spinal column isin correct alignment. Chiropractors eliminate any possible interference, which would prevent the central nervous system from keeping the body functioning the way nature, intended. To find out how Chiropractic might be able to help you or for answers to any questions you might have about your health, please feel free to call us at the phone number shown below. Flow ers' C h iro p ractic Office 2124 NE Hancock, Portland Oregon 97212 Phone: (503) 287-5504 Jlortlanh (Dbsrrurr Established 1970 USPS 959-680-------------------------------------------------- 4747 NE Martin Luther King. Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 EDiToH-iN-CmeF, P vklishf . k : Charles H. 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